The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, December 02, 2012, Image 10
PAGE 10 THE DALLAS POST Sunday, December 2,2012 ED HAHN INDUCTED INTO DALLAS LIONS CLUB JALEILN The Dallas Lions Club inducted Ed Hahn into the club dur- ing arecent dinner meeting at the Metro Bar and Grill. Joseph Czarnecki conducted the induction. From left, Lion sponsor Larry Spaciano, Czarnecki and Hahn. KIWANIS PURCHASES SCHOOL LUNCHES The Dallas Kiwanis Club recently donated funds to support five Dallas School District students in purchasing school lunches for the remainder of the year. The project, establish- ed last school year by Kiwanis past president Beverly Ather- holt, pays for school lunches for students in need who do not otherwise qualify for the federally-sponsored free or reduced lunch program in the district. From let, are Dr. Thomas Duffy, Dallas Middle School principal; Leslie Piccini, food service di- rector, Metz; Cliff Parker, Kiwanis treasurer; and Beverly Ath- erholt, Kiwanis past president. COUNTRY LINE DANCERS VISIT MEADOWS The ‘Classic’ Country Line Dancers recently paid a visit to Meadows Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Dallas and entertained residents with energetic, boot stomping fun as well as funny stories and jokes by Handi the Clown. From left, are Toni Weiss, instructor; Catherine Kearney, Carol Armillei, Adrienne Fine, Leona Kuttenberg, Elaine Kindler, Fran Holtzman, Geri McNulty, Sue Mazzocchi, Mary Dixon, Jeannie Sickler, Sarah Derhammer, Nancy Mentyka and Carol Elston as “Handi” the Clown. SCHOOL Continued from Page 1 that decision was not made un- til approximately 6:20 a.m. McGovern said that some Lake-Lehman students get picked up by 6 a.m. For his dis- trict, the decision to have a two-hour delay or a cancella- tion needs to be made no later than 5:45 a.m. before buses are on the road. Because snow didn’t start to fall until later in the morning on Tuesday, McGovern felt it was safer to get students to school before the roads got worse, and then wait it out until the end of the day when roads were clear. “The only time it gets tricky is when the private schools make a different decision,” said McGovern. West Side Career and Technical Center also had a two-hour delay on Tuesday. “This is one of the first times we have had a situation like this arise,” he said. Because of the communication between dis- tricts, schools are usually on the same schedule but on Tues- day, Lake-Lehman students who attend West Side CTC were given a study hall period until buses were up and run- ning. Before decisions are made, both Galicki and McGovern contact the director of the bus companies serving their re- spective districts. For Dallas School District, that means calling Jeff Emanuel, whom CHARLOTTE BARTIZEK/ FOR THE DALLAS POST A two-inch snowfall delayed school buses and inconvenienced shoppers like 80-year-old Stanley Mickus, of Dallas, who waited at Fernbrook Corners for the county bus to take him shopping. Galicki relies on to give him an evaluation of roads in the dis- trict. If Emanuel feels the roads are slick, he will offer an opin- ion on whether the district should have a delay or a clos- ing. If officials change the status from a delay to a closing, they make that decision by 8:30 a.m. before buses are on the road. In other weather situations, like when an overnight storm is anticipated, decisions made a little differently. “We like to make a decision by 10 p.m. when there is a storm pending so it can make the 10 or 11 p.m. news,” Galicki said. In the case of a cancellation, every district handles make-up days differently. Galicki has found that working snow days into the end of the year works best for his district. He noted that some districts will take days out of extended holidays such as Easter break but be- cause families tend to make travel plans during those times, attendance is poor. If there is a delay, the school day counts as a full day. McGov- ern said that, in delay scena- rios, elementary classes deter- mine their schedule by room while students in upper grades follow a condensed schedule. High school students have eagl of their scheduled classes, though they are shortened. Both superintendents stressed their main concern when making these decisions is the safety of the students, per- sonnel and drivers. are STATION Continued from Page 1 this too damn long and nothing gets done,” said Miller. Blaine added that the bor- ough has the funds available in its restricted cash account to fix plumbing and water issues. get was made available and is at the borough office for anyone who wishes to inspect it. In other business: e The 2013 preliminary bud- e Council approved a $250 PEOPLE BRIEFS MU students tour Philadelphia exhibit active experiences. King’s students senior majoring in accaunting. The event consists of a one- hour mentoring session, many led by King’s alumni, followed by a meal in a professional busi- ness setting and a presentation Misericordia University stu- dents Andrea Carr, Marina Pain- ter, Maia Painter and Jacob Hebda, all of Dallas, and Nick by a guest speaker. Thede is finalist for § ) | donation to the Back Mountain Memorial Library. e Announced the borough The council passed