The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, November 24, 2013, Image 12
PAGE 12 THE DALLAS POST Sunday, November 24, 2013 Dr. Nate Klein joins staff at Klein Chiropractic Clinic Dr. Nate Klein has joined the staff of Klein Chiropractic Clinic in Dallas. Raised in the Back Mountain, Dr. Klein attended Luzerne County Community College for three years to complete pre-chiropractic undergraduate requirements. Afterwards, he and his wife Elizabeth moved to the Atlanta metro area where he completed four years of doctoral education at Life Chiropractic University. Dr. Klein graduated in September 2013 and has moved back to begin work with his family’s practice. He is National Board certified and also holds a physiotherapy cer- tification, which allows him to use modalities such as thera- ment chiropractic care by allowing for faster healing and patient recovery. Dr. Klein also has a special interest in conditions of the The following memo- rial/honor books have been placed on the Books remember loved ones gone peutic ultrasound and electrical muscle stimulation to supple- Meadows Nursing Center Auxiliary kicks off annual membership drive The Meadows Nursing Center Auxiliary, Dallas, recently kicked off its annual membership drive that asks the community to help by either donat- ing $10 as a sustainer member or to actively volunteer to help resi- dents at the center. Since the Meadows in 1984, volun- teers have donated over 339,000 hours of service and more than $331,000 to various departments inception of The Value fC itchens teer opportunities, 570-675-8600 ext. Gathering to prepare the mailing are auxiliary vol- unteers, from left, first row, Mary Law, Marilyn call 195. in the center for essen- Sorchik and Valeria tial equipment. For more Jenkins. Second row, information about becom- Maryan Daily, Irene Mike ing a member and volun- and Louise Montigney. ax e're more than great kitchens maon-thurs: 8-6 fri: 8-5 sat: 9-3 W HOLIDAY HO MON. 10-8 TUES. 10-6 WED. 10-5 THURS. 10-8 FRI. 10-8 SAT. 10-6 SUN. 12-5 GET READY for the SNOW at The Top of the Slope! No Like us on ®./ Facebook Girl Scouts visit Dallas fire station Scouts from Girl Scout Junior Troop #32647 visited the Dallas Fire & Ambulance station. Joshua Sawyer, assistant fire Ccief, instructed the girls on emergency procedures and basic first aid. The girls were able to go through one of the ambulances and see the dif- ferent equipment that the EMTs use. The girls are working on their First Aid badge. From left, first row, are Emma Brown, Marigrace Huntington, Madison Carlsson, Alyssa Pritchard, Shelby Pocono, Morgan Sakulich. Second row, Chloe Zondlo, Jordan Banks, Emily Williams, Jessica Allen, Morgan Williams, Lauren Butwin, Cara Pocono and Ryan Costello. CW, SCHULTZ & SON, NC (570) 822-8158 § knees, ankles and feet, having shelves of the Back suffered a serious injury himself . & . Klei li i of October 2013: In memory of Marion Landers, “Daughter of Empire: my life as a Mountbatten” by Pamela Hicks, pre- sented by Edward and Marilyn Baluh In memory of Richard Orlowski, “Old Man River: the Mississippi River in North American histo- ry” by Paul Schneider, presented by Carl and Noreen Gladey; “Coal Cars: The First Three Hundred Years” by Martin Robert Karig III, presented by Dr. Debra Serfoss; “One Summer: America, 1927” by Bill Bryson, presented by Dean Nackley In memory of Irene Katyl, “The Game Changer: a simple sys- tem for improving your bowling scores” by Mark Baker, presented by Stu and Debby Kirkwood; “Bowling Skills and Drills” (DVD), presented by Stu and Debby Kirkwood In memory of Ernie Ashbridge, “Waterford Crystal: Irish