The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, October 07, 2012, Image 13
Sunday, October 7, 2012 THE DALLAS POST PAGE 13 938 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished ® TODA WYOMING 1 bedroom, 2nd floor. No pets. Drug free. Non smoking. Proof of employ- ment & background check. Heat & hot water provided. $585/month + 1 month security. Call (570) 693-2415 Leave message. 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished COURTDALE 3 bedrooms, 1st floor. Refrigerator and stove includ- ed $625+Utilities. 1 year lease, o pets. Call (570)696-2936 DALLAS 2 bedroom, 1 bath home in convenient location. Nice size lot at 3/4 acre. Detached 2 car garage, carport on side. Pets on a case-by-case basis. $1400/month Neg. + 1 month security. Utilities not included (electricity + gas). Available now. Sub- ject to background check. Call Kara 570-760-1093 DALLAS New renovated. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Granite counter- tops, hardwood floors, fireplace, all appliances, wash- er/dryer hookup. Off-street parking, no pets. $1,200/ month + gas. Call (570)709-4411 NEW TonAY DURYEA 2 bedrooms, stove & washer, off-street parking, no pets, electric by tenant, security deposit required. Call (570)954-1231 To place your Call Toll Free -427-8649 TOD EDWARDSVILLE Ground floor, 1 bedroom. W/w carpeting, wash- er/dryer hookup, fridge included. Porch. $350 month plus utilities and security. No Pets. Credit and back- § ground check. Not approved for Section 8. 570-779-5218 “Under Market at $750 + utili- (Efficient entrances. Maple kitchens, built-ins, VERIFICATION Managed America Realty 570-288-1422 AVAILABLE RENTALS KINGSTON: 1 BEDROOM, 2nd floor $460. 2 BEDROOM 1st floor $500. 2ND FLOOR UNIT 2+ bedrooms $510 3 BEDROOM 1/2 double $825. WILKES-BARRE 4 BEDROOM 1/2 double $750. PLAINS 1 BEDROOM $420. Appliances, sewer included. Utilities by tenant. Credit check, references, lease required. No Pets. Call Property Mgr 570-899-3407 for appointment KINGSTON 183 Zerby Ave 2 bedrooms, 1 tile bath with shower. No pets. $575/ month + utilities & security. 570-779-4609 570-407-3991 KINGSTON e. 1 bedroom, occupancy, reet parking, no pets, references, $450 + utilities. Call 570-655-9229 570-829-7130 MOUNTAIN TOP WOODBRYN 1 & 2 Bedroom. No pets. Rents based on income start at $405 & $440. Handicap Accessible. Equal Housing Opportunity. 570- 474-5010 TTY711 This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. PARSONS 2 bedroom, 1st floor New flooring throughout. Stove, fridge, washer & dryer included. $535 + utilities & security. Call 570-650-2494 EW TODAY PITTSTON Quiet neighbor- hood, 2 bedroom, new construction, heat, electric, & water included. All appliances, off- street parking, no pets. $625/month +1 month security. (570)357-1383 PLYMOUTH TWP. 2nd floor. 2 bed- room, large rooms. Plenty of closet space, off street parking. $450/mo + utilities and securi- ty. No Pets. 570-779-7777 EW TODAY SWOYERSVILLE TOWNHOUSE Newly constructed building. 2 bed- room, 1.5 baths, all appliances includ- ed. Garage. Hard- wood floors throughout, cathe- dral ceilings in bed- rooms. $1,200/ month, heat & sewer paid, 1 month security. 570-441-4101 WEST PITTSTON 2 bedrooms, 2nd floor stove & refrig- erator included, laundry hookup, carport off-street parking, no pets. Heat and water included. $650/ mo. security & references required. 570-299-7153 WILKES BARRE i 1st floor 3 bed- ! room apt. Washer ; /dryer hookup | I $600/month + | ] utilities & 1 month 1 i security. 