The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, October 06, 2013, Image 2
THE DALLAS POST Sunday, October 6, 2013 Hea King Crossword Super Crossword IN COMMON g ACROSS 49 Trio after K 86 Capitol body 126 Phys ed 40 “— 76 Rome's — ACROSS iT BF EEF 8 [9 [10 [11 1 Move belly- 50 Angels’ rings 88 Good bud Forgettin’” Fountain 1 Spaces = = up on all 51 Poetic dusk 90 Daytona 500 DOWN (1982 78 Snake eyes S Slight touch fours 52 Husband of entries, e.g. 1 10 sawbucks pop hit) 82 Of one’s 8 South 15 6 17 9 Take — (do Sarah Palin 94 Tiny air sacs 2 Gads about 43 “How Great forebears American some 54 Droid or in the lungs 3 See 41- — Art” 84 Dog relative country 18 20 traveling) iPhone, e.g. 98 OPEC Across 44 Goddess of 85 Gets 12 Geometric 14 Capital of 57 9-Down supply 4 Abuts concord bloated multiplica- 23 Tanzania seaport 99 Toughen,as 5 Obi- — 45 Sliding by 86 Torah locale tion 55 or 20 Restricted 58 Lions lie in it to hardship Kenobi 46 Eatery list 87 Emerald Isle 13 Individual zone 59 “Filthy” gain 100 Loud couple 6 NPR's 47 Aquatint, e.g. 88 Deprive (of) 11 Ostriches’ 33 34 21 Espresso 61 Retro ina Shapiro 48 War film, 89 Farm alarm? Ki with hairstyles marching 7 Drumstick when tripled 91 Weep in. 38 steamed 63 Strike and band 8 Madeline of 53 Actor 92 U.S. spy org. 15 Willing, milk ball caller ~~ 104 Artificial fat “Clue” Mulroney 93 Brian of rock old-style 22 Reaming 64 It's smartto 108 They require 9 Like Casbah 54 Of the 94 Orbital 16 Bowling ER appliance back this up double reeds natives earliest ages point variation | 23 One using a 68 19th-century 109 It’s all wet 10 Hellenic “T” 55 Pigeon shed 95 Stereotypes 18 Wool | spare king of 110 Missions, for 11 Hwy. 56 Ending for 96 Bluish-purple provider bedroom Sweden and short 12 “There, enzymes 97 Suffix with from 8- 25 New York's Norway 112 Rail supports there” 58 Chemist robot or poet ACross | — Island 70 Sothern of 113 Italian-style 13 — dish Mendeleev 101 — come (in 20 Examiner | 26 Minister to “Maisie” ice cream 14 45 spinners 59 Red Square the future) 21. ratte ] 27 Scottish 71 Butterfly’s 115 What this 15 Defeat in a honoree 102 Taj — 23 Set of parts 49 Early bird’s expedition 27 Made of I refusal title puzzle's pool race 60 Banquet 103 UV ray- 6oD0sIe? 5 Philanthropic iron | 28 Metalliferous 72 People who seven 16 “Julia” star coffeepots blocking and tools 51 Lh : it P | rock call without longest Carroll 61 Uses a “+” stat 24 Anarchist’s hange gl ; e.g. | 30 Quiver being asked answers 17 Scale range 62 Italian 105 Pageant belief 52 Hint 6 Blackbird 29 Baked | 31 Gloria of pop 77 Prefix with have in 18 Less bold monk crown 28 Pinches 53 Island 7 Crooked dessert 35 Surf zone car or law common 19 James of 64 Vena — 106 Takes ten 31 Coach neckwear 8 Stomach 30 — Francisco sights 79 “Soap Talk” 121 High dice roll westerns 65 “..— quit” 107 Embers Parseghian 94 Great Lake enzyme 33 Threesome 39 Bicycle co-host Lisa 122 Bird claw 24 Diner bill 66 Rikki-tikki- — 111 Male caribou 32 Choral 55 Watches 9 Sending out 36 Plates spokes, e.g. 80 —togo 123 Priced 29 Env. : 67 Women's 114 Roll- — composition 56 And so on 10 Mysterious 38 Martini i 41 With 3- (fired up) separately, addition patriotic org. (deodorants) 34 Actress (Abbr.) letter garnishes Down, many 81 Kind of PC as 46-Down 32 Lot in life 69 It aired 116 A hardwood Vardalos 57 Half the 11 Cold War 40 Trench I a tax auditor monitor items 33 Fusses “Crossfire”. 117 “— -hoo!” offspring country 42 Formerly ! 42 Inventors of 82 Stratford's 124 Nitrate and ~~ 34 Actor Cage, 72 Google find 118 Bridge writer 35 Poet (Abbr) 43 Craft { new words river nitrite, e.g. to friends 73 Work to get Culbertson 37 About 78 DOWN 174A mousal”. ian. 8 ny { 43 What many 83 Hang behind 125 Actor 36 Transgress 74 Actress — 119 “Rambo” percent of ; mouse! ta & ' corporations 84 UPI bulletin Edward 37 Request de Matteo site our atmo- 1 Festive party 19 Serene 46 Poi source are listed on 85 Pollen carrier ~~ James — 38 Victor's color 75 Wine cooler 120 CL doubled sphere 2 Seed 22 Moving 47 Ireland 39 Melody covering about 48 Deli loaves | Pra