The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, October 07, 2012, Image 6

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    PAGE 6
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Joe Butkiewicz
The Dallas Post
Community Newspaper Group
15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 18711 ® 570-675-521
Diane McGee
Dotty Martin
October turns out to
be busy at the library
October will be a busy month
at the Back Mountain Memorial
Library and you may want to
plan now to attend any of these
Fall programs:
Financial Aid for Parents will
be held at 6:30 p.m. on Wednes-
day, Oct. 10. This informative
program is sponsored by
A Pennsylvania Humanities
Program, “The Pow-Wow Princi-
ple: Pennsylvania German Folk
Healing will be held at 7 p.m. on
Oct. 24
An “Electronic How-To” pro-
gram will be held at 6:30 p.m. on
Nov. 7, featuring a hands-on
demonstration of E-readers, I-
phones and the Cloud.
All of the above programs are
free but pre-registration is re-
quired by calling the library at
Popular fundraiser returns
It’s now time for the return of
one of the library’s popular fun-
draisers: Entertainment Books!
The books which feature dis-
count coupons for area activities
are currently available to pur-
chase at the library. The price is
$30 each. The books will be
available at the library until Dec.
The Slightly Read Bookshop
is offering a special sale for
younger readers. All children’s
books will be sold at half price.
It’s a great time to stock up be-
fore the upcoming colder
Story hours
Registration for the Fall story
hours will take place on Wednes-
day, Oct. 10 beginning at 9:30
a.m. Story hours will begin the
week of Oct. 21 and end the
week of Dec. 2.
Story hours are as follows:
Toddlers (2 years old) from 10 to
10:30 a.m. on Tuesdays. The
Mother Goose on the Loose sto-
ry hour for toddlers will also be
from 11 to 11:45 a.m. on Tues-
The 3-to-5 year olds will meet
for story hours from 9:45 to
10:45 a.m. on Wednesdays and
from 10 to 11 a.m. on Thursdays.
A special PNC Bank program
for 3-to-5 year olds, “For Me, For
You, For Later: First Steps to
Spending, Sharing, and Saving,”
will also be offered from 11 a.m.
to noon on Wednesdays.
La }
By Samantha Weaver
eo It was Canadian American educator Laurence J. Peter
who made the following sage observation: “You can always
tell a real friend: When you’ve made a fool of yourself, he
doesn’t feel you've done a permanent job.”
® In Murfreesboro, Tenn., it is illegal to keep indoor furni-
ture outdoors.
e Mike Edwards, one of the founding members of the
British band Electric Light Orchestra, met with an untimely
death decades after he left the group. In 2010, as Edwards
was driving in the rural southwest of England, a farmer lost
control of a 1,300-pound bale of hay. This wheel-shaped bale
rolled down a hill and over a hedge, and just happened to
smash into the van that Edwards was driving.
e The humble honeybee is the official insect of 17 states.
* Those who study such things say that there is a 1 million
to 1 chance that, within the next century, an asteroid will
crash into the Earth and destroy most life on the planet.
e In 2008 a company called Defense Devices, based in
Jackson, Tenn., introduced a new item: a stun gun disguised
as a tube of lipstick. The same company offers a ring that will
shoot pepper spray.
* You might be surprised to learn that the giant bullfrogs
of South Africa have sometimes been known to attack lions.
e Rhode Island may be the smallest state, but it has the
longest name: It’s officially known as the State of Rhode
Island and Providence Plantation.
e The tuatara is a lizard that can be found in New Zealand.
Its claim to fame? It has a third eye, on the top of its head.
Thought for the day: “The length of a film should be
directly related to the endurance of the human bladder.” -
Alfred Hitchcock
"YOUR SPACE" is reserved specifically
for Dallas Post readers who have something
they'd like to share with fellow readers.
Submitted items may include photo-
graphs or short stories and should be sent
via e-mail to, by
Sandra Mahle, of Maple Tree Road in Dallas, shares this photo of the center of a Hollyhock grown in her garden.
fax to 675-3650 or by mail to The Dallas
Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 1871.
Information must include the submitting
person's name, address and telephone num-
ber in the event we have questions. Readers
wishing to have their photos returned
should include a self-addressed/stamped
envelope. Items will be published in the or-
der in which they are received.
The editor of The Dallas Post reserves the
right to reject any items submitted for publi-
20 YEARS AGO -1992
Brownie Troop 649 recently
attended the Fall Roundup
which kicked off the upcoming
scout year. Scouts participating
in the event were: Leah Bolton,
Lindsey Kelly, Lynn Kirkwood,
Laura Vanderhook, Erin Swep-
ston and Jo-
nelle Dick-
by the envi-
concern of
one stu-
dent, Gate
of Heaven
School has begun to recycle juice
drink boxes. After seeing several
television spots on recycling,
fourth-grader Rebecca Hoffman
of Sweet Valley decided that she
could contribute to helping save
valuable forests. After reading
about a recycling program and
talking with her family, school
staff and Dallas Borough offi-
cials, Rebecca started her pro-
ject this week.
