@ome may be eligible Sunday, November 4, 2012 THE DALLAS POST PAGE 5 for heating UGI Utilities, Inc. is helping eligible natural gas and elec- tric customers apply for feder- al energy assistance dollars to keep their homes warm this . winter. ~ Assistance Low Income Home Energy Program (LI- HEAP) grants, which do not need to be repaid, help cus- - tomers with limited or fixed in- comes pay their heating bills, repair or replace a heater and “avoid utility service shut off. ‘Nursing. She was employed as- ®- Last winter, UGI Gas Ser- vice, UGI Electric Service, UGI Penn Natural Gas and UGI Central Penn Gas custom- ers received cash grants from LIHEAP totaling approximate- ly $12 million. LIHEAP funds are limited and available on a first-come/ first-served basis. The pro- gram opened Nov. 1, so UGI urges customers to apply as soon as possible. For more information on federal energy assistance, cus- tomers should call UGI at 1- assistance 800-UGI-WARM 9276). UGI will provide customers with information on the appli- cation process and also pro- vide assistance on completing and submitting the required forms. To qualify for funds, a cus- tomer must provide proof of income, a recent heating bill and the name, birth date and Social Security number for each person in his or her household. At any time of the year, UGI customers who have a problem paying their utility bill are en- couraged to contact UGI promptly to discuss payment arrangements and receive in- formation on the utility’s own assistance programs. Qualified low-income cus- tomers may receive grants from UGI’s hardship funds, re- duced bills based on a percent- age of the customer’s income or free home weatherization services. (1-800-844- Dallas Kiwanis holds annual election of officers Dallas Kiwanis held its annual election of officers for the 2012- 2013 year recently at Irem Tem- ple Country Club. Lloyd Ryman was elected president for a third term. Vice president is Harold Stout, treasurer is Clif Parker, secretary is Jim Snyder and Ro- nald Viglone is board member. Shown in the photo at left is Ry- man accepting the gavel from Be- verly Atherholt, past president and new board member. In the photo at right, Snyder presents Atherholt with a plaque of appre- ciation for her work as president. SENIOR CENTER MENU Senior Citizens Centers sponsored by the Area Agen- cy on Aging for Luzerne and Wyoming Counties offer hot noon meals Monday through Friday to people 60 years of age or older. Dona- tions from participants are gratefully accepted . The following is the menu for the week of Nov. 5: MONDAY: Baked macar- oni and cheese with ham, green beans, stewed toma- toes, whole wheat bread, fruited Jello with fresh ba- nana slices, margarine, milk and coffee. TUESDAY: Bag lunch - Roast beef and cheddar on Wheatberry bread with let- tuce, tomato on side, horse- radish, mayo, mushroom salad cup, cool ranch Dori- tos, Jello gelatin cup. WEDNESDAY: Crumb topped baked fish (whitefish with Panko bread crumbs), broccoli and cauliflower gra- tin, wild rice, whole wheat OBITUARIES GABLE - Elmyra S., 92, of Mercy Center, Dallas, died Fri- day, Oct. 26, 2012, in Com- monwealth Hospice Inpatient Unit at St. Luke’s Villa, Wilkes-Barre. She was born Sept. 27, 1920 and was a graduate of North- ampton High School and Al- lentown Hospital School of a Registered Nurse. A former resident of King- ston, she was a member of Church of Christ Uniting, Kingston. Surviving are two grandchil- GOBLE - Beatrice E., 86, of Noxen, died Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2012, in her home. She was born in Noxen and educated in the Noxen schools. Surviving are her daughter, Dawn Traver, Noxen; three; six great-grandchildren; sis- ter, Hazle Casterline, Wil- mington, N.C.; nieces and ne- phews. ISHLEY - Elizabeth (Be- ttie), 76, of Carverton, died Oct. 2, 2012. She was a member of St. Frances X. Cabrini Parish, Carverton. Surviving