The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, August 25, 2013, Image 6
PAGE 6 THE DALLAS POST Joe Butkiewicz EXECUTIVE EDITOR 829-7249 The Dallas Post Community Newspaper Group THE Times LEADER 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 18711 - 570-675-5211 Diane McGee Advertising 970-7153 Dotty Martin EDITOR 970-7440 STRANGE BUT TRUE By Samantha Weaver * It was famed film producer and studio executive Samuel Goldwyn who made the following sage observation: “The most important thing in acting is honesty. Once you've learned to fake that, you're in.” * Sarah Bernhardt, the French star of stage and early film, who was often referred to as “the most famous actress the world has ever known” and “the divine Sarah,” often slept in a coffin. She said it helped her to better understand tragic roles. * Have you ever suffered from ottorrhea? If you've had a pus- containing discharge from your ear, you have. * In the original “Star Trek” series, a pair of the false ears worn by Leonard Nimoy in the role of Spock would last only three to five days of shooting before they had to be replaced. * I'm sure you've heard that President Richard Nixon was sometimes called “Tricky Dick,” especially toward the end of his troubled career, but you may not be familiar with other nick- names he had. In college his perceived lack of a sense of humor prompted the name “Gloomy Gus,” and his tendency to spend long hours sitting and studying earned him the moniker “Iron Butt.” * Records show that during the last seven months of Elvis Presley’s life, he had 5,300 different medications prescribed for him. * In 1938, Fortune magazine published a prediction that, in hindsight, turns out to have been rather egregiously off the mark: “Few scientists foresee any serious or practical use for atomic energy. They regard the atom-splitting experiments as useful steps in the attempt to describe the atom more accurate- ly, not as the key to the unlocking of any new power.” **%x* Thought for the day: “Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.” — Henry David Thoreau ENTS IN TIME The History Channel * On Sept. 5, 1666, fire- fighters in London begin blowing up homes in a desper- ate attempt to halt the spread of a great fire through the city. By the time the fire was finally snuffed out the following day, more than 100,000 people had been left homeless. * On Sept. 7, 1776, dur- ing the Revolutionary War, the 8-foot-long American sub- mersible craft Turtle attempts to attach a time bomb to the hull of British Admiral Richard Howe’s flagship Eagle in New York Harbor. It was the first use of a submarine in warfare. * On Sept. 6, 1915, a pro- totype tank nicknamed Little Willie rolls off the assembly line in England. It weighed 14 tons, got stuck in trench- es and crawled over rough terrain at only 2 mph. For secrecy, production workers were told the vehicles would be used to carry water on the battlefield. The new vehicles were shipped in crates labeled “tank,” and the name stuck. * On Sept. 3, 1935, a new land-speed record is set by Britain’s Sir Malcolm Campbell. On the Bonneville Salt Flats of Utah, Campbell and his 2,500-horsepower car Bluebird made two runs over a 1-mile course at speeds aver- aging 301 mph. * On Sept. 8, 1945, U.S. troops land in Korea to begin their postwar occupation of the southern part of that nation, almost exactly one month after Soviet troops had entered northern Korea to begin their own occupation. Although the U.S. and Soviet occupations were supposed to be temporary, the division of Korea quickly became perma- nent. * On Sept. 2, 1969, America’s first automatic teller machine (ATM) makes its public debut, dispensing cash to customers at Chemical Bank in Rockville Center, N.Y. It wasn’t until 1971 that an ATM could handle multiple functions, including provid- ing customers’ account bal- ances. * On Sept. 4, 1972, US. swimmer Mark Spitz wins his seventh gold medal at the Summer Olympics in Munich and establishes new world records in all the events. The record would stand until Michael Phelps took home eight gold medals