The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, December 02, 2012, Image 6
PAGE 6 EDITORIAL Sunday, December 2, 2012 The Dallas Post Community Newspaper Group THE TIMES LEADER 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 18711 ® 570-675-521 Dotty Martin EDITOR 970-7440 Joe Butkiewicz EXECUTIVE EDITOR 829-7249 Diane McGee ADVERTISING 970-7153 dmcgee@® Library citrus sale Is favorite scene One of the favorite scenes around the Back Mountain Memorial Library is the delivery of fresh fruit for the annual citrus sale. Fruit previously ordered may be picked up from 3 to 5:30 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 7 or from 9:30 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Dec. 8. Amnesty Week Another popular time at the library is the annual Amnesty Week. This year it will be held from Monday, Dec. 10 to Saturday, Dec. 15. Any current fines for items returned late during this week will be waived. Meet Tux And one of the library’s most highly-anticipated family events is the Wilkes-Barre /Scranton Penguins Reading night. Come and cel- ebrate the holidays with Mike O’Brien, Tux and star players from the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins in a lively reading program. All ages are welcome to attend at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 18 in the Children’s Room. Space is limited so families are asked to call the library at 675-1182 to reserve seats. The players will talk to the families about the importance of read- ing, about being a team player and about their careers as profes- sional hockey players. Tux will then entertain the children with his antics as the players read holiday books to the children. Bring your questions, along with your memorabilia to be signed and get ready to have some fun with the Penguins. Holiday Open House Don’t forget to mark your calendars for the Back Mountain Me- morial Library’s Annual Holiday Open House. This year the Open House will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 19 and Thursday, Dec. 20. Stop by the library on those days and enjoy light refreshments and soft instrumental holiday music. Friends extend thanks The Friends of the Back Mountain Memorial Library would like to thank everyone who supported their recent fundraiser at Leg- gio’s restaurant in Dallas. This event was well attended and very successful, largely due to the outstanding staff and service provided by this restaurant. Our sincere thanks to the owners of Leggio’s for supporting this important library fundraiser. MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel * On Dec. 5, 1933, the 21st Amendment to the U.S. Constitu- tion is ratified, repealing the 18th Amendment and bringing an end to the era of national prohibition of alcohol in America. Utah became the 36th state to ratify the amendment, achiev- ing the requisite three-fourths majority of states’ approval. ® On Dec. 3, 1947, Marlon Brando's famous cry of “STELLA!” first booms across a Broadway stage, electrifying the audi- ence at the Ethel Barrymore Theatre during the first-ever performance of Tennessee Williams’ play “A Streetcar Named Desire." ® On Dec. 9, 1950, Harry Gold - who had confessed to serv- ing as a courier of top-secret information on the atomic bomb - is sentenced to 30 years in jail for his crime. Gold implicat- ed his brother-in-law and sister, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were later convicted and executed for espionage. * On Dec. 5, 1964, the first Medal of Honor awarded for action in Vietnam is presented to Army Special Forces Capt. Roger Donlon of New York for his heroic action at Nam Dong. Donlon was shot in the stomach during an attack by hordes of Viet Cong. He stuffed a handkerchief into the wound, cinched up his belt and kept fighting. * On Dec. 8, 1982, “Sophie's Choice,” starring actress Mery! Streep as a Holocaust survivor, opens in theaters. The “choice” in the film's title refers to a terrible decision Streep’s character is forced to make, about which of her two children will live or die while in a concentration camp. Maryland. "YOUR SPACE" is reserved specifically for Dallas Post readers who have something they'd like to share with fellow readers. Submitted items may include photo- graphs or short stories and should be sent via e-mail to, by YOUR SPACE Jane Brennan, of Dallas, hit the camera button at just the right moment and captured this lightning strike during a storm in Ocean City, fax to 675-3650 or by mail to The Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. Information must include the submitting person's name, address and telephone num- ber in the event we have questions. Readers wishing to have their photos returned cation. should include a self-addressed/stamped envelope. Items will be published in the or- der in which they are received. The editor of The Dallas Post reserveS the right to reject any items submitted for publi- 20 YEARS AGO -1992 Nesbitt Memorial Hospital's popular Candy Striping program opened its fall session with more than 70 participants. The pro- gram is comprised of girls and boys between the ages of 13 and 17 who volunteer their services to many hos- pital depart- ments. Among the participants are Desiree Ahlum, Sha- vertown, Keri Bach- man, Dal- las; Jackie Gabhardt, Trucks- ville, Brianna Herron, Dallas; Blake Nagle, Dallas; Becky Ni- chol, Dallas; Jennifer Quimby, Hunlock Creek; Harmony Suda, Dallas; and Tiffany Suda, Dallas. YESTERDAY 30 YEARS AGO -1982 Dallas Area Gridder Jerry Rollman was named MVP for his performance in the Dallas- Meyers football contest. Roll- man, defensive tackle and offen- sive guard, led the blocking for teammate Greg Kravitski and garnered six sacks in the Moun- taineers’ victory. Back Mountain Library Story Hour members presented a gi- ant bookmark to Dallas Mayor Paul LaBar in honor of Chil- dren’s Book Week. Participating children are: Amy Shoemaker, Marty Noon, Kevin Joseph, A.J. Wyce, Ann Moore, Sherry Love, Shaun Love, Greg Riley, Mike Vozniak, Allyson Jones, Jessica Kern, Robbie Campbell, Geanna Powelia, Jenifer Reese and Kelly Nelen. 