1 ' 139 Sambourne : St. Section 8 i okay. No pets. i 1 570-460-6173 | LINEUP ASUCCESSFUL SALE IN CLASSIFIED! Do you need more space? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way to clean out your closets! You're in bussiness i ified! WILKES-BARRE Executive 3 bed- room apartment. Gas heat, hard- wood floors, French doors, fireplace. $675 plus utilities. 655-4915 J Tool HISTORIC WHEELMAN 439 S. Franklin St. 1 bedroom, hard- wood floors. A/C, marble bath. Secu- rity system. Laun- dry. $650 570-821-5599 LINEUP ASUCCESSFUL SALE INCLASSFED! Do you need more space? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way fo clean out your closets! You're in bussiness with classified! EW TODAY 944 Commercial Properties ASHLEY 2100 SQ. FT. SPACE. 2 overhead garage doors, close to Route 81. $300 per month. 570-592-3575, DOLPHIN PLAZA Rte. 315 2,400 Sq. Ft. professional office space with beautiful view of Valley & Casino. will divide office / retail Call 570-829-1206 Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It's a showroom in print! Classifieds got the directions! TRUCKSVILLE 3 bedrooms, refrigerator & stove, washer/ dryer hookup, laun- dry room, off-street parking, no pets or smoking. $700/ month + electric, gas & hot water, 1 month security, references & back- ground check. 570-592-2902 WILKES-BARRE/SOUTH 3 bedroom, 1.5 baths, small yard, front porch, off street parking. EW TOA ECO-FRIENDLY $565/month APPLIANCE TECH. security required. 25 Years Experi- Yeti! Days ence fixing major . li : Washer, 570-357-0712 | Dryer, Refrigerator, Do youneed more n Dishwasher. Corn. space! pactors. Mo Avyard or garage sale | brands. Free phone in classified BOVIGS & al) work is the best way pts: charge for to clean outyour closets! | visit. 570-706-6577 You're in bussiness with classified! ~~ | 1024 Building & Remodeling 953 Houses for Rent fst. Quality ASHLEY Construction to CAREY'S PATCH 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, full modern house, off street park- ing. Pet friendly $1,100/month. Call Will @ 570-417-5186 EW TODAY 315 PLAZA 1,750 SQ. FT. & 2,400 SQ.FT OFFICE/RETAIL 570-829-1206 EW TOA WYOMING 900 sq. ft. profes- sional office space. High traffic area. Off street parking. Tenant pays elec- tric. Will remodel to suit. 1 year lease. $600 month. 570-430-7077 947 PITTSTON GARAGE SPACE AVAILABLE $70/month. Ideal for cars, motorcycles, small boats, RV’s, trailers, etc. 570-430-9537 950 Half Doubles EXETER 4 bedrooms, newly carpeted. Living room, dining room, laminated flooring. Kitchen, w/d hookup, dishwash- er, fridge, stove, 1.5 baths. Large attic and basement. Deck, off street parking. First, last and security required. No pets or smoking. $800 month 570-655-9167 EW TOA KINGSTON 3 bedroom, 1 bath, hardwood, washer / dryer & stove, close to schools. No pets. $700 + utilities, security, refer- ences, lease requir- ed. 570-283-3086 KINGSTON Sprague Ave. