The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, January 20, 2013, Image 6

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    PAGE 6
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Joe Butkiewicz
The Dallas Post
Community Newspaper Group
15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 18711 ® 570-675-521
Diane McGee
Dotty Martin
‘Vote’ shows obstacles faced
by the physically challenged
The Department of Communi-
cations at Misericordia Universi-
ty offers a special screening of its
recently completed documen-
tary, “Vote,” at 6 p.m. on Wednes-
day, Jan. 30 in the McGowan
Room of the Mary Kintz Bevevi-
no Library.
Dr. Melissa Sgroi, department
chair, and Dan Kimbrough, as-
sistant professor, traveled
throughout the Wyoming Valley
during the Nov. 6 general elec-
tion to gauge whether or not poll-
ing places met Americans with
Disabilities Act requirements
and did not inhibit any members
of the nation’s electorate from
casting their ballots in the presi-
dential election.
The Misericordia professors
accompanied a physically chal-
lenged college student who lost
the use of his legs after a snow-
boarding accident and his moth-
er to a polling place to cast their
They also talked to election of-
ficials, a state official and others
to see why these obstacles from
the environment have not been
corrected at polling places.
The screening on campus will
also include people who agreed
to participate in the shooting of
the documentary, members of
the media and special interest
By Samantha Weaver
¢ |t was humorist Jerome K. Jerome who made the following sage
observation: “It is impossible to enjoy idling thoroughly unless one
has plenty of work to do. There is no fun in doing nothing when you
have nothing to do. Wasting time is merely an occupation then, and
a most exhausting one. Idleness, like kisses, to be sweet must be
* Though it is unconstitutional and therefore unenforceable, there
is a law on the books in Tennessee which prohibits duelists, preach-
ers and atheists from being elected to public office.
e According to most history books, the first shots of the Civil War
were fired at Fort Sumter, S.C., in April of 1861, but that’s not entirely
true. The first shots of the war between the North and the South
actually were fired in January of that year in Pensacola, Fla., where
a garrison of Union troops was stationed at Fort Barrancus. A con-
tingent of Florida and Alabama troops marched on the fort with the
intent to throw out the Yankees in their midst. However, the Souther-
ners’ dedication to the cause was somewhat lacking; as soon as the
Union soldiers fired at them, they beat a hasty retreat.
* Those who study such things say that the average lightning bolt
has a temperature of approximately 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit. For
comparison, the sun's average temperature is only 10,000 F.
e |f you've ever been told to shut your pie-hole, you might have
wondered where the expression came from. The term was first used
in 1983, in the film version of Stephen King's horror novel “Chris-
Thought for the day: “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It may
be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed
beholder a black eye.” - Jim Henson
The History Channel
* On Jan. 23,1849, Elizabeth Blackwell is granted a medical degree
from Geneva College in New York, becoming the first female to be
officially recognized as a physician in U.S. history. In 1857, she found-
ed the New York Infirmary for Women and Children.
* On Jan. 27,1888, the National Geographic Society is founded in
Washington, D.C. Readership in its magazine did not grow, however,
until it discarded the format of overly technical articles and used
articles of general interest accompanied by photographs. “National
Geographic” quickly became known for its stunning and pioneering
* On Jan. 24,1935, canned beer makes its debut when the Gott-
fried Krueger Brewing Company delivered 2,000 cans of beer and
ale to faithful Krueger drinkers in Richmond, Va. Ninety-one percent
of the drinkers approved of the canned beer, prompting Krueger to
give the green light to further production
* On Jan. 21,1957, Patsy Cline, one of the most important figures in
country-music history, first gains national attention with her winning
appearance on “Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scouts.” Cline wowed the
studio audience with her performance of the now-classic “Walkin'
After Midnight.”
Anthony Bruno, of Overbrook Road in Dallas, took this photo of the reservoir from Reservoir Road.
"YOUR SPACE" is reserved specifically
for Dallas Post readers who have something
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Submitted items may include photo-
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Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711.
Information must include the submitting
person's name, address and telephone num-
ber in the event we have questions. Readers
wishing to have their photos returned
should include a self-addressed/stamped
envelope. Items will be published in the or-
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The editor of The Dallas Post reserves the
right to reject any items submitted for publi-
1993 - 20 YEARS AGO
Lisa Caputo of Shavertown
has been officially named deputy
assistant to President Bill Clin-
ton and press secretary to Hill-
ary Clinton. She assumed those
duties January 20 upon Clinton’s
inauguration. The 28-year-old
Caputo is
the daugh-
ter of Ri-
chard and
Caputo, a
graduate of
and Brown
Members of Cub Scout Den 3
Pack 232 from Gate of Heaven
School examined a copy of the
Dallas Post from January 18,
1984, as part of a tour of The
Post’s new office Friday, January
15. Den members included Brent
Mayernick, John Pambianco and
Jeffrey Singer.
Jeffrey Malak, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Malak, Shavertown,
and a senior at Wyoming Semi-
nary College Preparatory
School, was named January’s
Student of the Month by the
Kingston Lions Club.
1983 —- 30 YEARS AGO
Newly elected officers of the
Luzerne County Fall Fair Com-
mittee recently took office at a
meeting held at Irem Temple
Country Club. The officers are:
Robert Bayer, president; William
Kalinowski, vice president; Pat
Kalinowski, treasurer; Stet
Swan, secretary; and Chet Szal-
kowski, assistant secretary.
