The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, June 09, 2013, Image 6
Page 6 EDITORIAL SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 2013 Joe Butkiewicz EXECUTIVE EDITOR 829-7249 The Dallas Post Community Newspaper Group THE Times LEADER 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 18711 - 570-675-5211 Dotty Martin EDITOR 970-7440 Diane McGee Advertising 970-7153 dmcgee® LETTER TO THE EDITOR Powwow committee thanks sponsors DEAR EDITOR: The 2013 Mothers Day Powwow at the grounds of the Noxen Fire Co. was a great success, thanks to the support of the public, the vendors, dancers and sponsors. The powwow committee would like to especially thank the following businesses, families and organizations for their generosity: RES America, GEO Science Engineering, Curry Donuts, Weis Markets, Thomas’ Family Markets, Price Chopper, Mountain Fresh Market, Herr’s Foods, Pepsi-Cola, Grotto Pizza, Nardone’s Pizza, Giant Floor & Wall, Domino’s Pizza, Dallas Middleswarth Potato Chips, Tulpehocken Water, 5 Mountain Hardware, Apple- bees, Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc., Panera Bread, Leg- gio’s, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dorshefski, Logan’s, Old Country Buffet, Denny’s, Mr. Z's, Noxen Food Mart, Maransky’s Auto, Curt Haer Trucking, H L Motorsports. Dunkin’ Donuts, Angelo’s Pizza, Joe’s Pizza, Park Market, J Angelo’s, 3 Guys Pizza, Sheetz, Olive Gar- den, Connies Supermarket, Tabit’s Scrap Metal and Automobile Recycling, James Gerard Construction, Common Scents in the and Ebb’s Market Special thanks also go out to the media who helped to publi- cize our event and the businesses who allowed us to post flyers. We look forward to seeing everyone at our fall powwow the last weekend of September. NOXEN POWWOW COMMITTEE Tell us about your favorite auction find’ Calling all Back Mountain residents, auction attendees, collectors and treasure hunters! If you've ever attended a Back Mountain Memorial Library Annual Auction and found one of your most “cher- ished” items over the “block” or amidst the auction tents, the library wants to hear from you. Help spread the word about all of the interesting and “just-got- ta-have-it” items that are always the best part of auction fun, Visit the library before June 17 and jot down your favorite “find,” most cherished or un- usual item that you purchased during any of the 66 past auctions and deposit your slip in the jar on the library’s front desk. You may add the reason you purchased it, why you love it or what it means to you. Slips may include your name or if you don’t want to “admit” your purchase to anyone, you may remain anonymous. A listing of these “treasures” will appear in the next library news article. So start think- ing and searching throughout your homes so you, too, can take pride in what the auction means to all of us in the Back Mountain. And, while you're looking for this item, don’t forget it’s a great time to pack up a few (not-so-favorite) items that you no longer need and donate them to the auction. Donations of items are also currently being accepted during normal library hours. Household items, Nearly Olde vintage collectibles and dishes, slightly used books and antiques are needed and, of course, new goods items and gift certificates to area busi- nesses are always popular. STORY HOUR REGISTRATION Parents are reminded that registration for children’s Sum- mer Story hours will begin on Tuesday, June 11. You may call the library at 675-1182 begin- ning at 9:30 a.m. on that day to register your child. SUMMER READING PROGRAM Registration for the children’s Summer Reading Program will begin on Wednesday, June 12. This year’s theme is “Dig into Reading” and promises many fun activities. Stop by the library and pick up a flyer for more information. YOUR SPACE ince it’s ‘infrared’ season (i.e., summer), Dallas Post photographer Bill Tarutis shot these at Frances Slocum with his infrared cam- era. These are not Photoshop manipulations. There is a filter in the camera that blocks out all visible light (400-700 nm) and only absorb infrared, so they look dark. lets infrared (>800 nm) reach the sensor. Green vegetation reflects a lot of infrared in full sun and appears white. Water and blue ® { “YOUR SPACE" is reserved specifi- cally for Dallas Post readers who have something they'd like to share with fellow readers. Submitted items may include photographs or short stories and should be by fax to 675-3650 or by mail to The Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. Information must include the submit- ting person's name, address and telephone number in the event we have questions. returned should include a self-addressed/ stamped envelope. Items will be published in the order in which they are received. The editor of The Dallas Post reserves the right to reject any items submitted for sent via e-mail to, Readers wishing to have their photos publication. 