i | | | | 1 l { i Sunday, January 20, 2013 THE DALLAS POST PAGE 15 630 Money To Loan “We can erase your bad credit - 100% GUARAN- TEED.” Attorneys for the Federal Trade Commission they’ve never a legitimate it repair opera- . No one can legally accurate and timely remove information from your credit report. It’s a process that starts with you and involves time and a conscious effort to pay your debts. Learn about manag- ing credit and debt at ftc. gov/credit. A message from The Times Leader and the FTC. LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE IN CLASSIFIED! Do you need more space? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way to clean out your closets! You're in bussiness with classified! BASEBALL CARDS great for young col- lector 800 1989 Upper Deck assort- ed baseball cards $10. NY Yankees 236 cards $5. Boston Red Sox 256 cards $5. 570-313- 5214 or 313-3859 YEARBOOKS. COUGHLIN (25) 1928-1980, GAR, (22) 1928-2006, MEYERS, (22) 1957- 1981, WYOMING VALLEY WEST, (11) 1970-1992. NANTI- COKE, (2) 1971- 1979, PITTSTON, (11) 1967-1981HANOVER (6) 1951-1981 MINT. Prices vary depend- ing on condition. $20-$40 each. Call for further details and additional school editions. 570-825-4721 arthurh302@ aol.com 710 Appliances DRYER: Like new. kenmore 90 series electric dryer. white. auto moisture sens- | ing-4 fabric settings $250. Kenmore Ultrawash DISH- WASHER. beige. ultrawash sensor & quiet guard system. $300. Willing to negotiate if u buy both! 570-266-2300 EW 100} GE CAFE SERIES Brand new, factory- sealed C2S9 85SET stainless steel 30” Dual-Fuel Range, $2,300, and CV936 MSS Vent Hood, $800. 25% discount from our purchase price. Full manufac- turer’s warranty. Free delivery from authorized dealer’s warehouse. 570 954-6926. Furnaces & Heaters OLTANGS (2) 275 gallon ind tanks. Very good condition. Convert- ed to gas. $125. each. Call 570-760-2793 744 Furniture & Accessories CHAIRS, (2) Genuine leather, cus- tom made recliners. Taupe color, like new. $550 each. 570-675-5046 91" of Times Leader readers read the Classified section. *2008 Pulse Research a. Do You Have To Sell Today? Call 829-7130 to place your ad. timesleader.com 746 Garage Sales/ Estate Sales/ Flea Markets FW TODA BUYING ALL US & FOREIGN COINS CURRENCY POSTCARDS STAMPS GOLD SILVER -TOP DOLLAR for Silver » Tol | F-103 - TOP DOLLAR for all United States, Canadian & Foreign Coins & Paper Money -Gold Coins [og=t- 14) A gT=T=Te [So El nd 0 To} JRE 7S |") [141 4 Sets -Wheat Backs & Indian Heads -All Types of [0] ['« JN oo 1151-3 -Gold & Silver Jewelry & Bullion -Sterling Silver & -Local | ado 13 {oto ole [1 GET COIN DEALER PRICES FOR YOUR COINS WE GIVE FREE APPRAISALS () [o Melo] [ToF-Td ela Eo No pressure) HERITAGE (eV =o] = LSY- a or of gly \V/ 2) DALLAS, PA Across from Dallas Agway Lolo Bl 2 3 FF & £<3 TUES-SAT. 10-6 (ol W-3 @V.\ dod 674-2646 758 Miscellaneous 570-301-3602 CALL US! TO JUNK YOUR CAR BEST PRICES IN THE AREA CASH ON THE $POT, Free Anytime Pickup 570-301-3602 TIRES. Just in time for winter driving. (2) like new Dunlop, 225/40/R18 M+SP Winter Sport. $50 each negotiable 570-474-5090 794 Video Game Systems/Games Wii GAME. Console 2 controllers, 2 nunchucks, 10 dames, drums, 4 guitars loads of accessories, paper- work and books. $175 OBO 570-592-5383 796 Wanted to Buy Merchandise FU TO VINYL RECORDS Buying old rock & albums & 45’s. 50’s, 60’s & 70’s 774-535-2268 LINE UP A GREAT DEAL... IN CLASSIFIED! 800 PETS & ANIMALS 815 FW TODA AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES Beautiful, blue & red merals, black & red tri. 8 weeks old. $150-$350. 570-925-2951 Dogs BLACK LABRADOR PUPPY Female, 8 weeks old. Ready now, home raised. Very loveable. Parents on premises. Call Jill at 570-899-2116 815 Dogs | 906 Homes for Sale | 941 Apartments/ | 941 Unfurnished Apartments/ Unfurnished 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES 18 years estab- lished breeder. Health records. $350. 570-765-1914 FN TOY POODLE PUPPIES Curly little cuties. All black. 