The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, February 10, 2013, Image 5

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Sunday, February 10, 2013
. Several Dallas Rotarians recently visited the Dallas Senior Center to play Santa to more than
two dozen members at their new facility located in the Stax Center, Route 415, Dallas. The Rotar-
ians came bearing Christmas bags stuffed with gifts and goodies to remember our area's senior
citizens during this holiday season. Shown here, seated, is Shirley McDonald. From left, standing,
are Rotarian Kate Pitkat, Jack Owens, Claire Adams, Doris Hughey, Warren Peters, Joe Malak,
Susie Malak, Millie Wheeler, Joe McDonald, Rotarian Carole Chapple, Rotarian Ken Chapple, Ro-
tarian and project chairperson Sandy Peoples.
Harvey's Lake American Legion line dancers entertained residents of the VA Medical Center
in Wilkes-Barre. Residents, family members and staff enjoyed a patriotic boot stomping per-
formance. From left, seated, are Carol Layaou, Toni Weiss, instructor; Joann Hummel, Linda
Festa, Vita Russo and Betty Sorchik. Standing, Larry Wright, instructor; Ann Lee Gyle, Elizabeth
Samanas, Missy Barcheski, Donna Zimmerman, Ivy Bixbey, Judi Stephens, Patricia Fritsky, Tom
McDermott and Dave Zimmerman, instructor.
i Bossi Bh
Scouts collect coats
Cub Scout Pack 232, Gate of Heaven, Dallas recently
collected coats, hats, scarves and gloves to donate to the
Back Mountain Police Association's Annual Warm Coats
for Kids collection. From left, first row, are Nathaniel
Wren, Logan Valkenburg, Aidan Jennings, Luke Hajkow-
ski, Joey Ryan, Jacob Valkenburg, Jonathan Bilwin, John
Jennings, Reagan Wytowich, Brady Eggleston. Second
row, Hunter Weslowski, J. P. Clerico, Kyle Langan, Dakota
Nichol, Tanner Manzoni, William McCarroll, Jacob Baldri-
ca, Michael Frederick, Michael Fino, Mihir Mukul, Tommy
Knorr, Tyler Edmondson. Third row, Jake Pizzolato, Mat-
thew Ash, Brennan Eggleston, Mark Hutsko, Alex Hajkow-
ski, Matthew Williams, Matt Carty, James Locke. Fourth
row, Trish Ash, George Manzoni, Tracy Manzoni, Amy Jen-
nings, Ross Piazza, Back Mountain Police Association vice
president and Fish and Boat Commission Conservation
officer; Andrew McCarroll, Tyler Manzoni, Gina Kotowski,
Harveys Lake police officer; Thomas Manzoni, Christoph-
er Ash. Fifth row, Christian Sebastianelli, Robbie Lauer,
Nathan Roppelt, Andrew Molitoris, Marty Maransky, King-
ston Township police officer; John Ash, Scott Williams,
LeRoy Jennings, Chris Sebastianelli and Rocky Knorr.
BENDER - Thomas J., 65, of
Trucksville, died on Friday, Jan.
25, 2013.
He was born in New York City,
was a U.S. Army veteran of the
Vietnam War and had been em-
ployed as a painter.
Surviving are a son, Daniel; a
daughter, Cheryl; four grandchil-
BENSCOTER - Eitel “Ike,” 55,
of Sweet Valley, died Saturday,
Feb. 2, 2013, at Wilkes-Barre Gen-
eral Hospital.
He was born Now. 15, 1957 in
Wilkes-Barre and was employed
for many years as a truck driver
Hunlock Sand and Gravel.
irviving are a son, Eitel “Tke”
J1., of Sweet Valley; daughter,
Rose Knouse, of Sweet Valley;
one granddaughter.
CLARKE - Mary Ann, 43, of
Dallas, died Friday, Feb.1, 2013, at
Geisinger Wyoming Valley Med-
ical Center, Plains Township.
She was born in Springfield,
Ill., attended Lincoln-Way High
School, New Lenox, Ill., and
graduated from Carmel High
School, Carmel, Ind.
She was a graduate of Ball
State University, Muncie, Ind.
She was All-State in Illinois and
Indiana and All-Chicago in bas-
ketball, soccer and track and
field. While at Ball State, she par-
ticipated in Division 1 track and
She worked for Adam’s Associ-
ates at the Red Rock Job Corps
Center as the director of finance
and administration.
Surviving are her parents, Tho-
mas J. and Sandra Chastain Clar-
Springfield, Ill.;, brothers,
mas J. Jr., Frisco, Texas; Ed-
J., Mokena, Il1.; sisters, Ma-
donna Henrichsen, Kankakee,
I11.; Katherine M. Moore, San An-
tonio, Texas; nephews and niec-
Memorial donations to The
Center for Cancer Wellness
Candy’s Place, 190 Welles St.,
Suite 120, Forty Fort, PA 18704.
FIDRYCH - Martha M., 91, of
Wyoming, died Wednesday, Jan.
30, 2013, at the Hospice of the
V.N.A. Inpatient Unit at St.
Luke’s Hospice, Wilkes-Barre.
She was born Oct. 31,1921, was
a graduate of G.A.R. High
School, Class of 1939 and attend-
ed Wilkes-Barre Business School,
graduating in 1941 with an associ-
ates degree.