30 YEARS AGO - 1982
The Back Mountain Jay-C-
Ettes are busy making plans for
their upcoming fashion show en-
titled “Patters of Autumn.” Fash-
ions for the entire family will be
featured from three area busi-
nesses in the Back Mountain:
Diana Designs, Humphrey’s and
Adam’s Men Shop. Members of
the Fashion Show committee
are: Judy Blasé, Mary Visco,
Rose Burleigh, Millie Brody,
Connie La Jeunesse and Denise
Gregg Kravitsky was named
MVP of the week by the Dallas
Gridiron Club for his perform-
ance in the Bishop Hoban con-
test. He tallied 106 yards, scored
a touchdown, had two quarter-
back sacks, six tackles and four
assists in the game.
40 YEARS AGO -1972
For the glory of Old State —
and for the 26th annual library
auction, too — Coach Joe Paterno
sent a football from the Nittany
Lions’ locker room complete
with his signature and the signa-
tures of his entire squad. The
pigskin will be auctioned off at
the upcoming Library Auction
this weekend.
Skyles M. Neyhard, scoutmas-
ter of Troop 155 Trucksville, pre-
sented four scouts for consider-
ation at a special Eagle Scout
Board of Review held recently at
Tunkhannock Presbyterian
Church. Boys presented to the
board included Robert W. Baird,
Scott A. Neyhard, James W.
Truscott and Richard Weir.
50 YEARS AGO -1962
Couples Club of Dallas Metho-
dist Church held their Installa-
tion Dinner at Shadow Brook
Country Club last Friday night.
New officers for 1963 will be:
President, Kenneth Young; vice
president, James Darling; secre-
tary, Mrs. Welton Farrar; treasur-
er, Mrs. Lewis Reese.
Gloria Dolbear, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Dolbear,
Dallas, will represent Dallas Se-
nior High School as Miss Dallas
at the State Flaming Foliage Fes-
tival, Renovo, on October 13 and
14. Miss Dolbear, selected by her
school for qualities of character,
appearance, poise and scholastic
ability will compete with high
school seniors throughout the
60 YEARS AGO -1952
Miss Frances Dorrance, Dal-
las, who recently retired from
the post of Librarian at Hoyt Li-
brary, Kingston, has been honor-
ed by selection as one of the ten
Distinguished Daughters of
Pennsylvania for 1952.
Members of Brownie Pack 115
Shavertown enjoyed a hike to
the home of Mrs. Herbert Hill,
Pioneer Avenue, last Wednesday
afternoon. Brownies who at-
tended are: Sandra Ash, Becky
Boyd, Dorothy Eck, Gladys Ell,
Susan Jones, Phyllis Major, Be-
tty Mannear, Suellen Roberts,
Betty Kay Williams, Judy Wool-
bert, Noel Young, Dorothy Cur-
tis, Karen Mosier, Ruth Ann Ma-
rolla and Eleanor Williams.
70 YEARS AGO -1942
A dozen or more local horse-
men accompanied by others
from Tunkhannock, Scran
Allentown and Elmira, will 1
the Robinson Farm in D
Township early Thursday morn-
ing on their annual 3-day, 100-
mile ride over rugged mountain
trails through the North Moun-
tain country. Those who plan to
make the trip are John Black-
man, Edward Hartman, Rullison
Evans, Denton Durland, Dick
Johns, Newell Wood, Dan Shav-
er, Thomas Heffernan and Tom
Kehoe along with riders from
other communities.
Information for “Only Yester-
day” is taken from past issue ga’
The Dallas Post which is
vears old. The wnformation
printed here exactly as it ap-
peared in the newspaper vears
The History Channel
® On Oct. 14, 1944, German Gen. Erwin Rommel, nicknamed
“The Desert Fox,” is given the option of facing a public trial for
treason, as a co-conspirator in the plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler,
or taking cyanide. He chose the latter. The German government
gave Rommel a state funeral. His death was attributed to war
® On Oct. 8, 1956, New Yor Yankees right-hander Don Larsen
pitches the first no-hitter in the history of the World Series. Even
better, it was a perfect game - that is, there were no runs, no hits
and no errors, and no batter reached first base.
® On Oct. 10,1985, the hijacking of the Italian cruise ship Achille
Lauro reaches a dramatic climax when U.S. Navy F-14 fighters in-
tercept an Egyptian airliner attempting to fly the Palestinian hi-
jackers to freedom. On Oct. 7, four heavily armed terrorists had
hijacked the Achille Lauro and 320 crewmembers and 80 passen-
®e On Oct. 9, 1992, a 28-pound bowling-ball-sized meteorite
lands on an orange 1980 Chevy Malibu in Peekskill, N.Y. Scientists
have determined that it came from the inner edge of the main aste-
roid belt in space, between Jupiter and Mars.
“They always say that
| was very active and
could never sit down."
Joey Thompson
“Probably when | shot
myself in the arm with
a broken bow and ar-
row. | didn't know the
arrow was broken.”
Dan Brocious
“When | was 4 and |
started to scream in
church because | liked
the acoustics so
Anna Lehane
“I would sleep with m
arm between the beds
and then think dino-
saurs were going to
eat it at night.”
Andrew Shurites
“About how | would
line up all the chairs,
jump on them and
then jump on the
Christmas tree.”
Mikaila Chakon
“They say | used to
run around in diapers
and cowboy boots,
yelling "Yee-Haw, Ye
Emma Ripka
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