The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, April 14, 2013, Image 3
SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2013 THE DALLAS POST PAGE 3 The Dallas Borough Road Department will begin weekly curbside yard waste collection the week of May 13. The week- collection schedule will follow the Dal- @ Borough Spring Cleanup scheduled the week of May 6-11. Residents are asked not to place yard waste recycling : containers curbside prior to the begin- ning of the collection season. As in previous years, borough road department employees will collect up to the equivalent of two 25-gallon re- cycling containers weekly throughout the season. Residents are to have yard waste containers curbside by Monday morning for collection. Yard waste vol- umes exceeding the two 25-gallon con- tainer limit will not be collected. Yard waste containing or including rocks, road cinders, ashes or animal waste will not be collected. In the interest of public safety, residents are reminded not to place containers or bundled yard waste within the road right of way. There is a $25 annual permit required for residents to participate in the curb- sie HS a Sr Bt side yard waste collection program. Residents may visit the Dallas Borough Building during normal business hours from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday to obtain the required permit. Call the Dallas Borough Administra- tive Office at675-1389 with any ques- tions pertaining to the curbside yard waste recycling program. Street sweeping program The Dallas Borough Road Depart- ment will begin the annual Spring Street Sweeping Program. The pro- gram is expected to begin within the next week, weather permitting. ’ The Road Department requests that borough residents follow a few simple instructions to assist in the collection of road cinders and materials deposited throughout the winter driving season. e Rake cinders out to the side of the road in even layers and avoid large piles. Under no circumstances should cinders be swept into the stormwater catch basins. * Do not fill containers with cinders in excess of 20-25 pounds. Heavy con- tainers will not be picked-up. * Do not include rocks, tree limbs, yard or animal waste with the street cinders. After April 26, cinders must be placed in containers for pick up. Questions pertaining to this an- nouncement should be directed to the Dallas Borough Administrative Office at 675-1389. Spring cleanup Dallas Borough Council announces the schedule for the annual spring cleanup to be held from May 6 to 11 at the Dallas Borough Municipal Build- ing, 25 Main St., Dallas. Hours of op- eration will be from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday. Spring cleanup is only available to Dallas Borough resi- dents. Regulations will be enforced for the 2013 spring cleanup. Dallas Borough will require all residents to obtain an admission permit for the cleanup and the following fee schedule will be im- plemented: e (Cars, small SUVs, midsize SUVs and mini-vans will require a $10 permit (unlimited entry). e Small pick-up trucks and full-size/ large SUVs will require a $15 permit (one trip per permit / three permit maximum). e Full size pick-up trucks, utility trailers and cargo vans of less than one ton will require $25 permit (one trip per permit / three permit maximum). e Large vehicles over one ton will require a $90 permit (one trip per per- mit/ one permit maximum). Proof of residency such as a tax bill or driver’s license will be required to purchase the necessary permit. Admis- sion permits will be issued to the oc- cupants, not owners of Dallas Borough rental units. In an effort to avoid delays at the dro- off site during cleanup week, residents are asked to pre-purchase their permits during borough office hours from 9 ~ Dallas Borough announces clean up and street sweeping a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. at the Dallas Borough Municipal Build- ing. No refunds will be issued. Residents are reminded that the borough will not accept household gar- bage, recyclables including yard waste, toxic or hazardous materials, asbestos, large construction debris, paint/paint cans, batteries, electronics and ashes. The borough will accept a limited number of non-commercial vehicle tires at a fee of $3 for each tire. Bulky furniture items and large ap- pliances require an additional fee of $5 per item. All refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, and dehumidifiers must have documentation that all Freon and other gases have been removed. Acceptance or rejection of any items is at the discretion of Dallas Borough Road Department personnel and Dallas Borough administration. Questions about spring cleanup should be directed to the Dallas Bor- ough Administrative Office at 675- 1389. Spring cleanup @ Franklin Township 1 Spring cleanup for Franklin i Township residents will be held from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 4. Residents are asked to bring items they wish to discard to the Franklin Township Municipal Building during the above hours. The township’s road department employees, along with volun- teers, will be available to assist in emptying vehicles. Proof of residency will be required. The following conditions and limitations will apply: e FEES - A charge of $20 will be assessed for the first pickup load. A second load will be charged $25. Trailers will be charged additional fees.’In all caes, residents are asked to have eitherthe exact amount of cash or a check. e TIRES — Each household will be limited to discard up to four tires with a $3 charge per tire. Tires must be re- moved from rims. Tires must be clean, not cut or busted off rims. Must be normal automo- bile tires. No truck tires and | no small tires. e NON ACCEPTABLE ITEMS - Hazardous waste, chemicals, any type of wire ] or cable, coils of any kind, propane tanks or bottles, com- i pressed cylinders or closed | cylinders of any kind, drums with any liquids, containers with any liquids, batteries, sh, trees, stumps, leaves, ss, animal or human waste, te E Paul Miller, founder of Flow Circus, will bring his juggling act to the Back Mountain Memorial Li brary on Thursday, April 25. Flow Circus comes to library “Juggling Money” isn’t just for grown ups. Pre-school children are invited to the Back Mounain Memorial Library at 10 a.m. on Thursday, April 