Throughout her life, she own-
ed and operated Plains Meat
Market, Parsons Theater Hall Ca-
tering, The Castle Inn in Dallas
and Martha’s Bridal in her home
at Harveys Lake.
She was a member of Saint Bar-
bara’s Parish, Exeter.
Surviving are daughters, Jane
Barbacci, Harveys Lake; Camille,
Tampa, Fla; and Toni Henry,
Tampa; a granddaughter; three
grandsons; seven great-grand-
Memorial donations to the Alz-
heimer’s Association, P.O. Box
96011, Washington, D.C. 20090-
6011; Celtic Healthcare, 601
Wyoming Ave., Kingston, PA
18704; or Hospice Care of the
V.N.A.,, 80 E. Northampton St.,
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701.
HESS - Robert W., 87, of Rear
Durkee Street, Fort Fort, died on
Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2013, at Riv-
erstreet Manor, Wilkes-Barre.
He was born in Kunkle and
graduated from Dallas High
Prior to his retirement in 1985,
he was a milk deliveryman for
Dallas Dairy. He was a member of
Forty Fort United Methodist
Surviving are his wife, the for-
mer Ruth Hackling; daughter,
Debra, Forty Fort; son, T. Dou-
glas, Florida; four grandchildren;
sister, Wilma Williams, Shaver-
town; four stepchildren, seven
step-grandchildren; seven step-
great-grandchildren; one step-
great-great-grandchild; nieces
and nephews.
Memorial donations to the Su-
san G. Komen for the Cure Fund,
Donor Services, P.O. Box 650309,
Dallas, TX 25265 or Candy’s
Place, 190 Welles St., Forty Fort,
PA 18704.
KIMBLE - Edward Ruben, 89,
of Tunkhannock, died Sunday,
Jan. 27, 2013, in the Community
Medical Center in Scranton.
He was born in Clarks Summit
on Feb. 6, 1923 and served as a
lieutenant in the U.S. Navy dur-
ing World War II. Prior to his re-
tirement, he was executive vice
president of Tasty Baking Co.
Surviving are sons, Edward R,
Tunkhannock; James vik Glenol-
den; Thomas Fromanger, Missis-
sauga, Canada; five grandchil-
dren; three great-grandchildren.
MILLER - George E., 85, of
Centermoreland, died Sunday,
Feb. 3, 2013, in the VNA Hospice
Inpatient Unit at St. Luke’s Villa,
He was born in Wilkes-Barre
and attended E. L. Meyers High
He served in the U.S. Army
during World War II. After his
tour of duty, he attended school
on the GI Bill, becoming a self-
employed baker in the Hoboken,
N.J. area. He later retired after 30
years as a baker for Giant Market
at its main plant in the Scranton
Surviving are sons, George E.
Jr., Tunkhannock; and Roger L.,
Centermoreland; daughters,
Kathy Lapallo, Dallas; and Tam-
my Spencer, Tunkhannock; eight
grandchildren; 11 great-grand-
children; brothers, Wesley, Col-
orado; and Monty, Scranton; sis-
ters, Peggy Martin, Wilkes-Barre;
and Audrey Curry, South Toms
River, N.J.; nieces and nephews;
and his precious cat, Lovey.
STRAWSER - Bettie Mae, 83,
of Dallas, died Tuesday, Jan. 29,
2013, at the Meadows Nursing
Center, Dallas.
She was born in Forty Fort on
Feb. 26, 1929 and was a graduate
of Dallas High School and Col-
lege Misericordia. Formerly em-
ployed as an elementary teacher
in Lake-Lehman School District,
she taught in both Delaware and
Surviving are sisters, Sheila
McCarthy, West Ocean City, Md.;
Mavreen Veihmeyer, Laurel, Md.;
daughter, Carle J. Welter, Dallas;
two granddaughters.
Memorial donations to the
this program.
milk and coffee.
rine, milk and coffee.
garine, milk and coffee.
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Senior citizens centers sponsored by the Area Agency on Aging
for Luzerne and Wyoming Counties offer hot noon meals Monday
through Friday to people 60 years of age or older. Donations from
participants are gratefully accepted and needed in order to expand
The following is the menu for the week of Feb. 11:
MONDAY: Cheese lasagna,
fruit, margarine, milk and coffee.
TUESDAY: Sloppy Joes, boiled new potatoes, carrot raisin sal-
ad, whole wheat hamburger roll, diced pears, margarine, milk and
lentil soup, Italian bread, mixed
WEDNESDAY: Tuna salad, coleslaw, oven-browned potatoes,
whole wheat hamburger roll, Black Forest pudding, margarine,
THURSDAY: Valentine’s Day luncheon - Roast beef au jus, cau-
liflower, Italian green beans, dinner roll, red velvet cake, marga-
FRIDAY: Macaroni and cheese, stewed tomatoes, bean soup,
whole wheat bread, crackers, pineapple juice, birthday cake, mar-
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In observance of Scout Sunday on Feb. 3, Ben Higgins of
Pack 28, chartered with the Dallas United Methodist Church,
and Doug Newbigging of Pack 155, chartered with the Trucks-
ville United Methodist Church, participated in a special ser-
vice at the New Life Apostolic Church in West Pittston. The
Scouts, both members of the church, collected the offering
during service that day. From left, are are Doug Higgins, Rev.
Philip Webb, pastor of New Life Apostolic Church; and Doug
Brenda D. Colbert Kevin R. Grebas
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