The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, June 16, 2013, Image 2
THE DALLAS POST SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2013 Super Crossword FASHIONABLE FILMS ACROSS 52 “Me neither” 95 Total chaos DOWN 39 Within: 86 Got the title 1 Leaming ctr. 53 Ostrich’s kin 97 2003 Mike 1 Fizzy drink Prefix 87 Social pests 4 Puts 54 Actress Sara Myers 2 City in Italy 43 Injure 92 Alliance garments on 55 Din-din wear comedy 3 New — 44 Judicial garb since '49 11 Jim-dandy 58 Ethical 103 Lend — (be (certain 45 Prayer 94 “Don’t 16 Place fora 61 1964 Avalon/ attentive) Connecticut 46 Ending for mention it,” jacuzzi Funicello 105 Black goop resident) beat in Durango 19 Man-mouse musical 106 Madrid 4 Feel malaise 48 Major wreck 96 Concluding middle comedy misters 5 Small combo 49 Smoking 97 Give,asa 20 One using 64 China's 107 With 121- 6 Like a — wood free meal twisted Chou Across, 2005 bricks 50 Slangy 98 Small humor 66 The Home dramedy 7 Totally raging affirmative amount 21 Spanish for Depot rival with four 8 Cutof meat 53 —'acte 99 Laundry job “nine” 68 RR bldg. lead 9 Subj. for 55 Vegas stake 100 Ad — 22 Bath fixture 69 — for trouble actresses some aliens 56 Done by its attack 23 1995 Denzel 70 With 73- 114 Silklike 10 — und own staff 101 Short opera Washington Across, 1985 fabric Drang 57 Sanctified piece neo-noir film Tom Hanks 115 Talk wildly 11 “—cameto 59 Bush 102 Frightful flies 26 Round figure comedy 116 “Sin City” pass ..." nominee 104 Greek 27 Church 73 See 70- actor Rutger 12 The Little Samuel capital shout Across 117 Rapa — Rascals 60 Whole bunch 107 Idiosyncrasy 28 Comic punch 77 Suffix with (Easter 13 With acuity 62 “— bad 108 Stringent response malt Island) 14 Colorado moon rising” - 109 Hostile party 29 Royal rule 78 Grain morsel 119 Lose flab NHLers 63 Dawnward 110 Backwoods 30 Thus 79 Owner of the 120 “How — you 15 “Affirmative” 65 Spy Aldrich 111 “Isn’t — bit 31 — City, dog Sandy doing?” 16 Baby bird? 67 “— you been like you and Oklahoma 81 “Who can 121 See 107- 17 Cleanse up to?” me?” 33 1987 Stanley — to?” Across 18 Top monk 71 Unfamous (Beatles Kubrick war 82 1988 126 Belief suffix 24 Encrypted folks lyric) film Christopher 127 Cupid's boss 25 Wide foot- 72 “... gyre and 112 1955-67 38 Low tie Walken 128 Bill modifier, wear spec gimble in the Arkansas score children’s e.g. 30 Marc of —": Carroll governor 40 Wade's rival comedy 129 Summer, in fashion 74 Pinch lightly Faubus 41 New York 85 Maul lightly Aix 32 Inability to 75 Excavating 113 Subsidizes village on 88 — -dog 130 Your, smell machine 118 “— the idea” the Hudson (stray cur) biblically 34 L.A. part 76 Propyl ender 121 Lao- — 42 1942 Abbott 89 Resort to 131 Spanish for 35 Show bias 80 Tiny div. of a 122 “2001” name and Costello 90 — Dawn “the sun” 36 Pale yellow minute 123 Rock comedy Chong 132 Really 37 “I met her in 82 Soho saloon genre 47 Like liquid 91 Broiling spot wishes one —down in 83 Tehrani, e.g. 124 Barry or splashing 93 One way to could old Soho” 84 Cry of Deighton 51 This, in Peru store data 133 Mates of pas (“Lola” lyrics) delight 125 Big-league 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 112032 113 {14 115 16 |17 |18 19 20 21 22 23 26 31 32 33 34 |35 38 39 40 acl 42 43 44 145 |46 52 60 61 67 71 a 80 n 83 59 66 97 rights reserved. 129 90 91 104 110 [111 [112 115 120 126 128 130 B- 133 © 2013 King Features Synd., Ing Al \CROSS | (00 (e)} (6208-8 ON (8) AN — oe] BW —- © ~N Player of old 45s Small barrel Rotate Thing Romano or Liotta Choir voice Wound cover Incoming flights Horror movie reaction With uniformity Boast Big laugh in hand cuffs, maybe Tower city of Italy Debt letters Gin and — Convent person Give temporarily Set up Neighbor of Kan. 1 Architect 2 5 Saarinen Short coat OPEC, for one Over-bear ingly proud Bamako’s land King Crossword See ANSWERS, Page 12 1 2 13 {4 6 17 8 19° 110 [41 12 14 15 17 18 21 24 25 [26 31 32 35 36 37 39 40 42 143 44 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 52 Warm and 6 Listening detouring cozy organ 29 Take to court 53 Hair salon 7 Move in a 30 Moreover application spiral 33 Irene of 54 “Woe is me!” 8 Prepare for a “Fame” 55 Enlivens, big purchase 36 Clears the ‘with “up” 9 Recent fad windshield, 56 Pigpen 10 “— have to in a way 57 Period after do” 38 Standard Mardi Gras 11 Inquisitive 40 Plead 17 Wall climber 42 Grate DOWN 19 Formerly, 43 Sea eagle 1 Greet the . formerly 44 Tatters villain 22 Literary 46 Story 2 Need to category 47 Verve scratch 24 Have a bug 48 Roster 3 “— Factor” 25 Fish eggs 50 Butterfly 4 Drink to 26 Second- catcher excess place con- 5 Indo-nesian testant volcano 27 Without © 2013 King Features Synd., Inc. GO FIGURE! byLinda Thistle The idea of Go Figure is to arrive at the figures given-at: the bot- tom and right-hand columns of the diagram by following the arithmetic signs in the order ‘they are given (that’s, ‘from left to right and top to bottom). Use only the numbers ‘below . the diagram to complete its blank squares and use each of the nine numbers only once. DIFFICULTY: * % * Moderate * x Difficult * * x GO FIGURE! 