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 1st floor duplex, New w/w carpeting & hardwood floors. Convenient to Wyoming Ave. Washer/dryer hook- up, basement storage. Reduced! $520/month + utilities, security, lease. NO PETS. 570-793-6294 KINGSTON Sprague Ave. Charming, spacious 6 room, 2 bedroom duplex, includes 2nd & 3rd floor. Ample closets. Washer /dryer hook-up. $575/ month + utili- ties, security & lease. NO PETS. 570-793-6294 LARKSVILLE 3 bedroom, 1 bath half double, Freshly cleaned & painted. Tenant pays all utili- ties including sewer. $585 plus security. Call (570) 357-0712 PLAINS Spacious 3 bedroom, 1 bath with Victorian charm with hard- wood floors, neutral decor, stained glass window, large kitchen. Washer /dryer hook-up, off-street parking. $700 month + utilities, security & lease. NO PETS. 570-793-6294 PLYMOUTH 00, 00 a0 00 3/4 bedroom, 1 bath. Located on Academy St. $650 + utilities & security. Small pets OK with extra security. Call 570-262-1577 EW TOA ASHLEY COOK STREET Very nice neighborhood. 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, refrigerator & stove provided, washer/dryer, off- street parking Big yard. $500/month + utilities, 1st & last. (5670)822-3750 EW TODAY DALLAS 3 bedroom, 2 bath, brick Ranch house with attached 2 car garage. Full base- ment on Memorial Highway. $1300 per month. Security & references. 570-690-2570 Roofing, siding, gutters, insulation, decks, additions, windows, doors, masonry & concrete. Insured & Bonded. Senior Citizens Discount! State Lic. # PAO57320 370-606-8438 1213 Paving & Excavating D R IVEWAYS PARKING LOTS ROADWAYS [© I WAN = FC ed or | = SEALCOATING Licensed and [gEs101g=To MEN OF-1]| [ele EAA Sold (e101 Free Estimate 570-474-6329 Lic.# PA021520 1339 Window Service PJ’'S WINDOW CLEANING & JANITORIAL SERVICES Windows, Gutters, Carpets, Power washing and more. INSURED/BONDED. MORE LOCAL BUSINESSES NOW HAVE APPS. Your customers are using iPhones, iPads, laptops, and mobile devices. We can help your business launch mobile solutions which can help you connect with existing customers and attract new customers, Web site Design * E Commerce * Reputation Management Mobile Marketing Ld LJ SEO Services * SMS Text Message Marketing Social Media Marketing « Mobile Landing Design QR Code Marketing Video Services App Development ® & & » think local Fes 570-970-7307 #4 &3 [E} An IMPRESSIONS! company local on THE TIMES LEADER WSKSRo8r 100 NAL esp. Bazaar THE DALLAS POST 570-283-9840 APPLIANCES APPLIANCE WASHER / DRYER / RANGE REFRIGERATOR Bring in old part with model # and serial # PARTS & SUPPLY 936 Market Street, Kingston Open 9-4:30-Sat ‘til Noon - 288-5526 AUTO BODY FAX: CALL RICK OR NICK (570) 824-0553 Dick's Body Shor INSURANCE ESTIMATES e COLLISION REPAIRS FOREIGN & DOMESTIC QUALITY CRAFTSMANSHIP 105 WEST SAYLOR AVE. PLAINS, PA 18702 ASPHALT SEALING BOB’S BLACKTOP Paving: Driveways, Parking Lots, Patching, Hot Crackfiller Repairs Residential Commercial 836-3587 PA# 041254 —— a A OL Exterior Home improvement By Locelly Owned & Opened Sine 1987 | *» Windows | * Siding * Enclosures > fF Us * Fiberglass Doors 570.654.4220 pe’ hf ' 4 aif * Storm Doors * Vinyl Railings * Roofing * And More PADIS418 wi A ita A lH DL [ LANDSCAPING RESIDENTIAL LAWN | CLEANUP 970-574-5800 Leaves, Brush, Etc, Rapairs # Maintenance # Construction 17% Lewis As Telephone wu, Trucksville, PA 18708 570.696.1307 d davemonkelectric@epixnet — ——— TUTORING Retired High School Math Teacher with Master's Degree in Field _— for Tutoring in all Disciplines We Do It All! Auto * Commercial Residential 596 Carey Ave,. W-B 822-8133 GLASS * Flat Roofs ¢ Shingles ¢ Siding * Replacement Windows Free Estimates - Licensed & Insured ROBERT SMITH, WEST PITTSTON HICH PA-005521 Wood, Coal, Pellet, Gas & Oil...Find out what's RIGHT for YOU! Back 10 Basics: ,... A Fireplace & Stove Shoppe LAYAWAY; Hours: Tues. 9-7 * Wed., Thurs., Fri. 9-5:30 » Sat. 9-4 « Closed Sun. & Mon. pailas, PA 675-2266