ole a ib ler 8 19:11 2 41 Bor 3 Chick's 24 Arrest 50 Drenched 42 Confesses sound 25 A Gershwin 45 Hang around 4 Jungle 26 Lecture © 2013 King Features Synd., Inc. 13 14 [15 [16 [17 [18 [19 22 25 29 38 42 48 I ee St (¢ (®) FIG 8) = =X by Linda Thistle The idea of Go Figure is to arrive at the figures given at the bot- tom and right-hand columns of the diagram by following the arithmetic signs in the order they are given (that is, from left to right and top to bottom). Use only the numbers below the diagram to complete its blank squares. and use each of the nine numbers only once. DIFFICULTY: * * * Moderate * * Difficult * * %x GO FIGURE! ETA 1 23 567899 © 2013 King Features Syndicate, Inc. 105 (106 [107 S 25, 99 103 104 110 111 112 118 |119 [120 123 SS FE i Nr Ee The Mountain Lot Township; $205,000 Dallas Borough; $225,000 Edward A. and Sarah following Back Kingston real estate 124 126 Meet Eva Eva is a 1 1/2 year old poodle/chihuahua (chi-poo) mix. She is very playful and affectionate. She is alert, charming, lovable and agile. Eva does need a daily walk but will do well in an apart- ment; She is very smart, highly responsive and loves to be with people. You can visit Eva and her friends at © 2013 King Features Synd., Inc. All rights reserved. transactions have been recorded in the Luzerne County Office of the Recorder of Deeds for the week of Sept. 23, 2013: Melissa A. Lucas to John and Kathleen Boyles, Harveys Lake Borough; $115,000 Beth Ann Puchalsky, Mark F. and Tara C. Matlock to Beth Ann Puchalsky, Tara C. Matlock and Tara C. Charron, 22 Second St., Harveys Lake; $1 Lorraine B. Lucidi to Patricia Soroka and Scott Meade, Kingston Township; $157,000 Pennstar Bank to Marybeth Hlavac and Cynthia Katoski, Lot 3, Harveys Lake Borough; $3,500 Paul Foster to Adam Carpin, 70 Outlet Road, ie Lake Borough; 1 Estate of Francis J. Donahoe to John E. Halbing III, Dallas T. Lottick to Deeluxe Holdings LP, Lot 17, Franklin Township; $175,000 Commonwealth Realty to Samnor, LLC, Lot Section A, Har itech Dallas Townsh 1 Jonathan Matthew and Johanna Marie Broscious to Paula A. Martin, Lot 3, Hunlock Township; $89,000 The following Back Mountain real estate BLUE CHIP FARMS Estate of Cecelia Township; $46,000 transactions have been : ANIMAL REFUGE Zakjawski to John Estate of Vivian recorded in the Luzerne i 974 Lockville Road Kenneth III ‘and Newcomb to Michael County Office of the Dallas Lou Ann Frank, 146 L. and Samuel Payne, Recorder of Deeds for the l VISITING HOURS: Manor Drive, Kingston 109 School St., Kingston week of Sept. 30, 2013: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday: Noon to 5 p.m. Other hours by appointment Call: 570-333-5265 Email: Bock Mountain communi wHch inchides The Daliag and | AR- BITE n School Districts. We ry 10 get 1 a8 many events as possible, but stall and space lmitason: azibile 1a cover everything tou have news about your family, kan oF 2 atin send am welcome. Send thee hg y ral ¥ 15 N. Main St, Wikes-Barne, PAT8T11 or by e-fral 10 news delfaspostcom. E-mal & Township; $115,000 Philip P. and Betsy B. Pack to Mark Anthony and Lisa Marie DiPippa, ” NEWSPAPER 15 NORTH MAIN STREET, WILKES-BARRE, PA 18711 Township; $60,000 Estate of Eleanor M. Gerchak to Frank E. and Marsha Paczewski, James W. and Jean L. Shaffer to Walter F. Glahn III, Jackson Township; $130,000 You can now pumhass Patsppirsn Th Dukssrod orm rm | 570-675-5211 + FAX 570-675-3650 ADVERTISING Display AdverSising Deadine: Tuesdays at 12 noon Contact Diane McGee at 970-7153 The Dallas Post has a variely of advedising ies Sd programe. The Dallas Post safisfies most co-op ad me dnd ofiors cragtive servos al no charge The Abington Journd, Clarks Su erent and the Sunday Dispatch. Pitsion are available. he best and most method or subrmis- sion. E-mailed phalos shouki be in JPEG ormatwith a tion of of least 200 dpi. The deadiing for di copy is Tuesday & noon. on publicaion. Corecions, 0) en en, ioe Daltas Poet will comect emars of fact or carly ay misunderstandings, calf 675-5211. Have a story idea? 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