The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, June 16, 2013, Image 6
PAGE 6 EDITORIAL SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2013 Joe Butkiewicz EXECUTIVE EDITOR 829-7249 The Dallas Post Community Newspaper Group THE Times LEADER 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 18711 - 570-675-5211 Diane McGee Advertising 970-7153 Dotty Martin EDITOR 970-7440 Books remember, honor loved ones The following memorial/ honor books have been add- ed to the shelves of the Back Mountain Memorial Library, 96 Huntsville Road, Dallas, for the month of May 2013: In memory of Dick Evans, “Doing More with Teams: A New Way to Winning” by Bruce Piasecki, presented by Maureen and Daniel Mello In memory of Charles Lem- mond, “And Man Created God” by Selina O’Grady, presented by Clarence and Morag Michael; “Beach: A Book of Treasure” by Josie Iselin, presented by Jim and Margaret Reinert; “Here is Where: Discovering America’s Great Forgotten History” by Andrew Carroll, presented by Bruce and Beth Rosenthal In memory of Dr. Franz Schreder, “The Open Book: Celebrating 40 Years of Ameri- ca’s Grand Slam,” presented by Norma Leandri In memory of Robert For- tinsky, “Business Brilliant” by Lewis Schiff, presented by Greg and Diane Pocono; “Alfred’s Teach Yourself to Play Piano” by Willard A. Palmer, presented by William and Eleanor Wilkie In memory of Corey Ehret, “Building Outdoor Gear” by Gil Gilpatrick, presented by Robert and Nancy Kline In memory of Joseph Pur- cell, “The Emerald Mile” by Kevin Fedarko, presented by Kathy McManus-Moretti In memory of James Ku- lick, “Seven Men: And the Se- crets of Their Greatness” by Eric Metaxas, presented by Do- reen Vitiello In memory of Jacqueline Zimmerman Dombek, “Mate- rial World: The Science of Mat- ter” by Jay Hawkins, presented by Lorraine Redlich In memory of Ernest Ash- bridge, “Hank Aaron” by Sere- na Kappes, presented by Joseph V. Hutsy The following books are in memory of Hope Lasky and are presented by Cheryl Myers: “A Dual Inheritance” by Joanna Hershon, “NOS4A2” by Joe Hill In memory of Mary Lousie Fisher, “Around the World” by Matt Phelan, presented by Judy Roeder In memory of Dorothy Keiper, “And the Mountains Echoed” by Khaled Hosseini, presented by The Village at Greenbriar The following books are in memory of Richard “Dick” Evans, Jr. and are presented by Laurie Benner, Tammy Ben- ner, Russ Andrews and Jonny Benner: “Islands Under Fire” by Kevin McCarey and “The Searchers: The Making of an American Legend” by Glenn Frankel The following books are in memory of Mary S. Emannuel and are presented by David and Fay Emmanuel: “The Blossom Sisters” by Fern Michaels (large print) and “Bunker Hill: A City, a Siege, a Revolution” by Na- thaniel Philbrick (large print) The following books are in memory of Mary Louise Fish- er and are presented by Shir- ley Breymeier: “Dodsworth in Tokyo” by Tim Egan and “The Little House Cookbook” by Bar- bara M. Walker The following books are in memory of Elizabeth Kachmar and are presented by Mike and Betsy Dombroski and Family: “How a Book is Made” by Aliki, “When the Wind Stops” by Charlotte Zolotow and “I Know a Lady” by Char- lotte Zolotow HONOR In honor of Robert Saul, “Sports Illustrated Football's Greatest,” presented by Lucille Chimento In honor of Merilyn Saul, “The Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton,” presented by A Friend In honor of Mrs. Lillian Saba McManus, “Golf Maga- zine’s Big Book of Basics,” presented by daughters Kathy, Taryn, Jacqueline and Erin In honor of the Bookshop Volunteers, “ABC for Book Collectors” by John Carter and Nicolas Barker, presented by Ruth Tetschner In honor of Helen Franklin on her 96th birthday, “Simply Beautiful Photographs” by An- nie Griffiths, presented by Joan and David Roskos MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel * On June 24, 1803, Matthew Thornton, one of New Hamp- shire’s delegates to the second Continental Congress, dies at age 89. Because he did not arrive in Philadelphia until Sep- tember, he missed the initial approval of the Declaration of Independence, but later added his signature to the document. * On June 26, 1911, athlete Mildred “Babe” Didrikson is born in Port Arthur, Texas. At the 1932 Olympics in Los An- geles, Didrikson won gold med- als in the javelin and 80-meter hurdles. She had qualified for five events, but women were restricted to three events at the Olympics. YOUR SPACE ill Jenkins stands at at- tention at the funeral ser- vice of his grandfather, William Jenkins, of Dallas, who was a volunteer fireman all his life. The photo was provided by Su- san Slocum. “YOUR SPACE" is reserved specifically for Dallas Post read ers who have something they'd Submitted items may include photographs or short stories and should be sent via e-mail to, by, fax to 675-3650 or by mail to The Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. Information must include the submitting person’s name, address and telephone number in the event we have questions. Readers wishing to have their photos returned should include a self-addressed/stamped en- velope. Items will be published in the order in which they are received. The editor of The Dallas Post reserve the right to reject any items submitted for publication. like to share with fellow readers. Soin fads 20 YEARS AGO -1993 More than 90 volunteers will be present at the Flea Market planned by Meadows Nursing Center Auxiliary for June 19 on the Center’s grounds. Flea Market committee members are: Betty Williamson, Bernice Hill, Louise Montigney, Agnes Kunkle, Mildred Felix, Marge Richards, Myrtle Coolbaugh, Evelyn Daley and Helen Kishbaugh. Jack Rogers of the Back Mountain Kiwanis Club, spon- sor and advisor to the Lake- Lehman Key Club, announced selection of new officers for the Key Club for 1993-94. Elected to the offices were: President, Leslie Harrington; Secretary, Tiffany Roese and Treasurer, Amanda Turner. 