are her son, Emo- ry Jr., Carverton; two grand- children; one great-grand- daughter; brother, Peter Fis- chi; sisters, Louise Fischi, Ja- net Clayton, Christine Skrak and Lucille Michaels; nieces and nephews. PELLAM - Kimberly J., 50, of Dallas, died Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012, in the Timber Ridge Health Care Center after a long battle with cancer. She was born in Wilkes- Barre and was a graduate of Dallas High School, class of 1980. She was employed as an ac- tress appearing in various films, shows, talk shows and reality TV. She was a member of the Screen Actors Guild, the American Federation of Television and Radio Artist. Surviving are her husband, Anthony La Nunziata; sisters, Cynthia Harrison, Sacramen- to, Calif.; Stephanie Piestrak, Harding; brother, David Pel- lam, Dallas; a niece. SANDS - Gerald E., 83, of unkhannock, died Friday, @ 26, 2012. He was born in Sayre on Ju- ly 1, 1929, and was a 1948 grad- uate of Tunkhannock High School. He worked for Gracy Farms of Scranton as a delivery man for many years, worked at the Dietrich Theater and Starlight Drive-In, operated Tunkhan- nock Area School District bus- es, founded and operated AJ Taxi and was also employed for 20 plus years at Sherwood Chevrolet. He was a member of the Tunkhannock Kiwanis, Triton Fire Company, Tunkhannock Beagle Club and Masonic - Lodge 248. Surviving are his wife, the former Annabelle Lunger; a daughter, Susan Stephens; eight grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren,; sister, El- Ready for 7 pL led” FREE! Extended Warran (to 5 Years =$495 Value) Abe Hoos len Rogers; nieces and neph- ews. STINGO - Dianne E., 68, of Dallas, formerly of Linden- hurst, N.Y., died Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012, at Celtic Health Care, Inpatient Unit, Geisin- ger South Wilkes-Barre. She was born on June 23, 1944 and was employed by the Schlot Five & Dime Store, Ba- bylon, N.Y., until retiring. Surviving are her daughter, Jennifer Felix, Sweet Valley; son, Christopher, Willow Grove; two grandchildren; sis- ters, Matilda Bottiglieri and Martha Sampayo; brother, Co- GENERAC Et] Elite Dealst Honeywell Get a FREE In-Home Estimate today! 1-888-499-3345 no LaVeglia; nieces and neph- ews. ZIEGENFUS - Elizabeth S., 92, formerly of Bethlehem, Dallas and Spring Hill, Fla., died Aug. 13, 2012, at White- hall Manor Care, Whitehall. She was born in Bedminster, Bucks County and was a grad- uate of Liberty High School, Bethlehem and Penn State University. Surviving are a son, Wil- liam, Tucson, Ariz.; daugh- ters, Sally Simitz, Coplay; Nancy McIntosh, Dayton, Md.; two granddaughters; two great-grandsons. www.HomeWireGuys.com Offer good through 11/30/12. No cash value, limit one offer per household. See website for details. bread, tartar sauce, ketchup, peaches and cream, marga- rine, milk and coffee. THURSDAY: Veterans Day special lunch - Pot roast, steamed green beans, baked butternut squash, wheat din- ner roll, pumpkin pudding parfaits with gingersnaps, margarine, milk and coffee. FRIDAY: Roast beef, peas and carrots, parsley boiled potatoes, whole wheat din- ner roll, cranberry apple crisp, margarine, milk and coffee. yp Rebatiitstion fssockms. PC Kevin M. Barno MPT ace. Pinnacle Rehabilitation Associates Kevin M. Barno, MPT ¢ K. Bridget Barno, PT Sharon Marranca, MPT ¢ Hal Glatz, MPT ¢ Maria Hall, PTA 520 Third Avenue ® Kingston Rotator Cuff Injury! WE CAN HELP! Our expert hands-on treatment will improve your mobility, increase your strength and decrease your pain. Most Insurances Accepted. Most Insurances Do NOT Require A Referral (07. 5 Bw TS: TELM 0) DJ: NY www.pinnaclerehabilitation.net AUTOMATIC STANDBY GE y RATORS ty on 8kW 6-Month Same-as-Cash fivancing Available ar Member FDIC KX First Liberty www firstlibertybank.com Gas Rights? We're the natural choice. 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