8 weeks DALLAS LUZERNE 4 BENNETT APTS *FIVE STAR* ManageD soley EXETER SENIOR APTS 222 Schooley Ave. Exeter Accepting applications for 1 bedroom apt. on second floor. Quality apart- ments for ages 62 and older. Income limits apply. Rent only $465 month. 45 Old Grandview Avenue in condition, convenient location 3 bedroom bi- level. Bedrooms all have appliances, glass enclosed Move old, available now! double closets *Utilities Included $350 each. Large family room *Laundry Facilities 570-868-8138 with fireplace | | *On Site Large laundry room. Management All appliances stay. | | ‘Private parking *Elevator 3 zone gas heating system, new roof, 2 car garage, storage CALL FOR APP’'T 570-654-5733 570-288-1422 above garage Ea Hogi Fosse fies _ NANTICOKE 2 redvoome. HARVEYS LAKE Cr a ast porch, backyard Large, newly refur- hook up. Includes bished, 2 bedroom. 2 baths, kitchen heat, water & trash. Absolutely no pets. patio. 2 large side yards, storage shed Well landscaped. with granite coun- Security deposit 906 Homes for Sale Close to schools & ters. Frontal view required. $550/ : other amenities. | of lake. Dock avail- month. Having on le $204,000. able. $1,200/month | 570-592-1393 pay "3 your mor = call Allan + utilities & security. BoP on iF $70-690-0440 570-675:5129 payments? You it HERE may get mail from in ETE KINGSTON people who promise y 3 bedrooms, 1 bath. to forestall your 570-829-7130 foreclosure for a fee in advance. Report them to the Federal Trade Commission, the nation’s con- sumer protection agency. Call 1-877- FTC-HELP or click Refrigerator, stove & dishwasher, wash er/dryer hookup. Off street parking, No pets. $700/month, water & sewer paid, security & 1st month’s rent. 570-239-4996 NANTICOKE 2nd floor, 1 bedroom non smoking. Water & sewer included. No pets. 1 year lease + references. $380/month + sec- urity & utilities. Call NANTICOKE on ftc.gov. A mes- 570-735-3719 a Aa KINGSTON To place your ad Call Toll Free E. Walnut St. 2nd floor. Located in the FTC. 1472 S. Hanover St. iet ighborhood. LINE UP ‘Well maintained a 1-800-427-8649 A GREAT DEAL... bi-level. This home dining room, sun- features 2 bed- room, bath, 3 bed- IN CLASSIFIED! ISOs: 18/4 paihs, rooms; 2 large & 1 ! : e ion m mall. Lot f clos- Looking for the right deal | with propane stove. | ats. builtin. linen on an automobile? Walk out to a 3 closet A hutch. Turn to classified. season porch. Pro- | Hardwood & car- It's a showroom in print! fessionally land- _ | peted floors. Fire- PITTSTON hig * | scaped yard. 1car | piace. Storage Newly renovated Classified’s got garage, storage | room. Yard. Washer | 1Pedroom, 2 story the directions! shed, new appli- | / dryer, stove / | apartment. New ances, ceiling fans. | fridge. Heat and hot appliances, washer Close to LCCC. water included. 1 | & dryer included, * Kk Kk Kk $153,900. year lease + securi- | large fenced yard. No pets. $525/month. Call 570-407-0874 WEST PITTSTON Call 570-735-7594 ty. $950 or 570-477-2410 570-283-4370 2nd floor, wall to * * * * wall, 3 rooms, $450 + utilities & deposit. No pets. No smok- KINGSTON ing. 570-335-3157 DALLAS 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Third Floor. WEST WYOMING Eighth Street Beautiful, 2nd floor, 2 bedroom, 1 bath. All appliances, includes washer/ dryer & air condi- tioning. Non smok- Two bedrooms, kitchen, living room. Refrigerator and stove provid- ed. Heat, water, and sewer included. Nice neighborhood. modern country kitchen with Corian counters, family room with fireplace, wet bar & walkout to patio, multi-level decks. All appli- ances included. GLEN LYON $217,000. $625 per month. er, security & refer- 570-675-0446 2 bedroom, wall to Lease, first & ences, off street evenings. wall, gas fireplace, security deposit, parking, no pets. electric heat and references $575 + utilities. 954-2972 FW TOD4 WILKES-BARRE 447 S. Franklin St. 1 bedroom with study, off street parking, laundry facility. Includes includes stove & refrigerator. $475 + security Pets extra. includes Water sewer & garbage. 