Brilliance” by Sharma Krauskopf, presented by Arlene, David, and Amelia Grudkowski; “Antiques Roadshow 20th Century Collectibles” by Carol Prisant, presented by David Fritz; “Carnival Glass” by Ellen T. Schroy, presented by Barbara Lemmond; NEW FACH OF GEM-RIVERSIDE in Dallas Rebecca Yurko ver Physical Therapist with 16+ Years Experience & Back Mountain Native a Helen Wentz: “Don’t™" 27 Main St. Dallas, PA 18612 (570) 674-2659 Wed-Sat 4-6pm $1 Off All Drinks! Wing Night 45¢ wings all night » $2 Lagers $19. os Prime Rib Dinners $3 Select Glass of Wine Clam Night $4.95 dozen * $2 Coors Light $19.% Lobster dinners $4 Cosmo Martini’s Daily Food Special $5 Select Dom. Pitcher Make reservations for our Thanksgiving Dinner Buffet Seating times 1 & 5 » $19.95 per/person No party to big or small 31 Lakeside Drive, Harvey’s Lake ® 570-519-0008 “Antique Trader Bottles” | by Michael Polak, pre- : sented by Mary Gemski | In memory of Eugenia DeRose, “Simple Crochet” by Erika Knight, presented by Anais and Sheldon Watsky | In memory of | Richard G. Evans, Jr., “Autobiography of Mark | Twain” by Mark Twain (vol. 1), presented by Ruth Federici, Karen | Bevevino, and Stephen and Nancy Federici; : “Autobiography of Mark | Twain” by Mark Twain (vol. 2), presented by Irene Zych; In memory of Olive A, McDonald, “The Layered Garden” by | David L. Culp, presented | by Ron and Betsy Balonis | In memory of Frank Kopstas, “The Liberty Amendments” by Mark R. Levin, presented by The Village of Greenbriar | The following books are in memory of Adam | Onzik and are presented | by Margaret and Russ = Susko and Family: 3 “Hiking Pennsylvania” by John L. Young, “Great | Hikes in the Poconos and Northeast Pennsylvania” by Boyd Newman The following DVDs are in memory of Elizabeth W. Kachmar and are presented by Robert Packer Hospital | Radiation Oncolgy Staff: | “Mari Winsor Pilates,” : “Quick Start Pilates,” “Trudie Styler’s Core Strength Pilates,” “East Chair Exercises” : The following books are in memory of Helen | Dymond and are present- ed by John and Elizabeth Lloyd: “Hawk Mountain: The World’s First Raptor Sanctuary” by Jim Wright and “Best Garden | Plants for Pennsylvania” ! by Ilene Sternberg . The following books pain memory of Kevin Her-and-are presented od SS Copy Me” by Jonathan i Allen, “Chopsticks” by 7 Amy Krouse Rosenthal The following books * are in memory of Lillie Marino and are presented by the Back Mountain Bloomers Garden Club: “The Flower Recipe Book” by Alethea Harampolis, “Slow Flowers” by Debra | Prinzing The following books are in memory of Elizabeth Kachmar and | are presented by Ellyn M. Saxton: “Classified” by Fern Michaels (large print), “Christmas on 4t Street” by Susan Maller: (large print) The following books are in memory of : Marion E. Wilson and are presented ] by Christine Drake: “Someone” by Alice McDermott (large print), “The Stranger You Know” by Andrea Kane (large print) | The following books are in memory of Ella Katherine Shaw and are presented by Carolyn, Heather, Karen, Marla, { Sharon, and Tracy: “Almost Identical” by Lin Oliver, “Hold Fast” by Blue Balliett, “The Year of Billy Miller” by Kevin Henkes, “The Moon and More” by Sarah Dessen, “Bluebird” by Bob Staake, “The Tree Lady” by H. Joseph Hopkins, “I Wish I Had...” by Giovanna Zobili, “Barnum’s sone by Tracey Fern { | i § | i [] { ¥ | HONOR The following books are in honor of David and Joan Roskos and are presented by Betsy Balonis: “Little Mouse” by Alison Murray, “Oh No, Little Dragon” by Jim Averbeck In honor of The Bookshop Volunteers, “Book Finds: How to Find, buy, and Sell Used and Rare Books” by Ian C. Ellis, presented by Ruth Tetschner