Boice’s proposal. Giordano suggested running fessional assessment and deter- mine if there are water prob- lems at the current police sta- participate in forum King’s College students Laura Panzitta, of Dallas, Lauren Par- tion. Resident Jason Miller asked council if residents could volunteer to do handy work at a pipe under the road to connect the police station to the bor- ough building. Borough Secre- Christmas party will be held from 1to 3 p.m. on Dec. 15 at the Lakeside Skillet Ballroom. Delmar, of recently toured the “Maya 2012: Lords of Time” rish, of Trucksville, and Chris- topher Prater and Laurie She- Sem Service Award : : exhibit at the University of vock, both of Shavertown, re- William Thede, of Dallas, was the current station and if the tary Susan Sutton stated that * The Dex Harveys Lake Bor- Pennsylvania Museum of Ar- cently participated in the Eighth one of eight Wyoming Seminary borough could cover the cost of the borough officials looked in- ough Council meeting will be chaeology and Anthropology in Annual Forum of the McGowan seniors nominated for a2012 materials. . to having this done before and held at 7:30 p.m. on Dec. 18in | philadelphia for an Honors School of Business at the Union Alumni Service Award during We've been talking about that the cost was very high. the Borough building. Exploration Seminar. League of Philadelphia. Sem’s recent Homecoming The special exhibit takes Panzitta is a senior majoring festivities. visitors back to the time of the ancient Mayans and their com- plex calendar system and civi- lization through various inter- in accounting, Parrish is a junior The award recognizes excep- majoring in business manage- tional student leadership and ment, Prater is a junior major- service to the campus communi- ing in finance and Shevockisa ty. be used. Games will be played on weekends. All area intram- ural and travel teams are wel- come All area individual players seeking a team can sign up SPORTS BRIEFS Rock Rec baskethall begins registration season begins Shooting Starz Gymnastics, opine as well Divisions will be : 250 Johnston St., Wilkes-Barre, get to insure fair competition. s The Soo ResimO will accept enrollment for 2012 More information and sign up . "on Dec. 22. sheets available online at for for the 2013 Upward bas- For more information, contact Registration etball season. The league is Joelle Rose at 822.1212 WWw.bmysa.ors: | open to girls and boys Pre-K OS Reyer ale closes Dec. 31. through sixth grade. : Player evaluation day and Futsal league planned Fastpitch players registration are Saturday, Dec. 8. Practice begins the week of Jan. 2. Games begin Saturday, Jan 19 with the final game set for Saturday, March 16. For more information, contact for PSU/WB Back Mountain Youth Soccer will host an indoor Futsal/ Soccer league Jan. 11 through March for ages U6 to high- are sought The Endless Mt Blast U14 travel fastpitch program is still looking for a few qualified play- ers to round out its teams for BILL TARUTIS/ FOR THE DALLAS POST The Rock Rec Center 2/69 school age at the Penn State/ the upcoming season. Participants gather for a photo at halftime of the Dallas alumni soccer game. : Wilkes-Barre campus gymnasi- Anyone interested is asked to . um. call 840-6433 or email Gymnastics progr all FIFA futsal ball and rules will SOCCER Continued from Page 9 from his home in State College to visit family and long-time friend Matt Lipo for Thanks- giving. There is a Friday night reunion for the soccer alumni whatever rust was in its collec- tive game to score first about 10 minutes into this year’s con- test. “We've got to get them early j PUZILE ANSWERS | li } Puzzles, Page 2 on the same weekend each while we still have energy,” 7, Lt : Scharff is also on their side de- year, followed by the Saturday Raub said. Then, we Tr Rang Crossword Go Figure! Super Crossword spite being a Lake-Lehman morning game. down and hide, put everyone Answers Arsue’s graduate who went against “We reminisce for a while on back and let the young kids Solution time: 21 mins. Saydisc I7114 N some of the players in the early Friday night, then come out just play around with it.” GUM A|S|PEERIOIAID ity years of the rivalry between here and have a good run out When that doesn’t work, AINIE/WESgN| | |L BUINID IO : the two schools. for two hours,” Raub said. there is another way for the : ’ ! y : a 0 : Ak a The high school team forms Players and parents from the alumni to come out winners on BN <| [olo[E[[c[e[D 6 |{+|8| =F }|2 the opposition, with a few re- program continue that reminis- their annual trip down Memo- JIAIN|I|T/O/RIMAINIO[DIE cent graduates and players cing as they arrive minutes be- ry Lane. AIMIEINGRG] | INSgGIAIGIA - xX + who will join the program in fore the start. “We go to a shootout at the H | S : . a : i . LE pe ! the near future rounding out The game, despite being in- end every year,” Raub said. RIGITRFIAITITIY 4 | - | 21 x]9(18| the roster. formal without officials, is well “We just say ‘the alumni win.’ MAIL] Ils] [RIMR[H]E[A | Sheehan makes it part of his played. Whether it’s legal or not, we E(P|I/CH | [RIEREDIRIAIW 14 [J 8 holiday weekend. He returns The alumni even fought off always win.” GIEIEIKEMTIE[D Lia