40 YEARS AGO -1972 The Dallas Track team was awarded jackets and patches by the Dallas Lettermen-Booster Club. Members of the team are Wayne Evans, Barry Carle, Ed Connor, Craig Tupper, John Mul- hern, Scott Wimmer, Gary Arcu- ri, Craig Kasper, Douglas Lar- son, John Hiller, Peter Calkins, Robert Wallace, Charles Griffin, Mark Arcuri, Michael Cybulski, Robert Goeringer, Roger Ho- well, Joseph O’Malia, Steve Summa, Douglas Wasserott and Michael Kasper. Karen Sue Lefko was named the recipient of the $500 scholar- ship awarded each year by the Dallas Junior Woman's Club. 50 YEARS AGO -1962 Mrs. Francis Desiderio will be installed as president and Susie Crispell as vice president at the meeting of Lake Township Dem- ocratic Club, Wednesday at the Sportsman’s Club in Noxen. Oth- er officers: secretary, Margaret Grey; assistant secretary, Elsie Franklin; treasurer, Anna Crake; assistant treasurer, Frances Yan- koski; chaplain, Betty Lopasky. Altar and Rosary Society, St. Therese’s Church, Shavertown, will hold its annual Christmas Party December 5 in the Church Auditorium. Mrs. Edward Za- boski, general chairman, has ap- pointed the following commit- tee members: Telephone — Mrs. Edward Kupstas, Mrs. John Mi- halick; punch bowl — Mrs. Rob- ert Dienne, Mrs. Norman Schoell; decorations — Mrs. Lo- ren Fiske; publicity — Mrs. Jo- seph Burns. 60 YEARS AGO -1952 Mrs. Stanley Davies enter- tained officers and secretaries of the Dallas Methodist WSCS at her home Monday night when reports were given and plans for the Tuesday night meeting were discussed. Present at the meet- ing were Mesdames J.C. Flem- ing, president; A.E. Fiske, Ray- mond Kunert, Lawrence Up- dyke, Raymond Hidden, William Heapps, Edward Stair, Z.E. Gar- inger, Edgar Brace, Ruth Fiske and the hostess. Powder and Wig Club, Dallas- Franklin Township High School, will present a three-act comedy, “He Couldn’t Marry Five,” to- night in the school auditorium. Sponsorship is by the Seniof Class and all actors are seniors. Bob Achuff, Don Wiedner, Jessie Carey, Yvonne Schlittler, Betsy Bunney, Gloria Davis, Mary Sholtis, Emma Stritzinger, Carol Swisher and Shirley Welsh com- pose the cast. 70 YEARS AGO -1942 The mountains beyond Root Hollow in Wyoming County were the “happy hunting during the bear season whi grounds” for local iif closed Saturday. There lat 4 Thursday afternoon Alva Eggel- ston of Vernon shot a 400-pound black bear, the largest killed hereabouts in many seasons. Anthracite Chapter Future Farmer’s of America elected Jo- seph Hardisky president suc- ceeding Paul Carlin, and George Stofila, vice president succeed- ing Card Ward at its reorganiza- tion meeting held in Dallas Township High School. Information for “Only Yester- day” is taken from back copies of The Dallas Post which is vears ago. The information he ) is printed exactly as it originally appeared. STRANGE BUT By Samantha Weaver TRUE |t was revered civil-rights leader Mohandas Gandhi who made the following sage observation: “Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err.” e |f you're afraid of rats and mice, you might not want to read the following tidbit: Those who study such things say that 60 percent of all the mammals on earth are rodents. e Athletes playing baseball on steroids have frequently been in the news in recent years, but drugs are nothing new in America’s national sport. During the late 1960s and throughout almost all of the "70s, Dock Ellis was a valued pitcher who played for several teams, including the Pittsburgh Pirates. On June 12,1970, Ellis took LSD, under the mistaken belief that it was an off day for his team. By the time he realized that the Pirates were scheduled to play against the San Diego Padres that evening, it was too late. The drug proved to have no ill effect on Ellis; in fact, he pitched a no-hitter. When he recounted the event to a reporter 12 years later, he said he remembered only bits and pieces of the game, though he felt euphoric. Many years later, after being treated for addic- tion, Ellis became a coordinator for an anti-drug program in Cali- fornia. e |t's been reported that Albert Einstein did not like to wear socks. * Historians say that Russia's Peter the Great was nearly 7 feet tall. “WHAT IS THE LAST MOVIE YOU SAW IN A MOVIE THEATER?" “'Diary of a Wimpy “I'm not sure. It might Kid." It's about what have been ‘Sherlock kids go through when Holmes." they go to school.” Ed Frederick Noah Tripp Dales Dallas “The Avengers.’ It was kind of like a su- per hero movie." Rick Carrion Wilkes-Barre “Courageous. It's a Christian movie about men being dads and husbands. Susan Roskos Lake Louise “'Flight.’ Denzel Wash- ington is an alcoholic airplane pilot who lands a plane upside down to save it. Krista Connolly Swoversville “Lincoln.” It was fab- ulous. Well worth the money, beautifully done with strong po- ¢ litical views." Jane Kishbaugh Shavertown Go. i -. tlt, t Ee .,.... sam