PAGE 4 THE DALLAS POST b Sunday, January 20, 2013 Students invited to compete in art contest All area students in grades 7-12 residing in or studying art within the geographical boundaries of the school districts of Dallas, Lake-Lehman, Tunkhannock and Northwest Area are invited to en- ter the 32nd Annual Suzanne Ma- ria Rossetti Memorial Juried Art Contest. Joe and Sue Hand, of Dallas, sponsor the contest in memory of the daughter of Louise and the late Peter Rossett, of Saugus, MA. Entries must be delivered to Sue Hand’s Imagery, 35 Main St., Dallas, between Feb. 11 and 20. Ribbons will be awarded in 12 different categories on each sep- arate grade level by two panels of three judges each. They will be judged separately on each grade level in a variety of categories, in- cluding pencil, pastel, watercol- or, acrylic, oil, ink, scratchboard, mixed media, fibers, photogra- phy, prints and miniature draw- ings and paintings. Photographs must be at least 8” X 10”. No entry may exceed a total size of 45 inches in any di- rection. All 2-D entries must be mount- ed or matted or framed (excep- tion: works on canvas board or Winners of the 31st Annual Suzanne Rossetti Art Contest are, from left, Sue Hand, contest sponsor; Chelsea Martin, Ryan Frania, Jacob Sorber, Sarah Pomfret and Joe Hand, contest sponsor. stretched canvas) and must be ac- companied by an entry form, available from area school art teachers or from Sue Hand's Im- agery. All 2-D artwork, including mat- ted paper, must have a secure hanger on the back. Artwork must have been completed in the last 12 months and may not have been entered in any previous Ros- setti art contest. Gifts for Toasvrs, \. Weddings, Graduations, Birthdays, and Baby Waterfall (our most popular baby gift) LEARN TO MAKE POTTERY IN AS FEW AS THREE WEEKS! 3 Tuesday thru Friday 10-6 ¢ Saturday 10-5 120 N. Main St., Shavertown (next to buka) ¢ 751-6478 “THE WINGMAN’ JAMES SEIN ‘So Wrong...” X-Rated Comedy Tour & Book Signing With the Author of “The Wingman Chronicles’ aturday, Feb 2 9:30 pm Seating starts at 9 pin oe AV S For tickets & info visit: on /JamesHoleva Get The Benefits (11) Deserve! Social Security Disability Claimants represented by attorneys are more successful in obtaining benefits. Call me for a FREE CONSULTATION. | can help. Member of the National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives Janet A. Conser Atiorpey AtLaw 1575 Wyoming. Ave, Forty Fort 283-1200 Over 25 Years Experience BACK MOUNTAIN BOWL Sicilian Pizza » Wings GOETCRE [VR O01) Eat in and Take Out! (CT DIGE TR ADE ETRY AR 171) LUCAS FARMS Don’t Forget mr to Like Us onk = POTATOES 225 BABY PEELED CARROTS 99¢.: GRAPE TOMATOES 159... CABBAGE 19¢ CANTALOUPES 159, YAMS 59¢ STRAWBERRIES 175... RED PEARS 99¢ LEMONS 4/31 Winter Hous ~ Open 7 Days A Week :00 AM. to 5:00 PM. 610 Ne Street, Hanover Twp. Phone 570-825-9720 * Fax 570-825-1939 Each student may submit a to- tal of three entries. In addition, a separate awards jury of six artists will assign many community-sponsored cash awards and gift certificates. Deadline for entries is 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 20. The public is invited to the opening reception of the 32nd Annual Suzanne Maria Rossetti Memorial Juried Art show from 1 Fr Made Easy » We'll help you get what you want * You can save up to 90% of regular cost Call for a free Consult : 570-814-3563 BARONESS Juriane VON SCHMELING MBA, Ej 4 to 4 p.m. on Sunday, March 3 at the Schulman Gallery on the campus of the Luzerne County Community College, South Pros- pect Street, Nanticoke. A ceremony for special awards will follow at 4 p.m. The exhibit of winning art works will contin- ue through Tuesday, March 