570-736-6068 Unfurnished |." HARVEYS LAKE 1 or 2 bedroom , required. No p S0-2085569 MOUNTAIN TOP WOODBRYN 1 & 2 Bedroom. +“ No pets. Rents based on income start at $405 & $440. Handicap Accessible. FW TODA FORTY FORT SINGLE HOME 3 bedroom. Corner lot. Carport & 11/2 car garage detached. 941 Gas heat i : yi wall to wall carpet, Equal Housing heat and hot od Sding. appliances, Lake Opportunity. 570- water, hardwood 474-5010 TTY711 This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. rights. Off street parking. No pets. Lease, security & references. 570-639-5920 floors, appliances, Trash removal. $580/mo Call (570)821-5599 Enclosed side porch. $99,000 570-779-5438 Leave Message. APPLIANCES WASHER / DRYER / RANGE REFRIGERATOR Bring in old part with model # and serial # APPLIANCE PARTS & SUPPLY 936 Market Street, Kingston Open 9-4:30-Sat ‘til Noon - 288-5526 ALBERT W. ASHTON HOME IMPROVEMENTS Additions * Custom Decks ¢ Drywall “= Remodeling * Roofing * Masonry Repairs of All Types 675-2110 WILKES-BARRE Mayflower Crossing Apartments 570.822.3968 1, 2,3 &4 Bedrooms - Light & bright open floor plans - All major appliances included - Pets welcome* - Close to everything - 24 hour emergency maintenance - Short term leases available Call TODAY For AVAILABILITY!!! www.mayflower crossing.com Certain Restrictions Apply* EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Looking to buy a home? Place an ad here and let the sellers know! 570-829-7130 WILKES- + BARRE AMERICA REALTY *DELUXE* remodeled FIRST $625 + utilities, ING/EMPLOY- MENT/ APPLICATION. 570-288-1422 FW TOO{ WILKES-BARRE HISTORIC WHEELMAN 439 S. Franklin St. Fabulous 1 bed- room, hardwood floors. A/C, marble bath. Security sys- tem. Laundry, off street parking. $600 570-821-5599 WILKES-BARRE NEAR ASHLEY ist floor, 2 bed- rooms, living & dining rooms & kit- chen. Refrigerator & gas stove, wash- er/dryer hookup, off-street parking, no pets. $475/ month + utilities, security & references. Call 570-655-4298 WILKES-BARRE SOUTH 2 bedroom apart- ment, no pets, washer/dryer, $600/ month. Water included. Serious inquiries only. 570-242-3327 WYOMING 2nd floor, spacious 2 bedroom apart- ment. refrigerator, stove & dishwasher included, washer/ dryer hook-up, enclosed back porch, water & sewer provided by owner, utilities by tenant. Gas heat, no smoking or pets $695/ month + security deposit & 1st month rent. 570 693-5858 Collect cash, not dust! Clean out your basement, garage or attic and call the Classified depart- ment today at 570- 829-7130! 944 Commercial Properties COMMERCIAL RETAIL PROPERTY FOR RENT. 900 Sq. Ft. STORE RETAIL SPACE Will be vacant as of January 1, 2013 200 Spring St. Wilkes-Barre Great for a Barber Shop! Call Michael at 570-239-7213 950 Half Doubles FW TODA PITTSTON 2 bedroems, 1 bath, Totally renovated 8 room apartment. Includes 3 bed- rooms & laundry room. Brand new wall to wall carpet- ing/flooring. Luxury draperies/blinds. Brand new appli- ances available, if needed. Partially furnished. Large back yard. Exterior & other 1/2 side still under renovation. Close to nearby park, tranquil neigh- borhood. Pets wel- come, no smoking $750/month + utili- ties & security. Call 570-762-8265 PLAINS 3 bedrooms, 6 rooms, kitchen & bath. No pets. Non-smokers preferred. $550 + utilities & security. 570-822-6292 FW T004 modern’ PLAINS SPACIOUS Victorian charm, 3 bedroom, . 1 bath hardwood floors, neutral decor, stained glass win- dow, large kitchen Washer/ dryer hook-up, off street parking. No pets. Reduced $675. month + utilities, security & lease. 570-793-6294 950 Half Doubles 953 Houses for Rent PLYMOUTH Shawnee Ave. 3 bedrooms, back yard, basement. $550/month + utilities and sewer. 