Approximately 300 students
at the Westmoreland Elemen-
tary School found out “Who is
Woodsy Owl,” and what he does,
when the Bell Telephone Pio-
neers of America brought its en-
vironmental program to the
Back Mountain. Woodsy Owl,
the official American symbol for
anti-pollution is a fantasy charac-
ter who visits youngsters in
schools and encourages them to
become aware of various types of
pollution in their world. His mot-
to, “Give a Hoot, Don’t Pollute”
catches the imagination of chil-
dren and inspires them to prac-
tice anti-pollution habits, from a
very young age.
It was Meet the Wrestlers
night at Lake-Lehman High
School last week during the
Knights-Mountaineer wrestling
meet. Wrestlers, managers and
cheerleaders were introduced to
the fans and mothers of each pre-
sented with a corsage. One of the
wrestlers featured in the pre-
sentation was Jeff Austin. He
was escorted by cheerleader
Kim Sorber. Jeff is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Austin.
1973 — 40 YEARS AGO
Debby Ostrum, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Ostrum,
Shavertown, will be installed as
Worthy Advisor of the Charles
James Memorial assembly, No.
144, Order of Rainbow for Girls,
at a ceremony next week. Miss
Ostrum will be installed by Ruth
LaBar, Junior Past Worthy Advi-
sor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence LaBar, RD 3, Dallas.
The Back Mountain Federat-
ed Democratic Women’s Club
held its installation Dinner Jan.
5 at the Wa Hoo Inn. Officers in-
stalled were: President, Anna
Polachek; first vice president,
Rosemary Engle; second vice
president, Polly Honeywell; trea-
surer, Ann Crake; secretary, He-
len Grey; chaplain, Virginia Sor-
ber; sergeant-at-arms, Elsie Fran-
klin, and historian, Doris
Newly elected officers of Gate
of Heaven's Altar and Rosary So-
ciety are: Mrs. James Hawk,
president; Mrs. Walter Weir, vice
president; Linda Scholl, secreta-
ry; and Mrs. Francis Barry, trea-
1963 — 50 YEARS AGO
Holy Name Society of St.
Therese’s, Shavertown, will have
a “smoker” at the church this
week. Harry “Fritz” Dorish, for-
mer pitcher and present coach of
the Boston Red Sox, will be the
main speaker.
Rural Building and Loan Asso-
ciation elected L.L. Richardson
president at a meeting held at its
new office on Main Street Mon-
day night. EW. Hall was elected
vice president. Re-elected were:
G. Wilbur Nichols, secretary;
Frederick J. Eck, treasurer; and
B.B. Lewis, solicitor.
1953 — 60 YEARS AGO
Mrs. William Drabick, Meek-
er, was hostess to the Sunshine
class of Meeker Methodist
Church at a Christmas Party last
week. Annual election of officers
was held at the business meeting
prior to the festivities, with Mrs.
James Davenport named presi-
dent,; Mrs. William Drabick,
vice president; Mrs. Walter
Wolfe, secretary; Miss Letha
Wolfe, treasurer; and Mrs. John
Hildebrant, teacher.
The first Back Mountain resi-
dent to appear on television is
John C. Bush, Church Street,
Dallas Township, a member of
the “Sports Tonight” panel seen
Monday nights at 7:30 over
WBRE TV Channel 28. Bush is
the sports editor of the Sunday
Holy Name Society, recently
organized, held its first regular
meeting Monday evening at
Gate of Heaven, with newly
elected officers seated. Robert
Lauz is president; Leslie Bar-
stow, first vice president; Myron
Williams, second vice president;
Joseph Simpson, secretary; and
Michael Novajosky, treasurer.
1943 —- 70 YEARS AGO
Three new members of the
Dallas War Price and Rationing
Board were sworn into service
this week and took up their du-
ties at the meeting of the Board
on Monday morning. The addi-
tional members are: H. Austin
Snyder, supervising principal of
Lehman Schools; Walter Elston,
owner of Shady Side Dairy, Kun-
kle; and Howard Risely, editor of
The Dallas Post. Appointment of
a sixth member, Clyde N. Lapp,
has not yet been confirmed by
the Philadelphia office of OPA.
David Smith of Pottsville, a
graduate of West Chester State
Teachers College in the Class of
1941, has been appointed Super-
visor of Music in Dallas Borough
School during the leave of ab-
sence granted Robert Hender-
son for military service.
Dick Parks and Ted Parrish
were honored at a waffle and
chicken gravy dinner held by tiga
Idetown Church Choir at t 1
home of Mrs. Loren Keller. A
money belt was presented to
Dick, who expects to leave any
day for the service, and a Testa-
ment to Mrs. Ruth Parrish for
her husband who is stationed at
Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
Information for “Only Yester-
day” is taken from back copies of
the Dallas Post which is 121
vears old. The information here
is printed exactly as it originally
“Because he helped
Rosa Parks and the
native Americans get
their freedom."
Morgan Landau
“Everybody has the
same rights because
of him."
Jackie Sharon
“Because he was shot
and died because he
was black.”
Abraham Dubsheh
“No idea. | learned
about it in first
Jack Lacasavage
“Because he helped
the black people to be
treated more fairly.”
Samantha Bufalino
“To show respect to
him because he
showed the black peo-
ple how to act in non-
violent ways.”
Jack Ziemba