26. For a complete listing of all rules, call Heather Madeira at 675-5094. (across from Children Serdce Center) W WW, it eB aro 54 ih 334 S. Franklin St., Suite 201 W-B ¢Baron HSN Lace Aneast. net Visit the 159 S. Pennsylvania Blvd. Wilkes-Barre + 829-2424 Test Results Night: 422 S. Mountain Blvd., Mountain Top 242 S. Washington St., Wilkes-Barre 1690 Wyoming Ave., Exeter 316 North Maple Ave., Kingston 601 N. Laurel St., Hazleton 125 Stephenson St., Duryea PEOPLE BRIEFS Two named to dean's list Gavin Colley, of Tunkhan- nock, and Shauna Phillips, of Dallas, have been named to the dean’s list for the fall 2012 semester at Widener Uni- versity. Colley is a middle years education major and Phillips is a psychology major. The dean’s list recognizes full-time students who earned a grade point average of 3.50 and above for the semester. MU prof named to association term Darci Brown, P.A.-C., direc- tor of clinical education and assistant professor of physi- cian assistant studies at Mi- sericordia University, has been appointed to the finance com- mittee of the Physician Assist- ant Education Association for a two-year term (2013-15). Brown graduated magna cum laude from Buffalo State College, Buffalo, N.Y., with a Bachelor of Science in foren- sic chemistry and holds a Master of Science in physician assistant studies from Arcadia | Your Sweetnear] deserves Sweets on Valentine's Da, CATHOLIC SCHOOLS The Holy Redeemer School System of the Diocese of Scranton is comprised of one high school and six elementary schools. University, Glenside. She is currently pursuing a Master of Business Administration de- gree at Misericordia Uni- versity. She is a fellow of the Amer- ican Academy of Physician Assistants and the Pennsylva- nia Society of Physician As- sistants, where she serves as a Region V representative. T= She is certified by the Na tional Commission on Certifi” cation of Physician Assistants and holds a Pennsylvania State Physician Assistant License. Two installed in Barbershop Society Phillip Brown, of Shaver- town, was installed as pro- gram vice-president and Rob- ert Dingman, of Dallas, was installed as a board member of the Wilkes-Barre Chapter, Barbershop Harmony Society. Belles on dean's list Cornell University’s Erin Belles,of Dallas, has been placed on the dean’s list of the College of Arts and Sciences for Excellence in Scholarship for the fall 2012 semester. ph#570.288.0559 Our family of schools offers a Catholic education that is spiritually sound and academically excellent. Our schools provide many opportunities for success. - Graduates received ($106,000 per graduate). ~ Athletes won and 718-4724 455-9431 457-2553 474-5803 823-8089 654-7982 Diocese of Scranton oy wy go " a » 5 4 ® % post secondary education. - Students achieved SAT scores Volunteers performed over NOW BEING ACCEPTED. www. www. of Holy Redeemer High School pursued in performance based scholarships of community service. \ SCHOOLS SYSTEM CATHOLIC SCHOOLS OFFICE, DIOCESE OF SCRANTON 300 WYOMING AVENUE, SCRANTON, PA 18503 570-207-2251 Sunday, January 27 Sunday, January 27 Sunday, January 27 Sunday, January 27 Sunday, January 27 Sunday, January 27 Our Catholic schools welcome and value the unique gifts of our students. Together they form a family of all faiths and abilities. As we celebrate Catholic Schools Week, we invite you to visit our Open Houses and discover the advantages of a Catholic education and the lifelong benefits it offers your child. Open Houses 1:30-3:00 pm 1:00-3:00 pm 12:00-2:00 pm 1:00-3:00 pm 1:00-3:00 pm 1:00-3:00 pm ET) FOR MORE INFORMATION GO TO: WWW.DIOCESEOFSCRANTON.ORG/CATHOLICSCHOOLS
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