at the Beijing Games in 2012. a SUR SPACE aL Dallas Post photographer Bill Tarutis show this photo in Orange one day this summer when he was between assignments. “YOUR SPACE" is reserved specifically for Dallas Post readers who have something they'd like to share with fellow readers. Submitted items may include photographs or short stories and should be sent via e-mail to, by, fax to 675-3650 or by mail to The Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. Information must include the submitting person's name, address and telephone number in the event we have questions. Readers wishing to have their photos returned should include a self-addressed/stamped envelope. Items will be published in the order in which they are received. The editor of The Dallas Post reserve the right to reject any items submitted for publication. 20 YEARS AGO -1993 Chris Hackett of Shavertown was the first Back Mountain tri- athlete across the fin- ish line at the Greater Wilkes-Barre Triathlon at the Penn State Wilkes-Barre campus last Sunday with a time of 2 hours, 14 minutes, four seconds. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Lake Silkworth, will con- duct its annual festival Friday, Saturday and Sunday on the church grounds. All activities are under cover in the new pavil- ion. Committee members are: Al Radginski, co-chairman, Tony Stefanowicz, co-chairman, Len Emmlet, Rita Stefanowicz, Denise Stefanowicz, Ceil Piotrowski, Doug Ide, Peg Radginski, Beulah Niezgoda, Adam Stefanowicz and Bruce Najaka. : The Dallas Lions Club recently installed new officers for the 1993- 1994 year at ceremonies held at Irem Temple Country Club. New officers are: president, Dave Fitch; first vice-president, Dr. Jay Tanner; second vice-president, Patrick Burke; third vice-presi- dent, Joseph Canfield; secretary, Gary Hozempa; treasurer, Bruce Pitts; Lion Tamer, Timothy Carroll; and Tail Twister, David spring. 30 YEARS AGO - 1983 A group of young volunteers gave many hours of service this summer at the children’s annex of the Back Mountain Memorial Library. The children acted as ONLY YESTERDAY ‘desk clerks and assisted Mrs. Richard Rudolph, children’s librar- ian, in operating the “Book Buck Fair” and party, honor ing participants of the “Reading Game.” The volunteers are: Allison 3. Berlew, Joanne Zuba, * Colleen Jordan, Cathy Zuba, Melissa Baido and Allyson Lukasavage. The local chapter of UNICO recently elected new officers at installa- tion ceremonies conducted at the Pine Brook Inn, Dallas. New offi- cers are: Bill Falzone, Dallas, presi- dent; Danny Scalzo, Dallas, first vice president; Carl Scarantino, Forty Fort, second vice president; Jim Perugino, Dallas, financial secretary; Ron Petro, Shavertown, sergeant-at-arms. 40 YEARS AGO -1973 Cub Scout Pack 281 of Dallas held a Bike Rally at the Dallas Senior High School Friday night. Richard Rogers, Scoutmaster, led the group. Nick Stull has the best decorated bike, followed by Bill Rusin and Bobby Morgan. Winners of the shalom were: first, Jeff Gula; second, Jeff Corcoran; and third, Billy Dewey. Ken Bayliss, Dallas, of the Harveys Lake Yacht Club, became the national champion of the International Mobjack Association Sunday by nosing out the national champ of the last three years in the championship regatta held at Harveys Lake over the weekend. Adrian Pearsall and Dick Demmy, both of Dallas and also members of the Harveys Lake club, fished fourth and fifth, respectively, in the national competition. 50 YEARS AGO - 1963 Paul Doris and William Motyka, co-chairmen for the Jonathan R. Davis Volunteer Fire Company Annual Festival, announce that only one week remains to pur- chase chances on the five prizes to be awarded Sunday, September 1. First prize will be a 21” color TV set; second, HI-FI stereo; third, electric Bar-B-Q; fourth, clock radio; and fifth, Electric Fry Pan. Back Mountain Hammond Organ Society will hold a family picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gelsleichter, Mooretown, Sunday afternoon. The society is made up of folks who enjoy musi- cal get-togethers, many of them beginners on the organ. Members are. Burl Updyke, Marjorie Krimmel, Allen Wilkensen and Mrs. Ethel Gelsleichter. Curtis Bynon and Leonard Dougherty are chairmen for the annual Family Picnic of Daddow- Isaacs Post 672, American Legion which will be held at Melody Park on Sunday. Tom Reese will be in charge of prizes and dick Fuller, refreshment chairman. 