The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, September 02, 2012, Image 6
PAGE 6 EDITORIAL Sunday, September 2, 2012 The Dallas Post Community Newspaper Group THE TIMES LEADER 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 18711 ® 570-675-521 Joe Butkiewicz Dotty Martin EXECUTIVE EDITOR EDITOR 829-7249 970-7440 Diane McGee ADVERTISING 970-7153 ons first-ever golf ourney aids library The Back Mountain Mémorial Library announces that the Dallas Lions Club will hold its first-ever Dallas Lions Golf Tournament with proceeds to benefit the library on Sunday, Sept. 23 at the Newberry Estate Golf Course on Pioneer Avenue in Dallas. There are two flights scheduled, one at 9 a.m. and another at 1 p.m. Fees for the event are as follows: 18 holes of golf plus lunch at the Appletree Terrace are $45 plus $8 for a cart. The cost for non-golfers who wish to attend the luncheon only is $30. The luncheon menus will consist of a choice of appetizers, including cheese and fresh fruit, crab salsa, Swedish meat- balls and mini potato pancakes. Entrees include Chicken Franchaise, stuffed flounder Florentine, hamburgers and hot dogs, cheese tortellini in a tomato vodka sauce and rosemary roasted potatoes. Desserts will include cheesecake with fruit topping, chocolate molten lava bundt cake and an ice cream bar. A cash bar will be available. : For more information or registration forms, stop by or call the library at 675-1182. Reminder The library will be closed on Monday, Sept. 3 to celebrate Labor Day and will re-open at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 4. MOMENTS IN TIME By Samantha Weaver e |t's still not known who made the following sage observation: “To succeed in politics, it is sometimes necessary to rise above your principles.” * |t was beloved American poet Robert Frost who made the follow- ing sage observation: “A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain.” * In 1938, Time magazine featured Adolph Hitler on the cover as its Man of the Year. * You might be surprised at some of the amazing feats that can be accomplished with the aid of modern medicine. In 2008, two women in India gave birth at the age of 70. With the aid of egg donation and postmenopausal in vitro fertilization, Rajo Devi Lohan gave birth to her only child, a girl. Charan Singh Panwar and his wife, Omkari Pan- war, already had two daughters and five grandchildren, but they wanted a son. Using the same procedure, Omkari had twins, a boy and a girl. * The first time a toilet was ever seen on television was in the pilot episode of “Leave It to Beaver" in 1957. * The most common name in the world is Muhammed. * If you live in the South, home of huge roaches, you probably won't be surprised to learn that a cockroach can live for a week without a head. When the headless insect does finally die, it's from starvation, not from the loss of its head. * Those who study such things say that there are 45,000 chickens for every person on the planet. Thought for the day: “The reason that adulation is not displeasing is that, though untrue, it shows one to be of consequence enough, in one way or other, to induce people to lie.” - Lord Byron Mom nor Dad were in sight. "YOUR SPACE" is reserved specifically for Dallas Post readers who have something they'd like to share with fellow readers. Submitted items may include photo- graphs or short stories and should be sent via e-mail to, by YOUR SPACE These cute little ducklings were born on Harvey's Lake this year. Photographer Pat Giordano says they were not a bit camera shy and neither fax to 675-3650 or by mail to The Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. Information must include the submitting person's name, address and telephone num- ber in the event we have questions. Readers wishing to have their photos returned should include a self-addressed/stamped envelope. Items will be published in the or- der in which they are received. The editor of The Dallas Post reserves the right toreject any items submitted for publi- cation. 