25 for a fun- filled program sponsored by PNC Bank. Join Paul Miller as he tells the story of how a trip to the library led him on an adventure filled with high-flying jug- gling, amazing magic and the wonders of circus. In the end, he learns that hard work and smart choices lead to reward- ing results. The program reinforces ba- sic financial concepts in a memorable and playful way. Call the library at 675-1182 to regis- ter. Paul Miller is a nationally touring va- riety entertainer. He has performed on Disney Cruise Lines, off Broadway and everywhere in between. He founded Flow Circus in 1999 to promote active learning and play through the juggling arts. Cast your vote today for the Lemmond Award Nominations for the Charles D. Lemmond Jr. Community Spirit award will be accepted by The Dallas Post until 5 p.m. on Friday, May 3. The award, established by The Dallas Post and named after the former senator who passed away in 2012, will rec- ognize a resident of the Back Mountain for his or her leader- ship and advancement of com- munity spirit. Readers of The Dallas Post will vote for the person they believe would be an appropri- ate recipient of this award. A ballot appears in today’s newspaper. The Charles D. Lemmond Jr. Community Spirit Award honors those who A endeavor to improve the lives of Back Mountain residents through outstanding communtiy ser- vice, public service or philan- throphy and embody Senator Lemmond’s commitment to doing the right thing, in the right way, for the right rea- sons. Charles D. Lemmond Jr. (1929-2012) called the Back Mountain home for more than 50 years. Through his con- stant and active involvement in a wide range of community groups, he touched many lives, gave a sense of direction and responsibility to numerous im- provement projects and served as an inspiration to countless individuals. As a soldier, solicitor, pros- ecutor, judge and legislator, Lemmond demonstrated a busehold garbage, cinder blocks, shingles, sheet rock, or other building materials chain link fence, wire, filled or partially filled paint cans. NOTE - Computers, computer monitors, computer peripher- als and televisions will not be accepted. e APPLIANCES - A charge of $5 each for refrigerators, stoves, freezers, air condition- A ers and dehumidifiers. Must have documentation that all freon and other gases have been removed. In addition, all doors must be removed from | refrigerators and freezers. e OTHER - Small items and broken glass must be | placed in cardboard boxes. Metal must be separated from landfill items. Accepance of rejection of any items not listed above is at — the discretion of the Franklin | 8 ownship supervisors. Jordan Joseph, of Mountain Top, eighth-grade student and volunteer, will host “Car- ing FO.R. Cops” from 1 to 5 p.m. on Saturday, April 27 at the Checker- board Inn at 385 Carver- ton Road, Trucksville. There will be food, raffle baskets, arts and crafts for children, music and a disc jockey. There will also be a silent auc- tion to win the oppor- ] tunity to throw the first pitch at a RailRiders ‘Caring for Cops’ set for April 27 at Checkerboard baseball game. an Meal price come. hoods safer. is. $15 for adults and children ages 11 and up and $12 for children age 10 and under which includes pizza, wings and soda. Eat in only; walk-ins wel- For tickets or to make a donation, call 406- 6123. Proceeds will be used to purchase bul- letproof vests for law enforcement officers to help make our neighbor- strong devotion to civic duty. ville. His 21 years as a well-respect- ed state Senator were marked by his standard of integrity, his pursuit of justice and his desire to do what was right for the people and the community he served. Seminar will discuss small games of chance grade student and volunteer, plan “Caring F.O.R. Cops” from 1to 5 p.m. on Saturday, April 27 at the Checkerboard Inn at 385 Carverton Road, Trucks- Rep. Karen Boback (R-Co- lumbia/Luzerne/Wyoming) will host a Small Games of Chance Seminar from 6 to 9 p.m. on Thursday, April 18 at the Lemmond Theater at . response system. visors’ April 2 work session. Pp 18 : A proposal and supporting documents, compiled by Dallas Township Police Chief Robert Jolley, was presented at the super- Towing contractors interested in taking ‘part in future towing operations within Dallas Township are invited to pick up a Dallas Twp. seeks input from towers The Dallas Township Board of Super- visors is seeking input from area towing ‘service providers in an effort to consoli- date the municipality’s present towing Building conference room. ing 674-2007. copy of the proposal to examine and pro- vide input at the next board of supervisors work session on at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 7 in the Dallas Township Municipal Packets are available at the Dallas Township Administrative Offices, located at 2919 SR 309 Highway, Dallas, during normal business hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Interested parties can also contact the office by call- 21 Primary Election. Back Mountain, for 26 years. Craig A. Tupper, a long-time resi- dent of Dallas Township, recently an- nounced that he will vie for a Dallas Township supervisor seat in the May A 1972 Dallas High School graduate, Tupper is employed by PSBank as assis- tant vice president of its new Tunkhan- nock office. Prior to working in the banking industry, he was the owner of Tupper Sales & Service, based in the Tupper previously served on Dallas Tupper to run for Dallas Twp. supervisor seat Borough Council and Dallas Town- ship’s Zoning Hearing Board and cur- rently serves as chairman of the board for Dallas Area Municipal Author- ity, where he has represented Dallas Township since 2004. Dallas Lions Club. Tupper will run on the Republican ticket for a six-year term. The candidate also previously served as treasurer of the Back Moun- tain Business Association Board of Di- rectors and is an active member of the Walsh Hall on the campus of Misericordia University in Dallas. A representative from the Pennsylvania State Police’s Bureau of Liquor Control En- forcement Unit will be in at- tendance to discuss the chang- es to the law and how it will be enforced. Those interesting in attend- ing this seminar should RSVP by contacting one of Boback’s district offices in Tunkhan- nock at 836-4777 or Hunlock Creek at 477-3752.