60 YEARS AGO - 1953 A resident of Sweet Valley took three blue ribbons at Georgia State Fair this year, a great sur- prise to Mrs. Joseph Battisson, who had taken 100 jars of fruit and vegetables to her mother, Mrs. S.F. Powell, when she made her winter trip to her home town of Brunswick, Ga. Expecting them to grace the family dinner table instead of the exhibition. When Mrs. Battisson made a second trip this summer, her mother handed her three blue ribbons. Mrs. Ernest Bell, Shaver Avenue, Shavertown, enter- tained the members of the Ladies Missionary Society of the Shavertown Bible Church on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Daniel Redka, a student at Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, was guest speaker. Present were: Mesdames Samuel Keast, William Belles, Russell Edmondson, Elmer Hoover, Laura Steltz, Ernest Lomax, William Hanna, Warren Culp, John Allen, Johnston Miers, Herman Monroe, peter Evelock, Roxie Hoover and Betty Walters. 70 YEARS AGO - 1943 Margaret and Audrey Shupp entertained members of the Teen Age Class of East Dallas. Methodist Church, recently. Class members present were: Martha Hadsel, Ellen Sands, Marilyn Wilson, Marion Hildebrant, Elsie Mahoney and Beatrice Hildebrant. Movies playing at the Shaver Theatre, Shavertown, included “Tarzan Triumphs” starring Johnny Sheffield, Francis Gifford and Johnny Weismuller; “Dr. Gillespie's New Assistant” star- ring Lionel Barrymore, Van Johnson and Susan Peters; and “It Happened One Night” star- ring Clarke Gable and Claudette Colbert. The Dallas Post has been in existence for 125 wears. Information for “Only Yesterday” newspaper and is reprinted exactly as it first appeared. respon id 5s repro hel) Saturday farmers market is the place to be In case you haven't heard, the farmers’ market at the Back Mountain Library is the place to be on Saturday mornings. Join your neighbors and friends as they shop among 10 farmers and artisans offering a variety of fresh produce, baked goods, honey, breads and soup. The market runs from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on each Saturday until Oct. 5. Shop early and often as the food offered varies depending on the weekly harvest. The library is located at 96 Huntsville Road, Dallas. You may call the library at 675-1182 for detailed directions. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The library is seeking volun- teers to assist with parking on these Saturday mornings from 9 am to noon, due to the high traffic volume at the market. Interested adults may call the library at 675- 1182 to schedule a few hours for a Saturday. As always, the library greatly appreciates the help and recognizes that volunteers are a vital aspect of the Markets con- tinued success. In the interest of safety and consideration of others, the pub- lic is asked to please refrain from bringing dogs to the market. BOOKWORMS AVAILABLE Children who created a bookworm during the library's Summer Reading Program: “Dig Into Reading,” are reminded that they can pick up their book worms in the Children’s Room during regular library hours. CLOSED LABOR DAY The library will be closed on Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 2. It will resume with regular hours on Tuesday, Sept. 3. | § “VES. | AM EXCITED T0 SEE ALL OF MY FRIENDS Katie Zimmerman Dallas “AR “NO. NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO SNOW AND SCHOOL WORK.” Lauren Zimmerman Dallas “NO, NOT REALLY. | HAVE TO WAKE UP TOO EARLY AND BE THERE BY 8:00." Taylor Joseph Dallas pL?” "YEAH. SO | CAN SEE MY FRIENDS EVERY DAY” Parker DalSanto Shavertown al “YES. SO | CAN GET AWAY FROM MY SISTER. Malik Kaleta Trucksville “VES. BECAUSE SUMMER IS $000000 BORING” Eddie Zochowski Dallas ———— A A —.