1993 - 20 YEARS AGO third grade class at Lehman- personality and singing ability. the last meeting. Tom Garrity Lake-Lehman High School Jackson Elementary School 1963 - 50 YEARS AGO is first vice president, Carl held it annual prom recently at enjoyed an interesting science At a dinner meeting of Schreiner second, Wilfred Ide the Woodlands Inn and Resort. lesson thanks to Mrs. Ada Troop 77 last week at the Dal- third. Jack Nothoff was elected The theme was “This is the Time.” Prom queen and her court are: Dyan Dymond, prom queen; Reagan Bombick, Autumn Tolbert, Joy Kline, Jill Smigielski, Jennifer Farrell and Claudia Hernandez. Jennifer Farrell, Sweet Valley, was recently named “Student of the Quarter” at Lake Lehman High School by the Lake Silkworth Area Lions. Farrell was presented a certificate in recognition of outstanding school and com- munity achievement. 1983 - 30 YEARS AGO Carl Postupak, 17, of Shaver- town, has all but completed his Eagle Scout award, the highest award in Scouting. For the final part, his community service project, he undertook to become a part of the Back Mountain Blood Council and organized a team of Scouts as volunteers. Altogether, Carl got 17 Scouts to call blood donors before the drive and to put up posters advising the date, time and location of the drive. Mrs. Stolarick’s second grade class and Mrs. Gosart’s ONLY YESTERDAY Hoyt, who set up an incuba- tor in the classroom so that the children could watch chickens hatching. Third graders involved in the project included Leanne Rogers, David Hazletine, Nancy Evans, April Stull, Jennifer Gabel, Tam- mee Yetter, Marybeth Jenkins, Jason Tolouba, Stephen Geist and Shelly Alexander. 1973-40 YEARS AGO ~ Students at Gate of Heaven School, Dallas, presented a special program last week in honor of the pastor, The Rev. Thomas M. Jordan, who recently celebrated the 25th anniversary of his ordination into the priesthood. Raelene Daring, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Daring, Dal- las, took first prize in the se- nior group at the Northeastern Pennsylvania Art Contest held in the Boston Store, Wilkes- Barre. Raelene is a student in the senior class at Dallas Senior High School, and stud- ies art under the instruction of Dorothy Whithey. The Dallas Junior Woman's Club presented $500 recently to Steve Hartman, son of Dal- las Borough Mayor and Mrs. Stephen Hartman, Dallas, to- wards his expenses of the com- ing year during a tour with the “Up With People” troupe of singing young people. Steve was selected on the basis of las Methodist Church, Pamela Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Baker Jr., and Carol and Candy Mohr, daugh- ters of Mr. and Mrs. Archer Mohr, received their Curved Bars, the highest in Girl Scout- ing. This badge was earned in the homemaking field. Last Monday evening in Prince of Peace Church twenty-eight attended the first. pack meeting of the reorga- nized Den 1, Pack 200, Dallas. Cub Scouts and parents were on hand to see Robert Evans, district executive of the Boy Scouts of America, present the charter. Members of the pack are: John Besecker, Roy Walter, David Payne, Mark Acura, James Besecker III, Gary Acura, Joseph Gilroy and George Brody. Philip Walter is Cubmaster and Mrs. James Besecker Jr., Den Mother. 1953 - 60 YEARS AGO Lena Misson, valedictorian, and Irene Schultz, salutato- rian, will be the main student speakers at Dallas-Franklin Township graduation on Wednesday. Other top stu- dents from the area include Linda Kay Hetrick, Valedicto- rian, and Beverly Cowell, Sa- lutatorian, at Dallas-Kingston Township. James O’Connell will head Harveys Lake Lions Club as the result of elections held at lion-tamer, Edgar Hughes tail- twister. Walter Weir is treasur- er, George Taylor, secretary. Carol Bogart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Bogart, Shavertown, was crowned Queen of the Prom at Friday night's Junior-Senior Dance at Westmoreland. Her escort, George Weaver, wore the King’s crown. T1043 - 70 YEARS 460 Virginia Ferry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Ferry, of Machell Avenue, will give a violin recital in the Sacred Heart Auditorium, in Plains, Friday night. Miss Ferry, drum majorette at Dallas Borough High School, is a member of the graduating class. A group of young men enjoyed a horse-back riding party on Memorial Day. Start- ing from Hillview Stables, at Shrine View, they followed the path over Reynolds Farms and had dinner at Bevens, Demunds. In the party were: Charles Dewees Sr., Thomas Kehoe, Fred M. Kiefer, Bob Hislop Jr., Walter Elston a) § John Yaple. The Dallas Post has been in existence for 122 years. Infor- mation for “Only Yesterday” is taken from back issues of the newspaper and reprinted here exactly as it first appeared. “I'll miss seeing all my friends in the summer but I'll see them for my birthday party.” Jeff Altierei Sweet Valley “WHAT WILL YOU MISS MOST ABOUT SCHOOL?" “All the things we learned about and my homeroom teachers.” Alexa Harvey Noxen “My friends, lunches, the specials like art and gym and the special events and the playground.” Tyler Ruger Harveys Lake “My friends Mia and Jillian and the teach- ers that do so much to help us pass into the next grade.” Krista Scoblick Harveys Lake {LA “Reading, doing math, PE and art.” Kasilyn Partash Noxen "Seeing my friend, Kevin, doing fun ac- tivities like gym, field day and projects.” Logan Slivinski Sweet Valley |! i I