The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, November 25, 2012, Image 3

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Sunday, November 25, 2012
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Board appointments basketball, wrestling coaches
The Lake-Lehman School
board appointed coaches for the
2012-2013 school year at its regu-
lar meeting on Nov. 19.
Brian Cutter was named head
boys basketball coach with a sti-
pend of $7,483.62; Ted Sadow-
ski, varsity assistant basketball
coach at $4,601.98; Rich Cola-
russo, varsity assistant basket-
ball coach at $4,601.98; Barry
Brooks, junior high assistant
basketball coach at $3,082.40;
volunteers James Buchman and
Maureen McGovern.
Charles Levan was named
head girls basketball coach with
a stipend of $7,483.62; Barry
Horvath, assistant varsity girls
basketball coach at $4,601.98;
Janene Kasarda, assistant junior
high girls basketball coach at
$3,082.40; and Serry Metz, as-
sistant junior high girls basket-
ball coach at $3,082.40.
Jack Davis was named assist-
ant varsity wrestling coach with
a stipend of $4,601.98; James Ro-
sencrans, assistant junior high
wrestling coach at $3,082.40 and
McGovern responded the only project currently in the works is
the new turf and that it was too early to know about taxes. He
said that would be discussed in January, but school officials do
not anticipate taxes being raised due to the turf project.
volunteer Jim Davis. The board
locked at 3-3 on an appointment
of volunteer Walter “Chip” Sor-
The board appointed Eliza-
beth Muench, of Nanticoke, as a
substitute elementary school
teacher and Jeffrey Shook as in-
terim athletic director as of Dec.
1 with a pro-rated stipend of
Frank Prest, of Hunlock
Creek, was hired as a part-time
custodian at the rate of $10.25
per hour and Andrea Ozovek, of
Harveys Lake, was hired as a
support staff substitute.
The board authorized the pay-
ment of $1,000 to the Luzerne
Intermediate Unit 18 for two stu-
dents who participated in the
2012 Summer Performing Arts
Program. Superintendent James
McGovern reported the money
had been budgeted and was not
an added expense.
The board also authorized the
administration to develop a pro-
posal for the removal and instal-
lation of new turf on the athletic
During public comments, Ed
Gustitus asked the board what
capital projects it had planned
for next year and whether it an-
ticipated a raise in taxes.
McGovern responded the only
project currently in the works is
the new turf and that it was too
soon to know about taxes. He
said that would be discussed in
January but school officials do
not anticipate taxes being raised
due to the turf project.
Gustitus was not pleased with
McGovern’s response and spoke
about what he deems “reckless
spending” of the school board,
ending with, “It’s time we had
some fiscal responsibility to the
The next Lake-Lehman
School Board meeting will be
held at 7 p.m. on Dec. 17 in the
junior/senior high school Ii-
Group discusses
grant applications
Grant applications for EMA
equipment and public safety
equipment were the main topic
of discussion during the Back
Mountain Community Partner-
ship meeting on Nov. 15.
Kate McMahon from the
Northeastern Pennsylvania Al-
liance (NEPA), a regional de-
velopment agency that helps fa-
cilitate business between the
icipalities, reported that
ization spoke to a repre-
selltative from the Department
of Community & Economic
Development, who confirmed
the Local Share Account grant
applications for EMA equip-
ment and police equipment
should be filed as two grants
and not as one grant.
At its October meeting, the
partnership had questioned
whether the grants would be in
competition with one another.
DCED said the grants would
not be in competition with one
another, but the purchases
were too different to be written
e common grant.
partnership had request-
ed at that meeting that NEPA
set up a bank account for the
maintenance funds of the joint-
ly-owned EMA equipment.
Mark Van Etten from the Lu-
zerne County Tax Collection
Committee said the first EMA
equipment trailer would be or-
dered following the next Leh-
man Township meeting.
McMahon reported that once
checks arrive from each munic-
ipality, the partnership could
open the account. Signature
cards from each municipality
will be required.
The group discussed the pur-
chase of a JAMAR Radar Data
Recorder. In October, each mu-
nicipal representative took the
information back to their re-
spective governing bodies for
review to see if the boards were
interested in jointly purchasing
a radar machine.
Dallas Borough, Dallas
Township and Lehman Town-
ship got approval to a specified
amount. Kingston Township
and Franklin Township are not
interested. Jackson Township
representatives were not at the
meeting and had not yet re-
layed whether they would par-
ticipate. McMahon said he
would contact the township to
get confirmation so the other
municipalities can figure out
the cost each would have to
The partnership announced
its 2013 schedule and reported
that Attorney Jeff Malak will
advertise the schedule.
LCCC lists
Luzerne County Community
College recently awarded de-
grees to students who complet-
ed requirements for their field
of study in August. Back Moun-
tain students who received de-
grees include:
Associate in Applied Science
- Taylor Dunn, Dallas; Camille
Fioti, Shavertown; Cassie Ku-
prionas, Dallas; Abigail Lewis,
Dallas; Julie Meletsky, Harveys
Lake; Matthew Morcos, Dallas;
Neil Popko, Hunlock Creek;
and Thomas Romanelli, Jr,
Associate in Science - John
Broda, Wyoming; Richard Da-
vis, Wyoming; Mary Geiser,
Shavertown; Carly Huff, Dallas;
Megan Malkemes, Dallas; and
Eric Sandroski, Wyoming.
Certificate of Specialization -
Joseph Bagi, Shavertown.
ey :
Patrons enjoy themselves at the Trinity Presbyterian Church
chicken and biscuit dinner.
Tom Pickett, left, of Dallas, Ken Jones, of Shavertown, and Rich
Burkhardt, of Dallas, chat in the Trinity Presbyterian Church Hall.
MU plans
diversity program
Misericordia University and
the University’s Diversity
Institute are presenting the
program, “From the National
Origins Act to the DREAM
Act,” by Dr. Donn Worgs,
associate professor of political
science and director of African
and African American Studies
at Towson University, at 6:30
p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 28 in
Huntzinger and Alden Trust
rooms 218-219 of Sandy and
Marlene Insalaco Hall.
The program is open free to
the public. Register at 674-
1483 by Nov. 26.
Families invited
@ Seminary
oming Seminary Lower
School invites families to at-
tend the Early Childhood
Overview from 9 to 11 a.m. on
Saturday, Dec. 1 at the school’s
new Early Childhood Learning
Center, 20 Arlington Road,
Forty Fort.
Families may tour toddler,
preschool, pre-kindergarten
and kindergarten classrooms
and will have the opportunity
to speak with the dean of the
Lower School, teachers and
admission staff about Sem’s
early childhood program.
For more information, call
Heidi Sims, Associate Director
of Lower School Admission, at
Sem schedules
student recital
The Wyoming Seminary
Music Department will pre-
sent a Sunday Afternoon at
Sem Student Recital at 2 p.m.
on Sunday, Dec. 2 in the Great
Hall of Wyoming Seminary,
228 Wyoming Ave., just north
of Kingston Corners.
The recital is free and open
to the public. For more in-
formation, call 270-2192.
Four-year-old Colton Traver, of Tunkhannock, takes a break from his chicken and biscuits to munch on a chocolate chip cookie.
Doug Stevens, of Dallas, prepares a dish of chicken and biscuits.
up some
he Men’s Club of the
Trinity Presbyter-
ian Church in Dallas
held a chicken and biscuit
dinner on Nov. 10