570-357-0712 953 Houses for Rent AVOCA 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, Manufactured house. Remodeled, wall to wall, stove, refrigerator, wash- er/dryer, air, off- street parking, yard. No pets. $475. Call 570-947-5113 BEAR CREEK VILLAGE Beautiful 3,000 sq. ft. contemporary, private beach & recreation area. 2 car garage, 3-4 bedrooms, 3+ baths, office space, fireplace, 3 private acres. References, & job verification required. $1400/ month + utilities, 1st & last month + secu- rity deposit, lease negotiable. Contact edenpeter@ gmail.com HARVEYS LAKE 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, all appli- ances, hardwood floors, gas fire- place, washer/dryer on premises, single car attached garage. No pets. $975/month + secu- rity. Water, sewer & garbage paid. Call 570-855-2687 KINGSTON & SURROUNDING AREA [8 ¢ RENTALS: Wilkes-Barre 4 bedroom 1/2 double. Yard, Off Street Parking. Close to schools. Wilkes-Barre 3 bedroom brick home. Yard, din- ing room, living room with built in bookcases. Kingston: 3 bedroom 1/2 double. New Kitchen, yard, close to parks, schools. Kingston: 1 bedroom apt. 2nd floor Wyoming: 2 bedroom apt. ist floor Appliances included. Lease, references, required. Call: 899-3407 for info/appt. KINGTSON AREA SINGLE HOMES POSSIBLE OPTION TO BUY KINGSTON 143 W. Dorrance PLYMOUTH TWP. 350 Valley View WILKES-BARRE 18 Prospect EXETER 116 Grove St. (570) 970-0650 jtdproperties.com FW TOD WILKES-BARRE 81 Loomis Street 3 bedroom, large backyard, washer/dryer hook- up, pets okay. Sec- tion 8 okay. $775/ month + utilities. References. (570) 417-3299 1015 Appliance Service ECO- FRENOLY APPLIANCE TECH, 25 Years Experi- ence fixing major appliances: Wash- ers, Dryers, Refrig- erators, Dishwash- ers, Compactors. Most brands. Free phone advice & all work guaranteed. No service charge for visit. 706-6577 Building & Remodeling fst, Quality Construction t Roofing, siding, gutters, insulation, decks, additions, windows, doors, masonry & concrete. Insured & Bonded. Senior Citizens Discount! State Lic, # PAOS7320 370-606-8438 Shopping for a new apartment? Classified lets you compare costs - without hassle or worry! Get moving with classified! 1135 1024 Hauling & Trucking A.S.A.P Hauling Estate Cleanouts, Attics, Cellars, Garages, we're cheaper than dumpsters!. Free Estimates, Same Day! 570-855-4588 THoME IMPROVEMENTS RESTORATION AUTO BODY PHONE: (378) 823-2211 FAX: 5 824-0553 Teck so Body Shots ve Pender Benderna INSURANCE ESTIMATES e COLLISION REPAIRS FOREIGN & DOMESTIC » QUALITY CRAFTSMANSHIP 105 WEST SAYLOR AVE. PLAINS, PA 18702 CALL RICK OR NICK Repairs # Maintenance # Construction Telephone 570.696.1307 davemonkelectric@epixnet §79 Lawis A Trucksville, PA 18708 Ty —— Residential & Commercial LEADING JUNK REMOVAL SERVICE! Low Price, rast & Relistte Same Day Service Household junk, Office Junk & Yard Junk Removal BASEMENT, GARAGE & ATTIC CLEAN OUTS! + Fence, Shed & Deck Removal « Appliance & Furniture Removal + Mattress & Carpet Removal - TV & Electronics Removal > Tire Removal & Recycling = Office Clean-outs = Computer, Printer & Monitor Removal - Flood & Fire Damage Cleanups Leaf & Debris Removal « Estate Cleanouts - Home Staging - Job Site Cleanups - Light Demolition - Scrap Metal Removal £s25 or s50 ad 2 v2 yards & up 5 yards & up of present this coupon at ime af pickup, Cannot be comings with any other coupon. non-refundabl oo and noneredesnmable for cosh. Limit one coupon pers pickup. Does not apply 10 Minimum jobs 1-877-267-JUNK rree estimates WwWw.thejunkboyz.com Licensed & insured « & R 24-Hour Emergency @ Service Independently Owned and Operated Like it never even happened.® Thomas & Dorothy Hess Owners SERVPRO® of Columbia, Montour & Sullivan Counties Bus: (570) 759-0966 SERVPRO® of Hazleton/ Harvey's Lake Bus: (570) 256-4485 sp8807 @epix.net Servpro.com DETIFE ROOFING win LA member Northeastern SMITH & MILLER ROOFING, INC. * Flat Roofs ¢ Shingles * Siding * Replacement Windows Free Estimates - Licensed & Insured WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED ROBERT SMITH, WEST PITTSTON HICH PA-005521 | PPR ASE Back 1o Basics: A Fireplace & Stove Shoppe Hours: Tues. 9-7 « Wed., Thurs., Fri. 9-5:30 « Sat. 9-4 = Closed Sun. & Mon. VAT VAT VAG [1 CIN T EY oF To Sq 0] EEE eel eo 14) 675-2266
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