1.23467 889 © 2013 King Features Syndicate, Inc. PROPERTY TRANSFERS The following Back Mountain real estate transactions have been recorded in the Lu- zerne County Office of Recorder of Deeds for the week of June 3, 2013: Fannie Mae (per attorney in fact) to Clifford Dymond, 2281 Lower Demunds Road, Dallas Township; $26,055 Estate of Franklin M. Dymond to Anthony and Janine Hudak, 52 Perrin Ave., Kingston Township; $49,000 William H. Jr. and Sharon Strauser to Jason and Mary Azarewicz, Lot 26, Dallas Township; $59,900 John F. and Maryanne E. Casey to Erin A. Liss, Kingston Township; $224,742 Elizabeth Weaver (per guardian), George Weaver (guardian) to William N. Barnes, Dal- las Borough, $123,500 Bryan and Stephanie Garren to Jason C. and April Souder, Lot 9, Hunlock Township; $270,000 Laura C. Dennis to Loraine A. Stanski, Harveys Lake Borough; $182,500 Fannie Mae (per attrorney in fact) to Autumn and John Thompson, 30 Lincoln St., Harveys Lake Borough; $95,000 $10,00 Coverage Area: The Dallas Post covers the Back Mountain community which includes the Dallas and Lake-Lehman School Districts. We try to get to as many events as possible, but staff and space limitations make it impossible to cover everything. If you have news about your family, town or organization please send it to us and we'll try to get it in. Photographs are welcome. Send them two ways, by mail to 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 or by e-mail to E-mail is the best and most timely method for submis- sion. E-mailed photos should be in JPEG format with a resolution of at least 200 dpi. The deadline for all copy is Tuesday at noon. prior to publication. Corrections, clarifications? The Dallas Post will correct errors of fact or clarify any misunderstandings, call 675-5211. Have a story idea? Please call, we'd like to hear about it. Letters: The Dallas Post prints letters of local interest. Send letters to: Editor, The Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. All letters must be signed and include a daytime phone number for verification. 0 John R. Romano to Christopher and Tanya Whitmoyer, Lehman Township; $125,000 Robert L. and Virginia S. Tambur to Ste- phen W. and Mariestelle P. Austin, Harveys Lake Borough; $834,000 Kondaur Capital Corporation to lan R. and Allison Hastings, 85 Huntsville Road, Dallas Borough; $205,000 Edwin Wright to Robert and Sunhwa Bar- ber, 1392 Mountain View Drive, Lehman Town- ship; $22,500 Wayne D. and Maureen E. Moss to Joel D. and Pamela B. Stauffer, Lot 3, Ross Township; John J. Ill and Sonia W. Maslowski to Alan M. and Brenda Pugh, 31 Fairgrounds Road, Dal- las Township; $189,000 John J. lll and Sonia Maslowski to Alan M. and Brenda Pugh, Lots 27, 28, 30, 31, 34 and 35, Higgs Ave., Dallas Township; $8,000 Robert P. Sheils Jr. (Chapter 7 trustee) and Patricia K. Thomas to John D. and Patricia L. Nardone, Jackson Township; $550,000 Mary L. and Kevin M. Fantom to Brian and Shawna Mulcahy, 2 parcels, Harveys Lake The Dallas Post A THE TIMES LEADER NEWSPAPER 15 NORTH MAIN STREET, WILKES-BARRE, PA 18711 570-675-5211 «+ FAX 570-675-3650 Borough; $115,000 news@m Display Advertising Deadline: Tuesdays at 12 noon Contact Diane McGee at 970-7153 ~The Dallas Post has a variety of advertising rates and programs. The Dallas Post satisfies most co-op ad programs and offers creative services at no charge. Combination rates with The Abington Journal, Clarks Summit and the Sunday Dispatch, Pittston are available. MEET GRACIE Gracie is one of four Brit- tany spaniels. Despite of her life in a kennel, she a sound dog and will mak an excellent family pet. She is eager to please and would make an excellent companion for an active owner. friends at BLUE CHIP FARMS ANIMAL REFUGE 974 Lockville Road Dallas VISITING HOURS Tuesday, Thursday, Satur- day and Sunday: Noon to 5 p.m. Other hours by appoint- ment Call: 333-5265 WANT A PHOTO? You can now purchase any photo that appears in The Dallas Post from The Times Leader photo store. £ Simply log onto www.timesleader. com/photostore and click on the link for The Dallas Post. CIRCULATION Orders for subscriptions received by Friday at noon will begin the follow- ing week. Please inform us of dam- age or delay, call 829-5000. The Dallas Post is published weekly by Impressions Media, $25 per year in Luzerne, Lackawanna & Wyomin Counties (PA), $29 in NJ, NY an all other PA counties, $32 all other states. Periodicals postage paid at Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-9996 POSTMASTER: Send address change to The Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 spending the last two years You can visit Gracie and her Email: questions@bcfanim- ys, i I pe Nn kL 2% y or “ a - Ne RS ppp a _-,.. ee... lf AE