30 YEARS AGO - 1983 The following members of Junior Girl Scout Troop 624 of Dallas recently received awards for community service: Amy Mannear, Stacy McCuen, Lisa Goldsmith, Heather May, Kim Stager, Jessica Oravitz, Amy Yanalunas, Lisa Murphy, Lisa Vozniak, Tracy Hunter, Tracy Shelley, Dodi Dodson, Meagan Wega and Ellen Smaka. Judy Loke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Loke, Trucksville, was selected to receive the 1982-3 Eric A. and Josephine Walker Award at the Pennsylvania State Univer- ONLY YESTERDAY sity’s Wilkes-Barre campus. The Walker Award is given annually to the outstanding sophomore student on each Penn State campus on the ba- sis of scholarship, leadership, citizenship, character and con- tribution to the welfare of the campus and the community. Andrea Bunney recently re- ceived first place in the Penn’s Woods Girl Scouts “Design the Day Camp Patch” contest. Her drawing, a rainbow motif, will ~ be used on the official 1983 Day Camp Patch. Andrea, a fourth grade student at Lehman-Jackson Elementary, is a member of Junior Girl Scout Troop 626. 40 YEARS AGO - 1973 The Altar and Rosary Society of Gate of Heaven will conduct its annual Rummage Sale this weekend in the school auditorium. Last year’s sale was regarded by several antique dealers as one of the best in the valley. Chairman of the sale is Mrs. Eugene Menges, co-chairman Mrs. Jo- seph McDonald, kitchen Mrs. Leo Mohen and publicity Mrs. Vince Correale. Members of the Jackson Township Cub Pack 225 toured the Dallas Post Friday. As part of the continuing Cub program of learning about dif- ferent occupations and activi- ties through first hand contact, they were shown around the functioning facilities. Mark Mahon, Brian Lordon, Tony Lordon, Bradley Wright, Mat- thew Mach, Richard Zimmer- man, Richard Braider, Donald Benza and Wayne Benza all left with a better understand- ing of how a newspaper like the Post operates. 50 YEARS AGO - 1963 Anne Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold A.W. Miller of E. Overbrook Avenue, was presented the American Legion Citizenship Award by Black Diamond Post at closing exercises at West Side Central Catholic High School. She also received the award for the highest average in Christian _. Doctrine in hef class, ~ * *_* At elections held Tuesday last week, Harveys Lake American Legion Post 967 wel- comed the following officers: commander, Arthur Gosart; first vice commander, Walter Osko; second vice commander, John Judge; finance officer, Leo Wadaski; service officer, Robert Uzdilla; chaplain, Bill Check; sergeant-at-arms, Isen Pennyton; historian, Howard Engelman; adjutant, Donald Chamberlain. 60 YEARS AGO - 1953 Donna Lee Garinger and Joan Hand, fifth grade stu- dents at Dallas Borough elementary school, have been running neck and neck in the race to see how many books they can read from a specified list complied by Mrs. W.E. Mc- Quilkin, before the close of the school year. Up to date each little girl has read fafty-four ap- proved books, far outstripping others in the class. Dallas Woman’s Club members in charge of the Value Shop at Back Mountain Library Annex, during the first half of June are: Mrs. Marian Harter, Mrs. Walter Elston, Mrs. Eugene Groff, Mrs. Pauline Clewell and Mrs. Theo Flannigan. Robert Richard Rice, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rice, Orchard Farm, a member of this year’s senior class at Dallas-Franklin High School, received the American Legion Award for outstanding citizen- ship at the Commencement Exercises. 70 YEARS AGO - 1943 Mrs. William Eckert was ~~ hostess to members of the : == Young Girls’ Class of Hunts- ville Christian Church at her home on Friday evening. Plans for an out-door party were discussed. Present were: Mrs. Walter Covert Jr., Mrs. Iva Jones, Elma Major, Hannah Culp, Mrs. Anthony Mauro and the hostess. Dave Deater, Lake Township tax collector, has a little glass bank on the counter at his store at Alderson in which cus- tomers drop pennies, nickels and odd bits of change. When the amount reaches $50, Dave will send it to the Reynolds Tobacco Company, makers of Camel cigarettes. The firm will then send 1,000 packages of = cigarettes to any theatre of Mr. Deater designates. Each package will bear the message “From your friends at Harveys Lake” and will be distributed free to soldiers. The Dallas Post has been in existence for 122 years. Infor- mation for “Only Yesterday” is taken from back issues of the newspaper and reprinted here exactly as it first appeared. “One year | got break- fast in bed; it was delicious and enter- taining.” Richard Allen Dallas “WHAT IS YOI lr FAVORITE FA TH “My three boys took me to a Phillies game. | think they won.” Chuck Youngman Dallas “Spending time with the kids, breakfast in bed and homemade cards.” Mike Pevear Trucksville ‘My son made a book- let about me. It was nice and | still have it.” Matt Slacktish Dallas “Every year we play an annual Father's Day baseball game with all the fathers and grand- fathers in the family.” Patrick Zarola Shavertown “They are all good to me. We have fun together and hugs - that's the best pres- ent.” Ed Janora Nanticoke