THE DALLAS POST Sunday, September 8. 2013 ELIZABETH BAUMEISTER Bursts of color fill the small shop inside a barn at Darling and Sons Farms and Greenhouses, Dallas, where the Darling Family sells almost every vegetable that will grow in local soil. Green husks of corn, bright red toma- toes, white, yellow and purple onions, yellow, green and red peppers, green and yellow string beans and a variety of flow- ers and plants from the greenhouse are just a sampling of the products one may find there. As customers enter the store, Joe Darling, 46, greets them with a smile from his place behind the counter or among the tidy tables of produce. Outside, rows of crops line the fields, green mountains towering in the dis- tance. Darling said this scenery is one thing he appreciates most about location across from the Dallas High School on Hildebrandt Road. “The area is beautiful,” he said. “Especially the mountains.” The greatest benefit of the location, he MEET JOE DARLING Hobbies/Interests: Gardening, basketball. Favorite vegetable: Corn. Dream vacation: Italy. Favorite sports team: Penguins. The Dallas shop is open year-round, with flowers available in the spring for Mother’s Day and Easter, fresh veg- etables during the summer, pumpkins, gourds and Indian corn in the fall season and handmade wreathes and Christmas trees during the winter holiday season. JUNTAIN BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT: DARLING AND SONS FARMS AND GREENHOUSES Darling Farms is a staple in the Back Mountain Joe Darling said business then slows down in January and February, when the joe Darling stands outside the small produce store on his family’s farm in Dallas. family begins preparations for spring. A day in the life of a Darling farmer is Darling said, “and it chang- never the same as the last. es from there every day.” “We usually start our day at 7:00,” Sometimes he’ll rotate picking whatever crops mm are ready on a particu- : lar day, sometimes he’ll work to maintain the greenhouses. He said the best aspects of farming of farming, no matter what the tasks of the day, are being outdoors all the time and eating the fresh vegetables from the land. “That’s the biggest plus,” he said. added, is the people. “They are nice,” he Elizabeth Baumeister ots | The Dallas Post said, “and there’s loyalty here.” Darling and his brother, Norman Jr., who is 10 years older than he, grew up on the farm. He said the property was purchased by the Darlings in 1931, but “The Next Best Place To Home” BACK MOUNTAIN DAY CARE « Infants - School Age Ciao TEE Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks i. Early Childhood Curriculum Low Teacher Ratio - Small Class Size Safe & Positive Learning Environment Experienced and Dedicated Staff 161 North Main Street, Shavertown / (570) 674-4030 ° Darling and Sons Farms and Greenhouses grows and sells a vast array of vegetables at its Dallas loca- tion at 38 Hildebrandt Road, across from the Dallas High School. Serving The ! Back Mountain Area | Since 1999 | i Civitas Media launches new interactive community website Civitas Media, parent company of The Dallas Post, is committed to serv- ing its communities and providing relevant news and information through multiple channels. With this in mind, Civitas Media has launched myownda, an interactive community website, in Wilkes-Barre. MyOwn website is now available at myowndal- las com. Log in today and see where commu- nity comes together. is an innovative way to find out about, and par- ticipate in, what's going on near you. The site has been built so that you have plenty of opportunity to share photos, videos and stories, as well play online games, post upcoming events or just see what your neighbors are doing. “The MyOwn website is The site features hyper- local news and information generated by community residents about area hap- penings and events. “The MyOwn Community website is based on the town square, or public square, con- cept,” said Michael Bush, Civitas Medias president and CEO. “As an amateur historian, I am intrigued by how communities were influenced by the interac- tion that took place in the town square, or communi- ty center, and how impor- tant that type of interac- tion still is today.” The MyOwn website is a community-specific news, information and engage- ment platform driven by the most important individuals in the Back Mountain, its citizens. “The MyOwn sites can revolutionize the way neighbors connect with each other and their com- munities,” Bush said. [Steelers Team Hotel | " Broncos 9/15 (Manning Bown || “With today’s busy life- Titans 9/7-8 (8 Remaining) Eagles 10/6 L 4 @ " styles, it has become more Bears 9/22-23 = Vikings 10/21 RA tar Pa Cle and more difficult for indi- Ravens 10/19-20 Chargers (4 Remaining) 9/156 Raiders 11/10 ackage viduals and families to eas- Bills 11/8-10 (1 OR 2 Nights) Cowboys (14 Remaining) 10/20 Packers 11/17 Cy DE uct Iv: maintain the. level of Lions 11/16-17 pg. Giants (17 Remaining) 10/27 ~ Cowboys 11/24 ol wins mare py] pi saab ] y, . . evel o Dolphins 12/7-8 Redskins 11/17 Seahawks 12/15 . daily interaction that keeps Bengals 12/15-16 Bears 12/22 || Redskins 12/29 Je CET ET ET ER 1S = a community vibrant,” said the solution the commu- nity has been looking for,” Lafferty said. “The MyOwn site will strengthen our community and improve the lives of its residents, but we can’t do it with- out everyones support.” The Back Mountain’s from ONLY y sar 5 OVERNIGHT VWVIN. EE TRIPS Taste of He bakes sSopt, 23-29 from ON Y $289.95 aves & Lakes - Oct 26-27 Celebrate Auturrus Jor a Day! Walt Lafferty, The Times 8/31 or 9/1 Orioles Moras’: va J 1 ? NT STATE fi il : Leader General Manager. 9/7 or 9/8 Red Sox LT 7 11/8 9 or 11/8-10 | | “As the leading source of 9/22 Giants 10/12 MICHIGAN | 4% 1 or 2 Nights Packages || news and information in (Farewell Mariano Rivera) 11/2 ILLINOIS a i i . Weekend ; 1 ii gorse, bi kh We Yankees vs Red Sox @ Fenway Park Ti/1s ruRDUS 1 or 2 sh ooh Community momen | CHE RES oe TE nesnpsia rights Ties | involved and active.” me End Zone ic 20-50 Yard Line Seating! EST. 1994 Groups MyOwn website STO TOES. BSE TT PaulsonTours com Owned
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