20 YEARS AGO-1992 Returning Dallas Elementary students attended a Great Books Reading Camp in Au- gust. The group read and dis- cussed short stories from around the world. Participants included Nathan Bohlander, Heather Vodzak, No- rah Krakos- ky, Ellen Kim, Jessi- ca Stefon, John Nack- ley, Mi- chael Laity, John Schultz, Ann Ross, Mau- reen McGuire, Abby Ahmad, Seth and Dough Yeager and Keith Sprau. Lindsay Pearson and Lauren Atherholt recently won the Art Contest at the Lehman-Jackson Elementary School sponsored by Pennsylvania Food Services Association. YESTERDAY 30 YEARS AGO -1982 Gate of Heaven Cub Pack 232 held a Fun Day fundraiser for Luzarc. The fundraiser fea- tured a flea market, games, hot dogs and drinks. Scouts who worked at the fundraiser in- cluded Ron Lafkoski, Mike Wil- liams, Jackie Jones, Matthew Campbell, Mike Farris, Ste- phen Gregor, and John Kristen. John M. Levitski, Public In- formation Specialist for PP&L’s Susquehanna Steam Electric Station near Berwick, was the speaker of the evening at the weekly meeting of the Dallas Rotary Club. 40 YEARS AGO -1972 The Dallas Rotary Club, at a recent dinner meeting at Irem Temple Country Club, had as honored guests members of the Trucksville Volunteer Fire Company who had shown out- standing courage and devotion to duty during the aftermath of the flood in Wyoming Valley. The young men had volun- teered their services to help in the recovery and relocation of graves at the Forty Fort ceme- tery. Those honored are: Dave Barnuna, Frank Oatridge, Bob Sabol, Cliff Engler, Tom Schmi- dle, Paul Jordan, Paul Peters and jack Martin. 50 YEARS AGO -1962 Warren Samuel Jr.,, Dallas, won 2nd place in the 50 meter any-sight rifle match at the Na- tional Rifle and Pistol match, Camp Perry, Ohio last Thurs- day. He fired a score of 400-37 out of a possible 400-40 on the match. Matches were spon- sored by the National Rifle As- sociation. Back Mountain Little League All-Stars will be presented with a State Championship pennant at a testimonial dinner spon- sored by Daddow-Isaacs Post American Legion Thursday evening at the Legion Home. 60 YEARS AGO - 1952 Herbert Jenkins, Trucksville, active in community life and a resident of Kingston Township for the past thirty years, was ap- ation. One of Wilson Garinger’s pigeons came in third and a bird owned by Burton Roberts t, fifth place. Each had 25 bir the race which had more t 300 entries. Because of bad fly- ing conditions the race con- sumed about four hours and scored of birds were lost. W.S.C.S. of Trucksville Meth- odist church will sponsor a gar- den party on the lawn of Mrs. S.D. Finney, Holly Street, Trucksville, Thursday after- noon. Committee members: Mrs. Neuel Kester, Mrs. Tho- mas Ayres, Mrs. Sheldon Jones, Mrs. Don Finney, Mrs. Cedric Griffith, Mrs. Thelma Bulford and Mrs. Bertha Sutliff. Information for “Only “@ day’ is taken from past iss The Dallas Post which is 122 vears old. The information is printed here exactly as it ap- peared in the newspaper years ago. pointed Chief of Police to suc- ceed the late Francis McCarty at a special meeting of Kingston Township Supervisors Wednes- day night at the Township Building on Carverton Road. Shavertown has a new music teacher, qualified by gradua- tion from the School of Music at Ohio Wesleyan University to provide musical education for children and adults of the com- munity in both piano and voice. Mrs. Thomas Lorenz came to the area two months ago when her husband was transferred to this area by the Bell Telephone Company. 70 YEARS AGO -1942 A.N. Garinger’s racing pigeon came in first in the 100-mile race from Harrisburg, conduct- ed last Sunday by the Wyoming Valley Racing Pigeon Associ- MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel ® On Sept. 4, 1957, Ford Motor Company unveils the Edsel, the first new automobile brand produced by one of the Big Three car companies since 1938. One reporter called it “an Oldsmobile suck- ing alemon.” In addition, at highway speeds the famous hood orna- ment had a tendency to fly off and into the windshield. : ® On Sept. 5, 1972, during the 1972 Summer Olympics at Mun- ich, Germany, a group of Palestinian terrorists storms the Olympic Village apartment of the Israeli athletes, killing two and taking nine others hostage. The terrorists were part of a group known as Black September. s ¢ On Sept. 8, 1986, “The Oprah Winfrey Show” is broadcast na- tionally for the first time. It went on to become the highest-rated talk show in TV history. By 2008, “The Oprah Winfrey Show” had an estimated weekly audience of some 46 million viewers in the United States and was broadcast around the world in 134 coun- tries. “IF YOU WERE TO WRITE YOUR AUTOBIOGRAPHY, WHAT WOULD YOU TITLE IT?" “'Peculiar Facts’ be- cause after teaching college for 28 years, my job was given to a young woman from “Anne Gill's Exciting Adventures’ because I've lived in many ci- ties, worked with street people and Marywood.” opened a soup kitch- Reese Pelton en.” Dallas Anne Gill Forty Fort “'My God and My Dogs’ because we all need God and the dogs give us unconditional love.” Margie Bart Orange “"When to Say No’ be- cause I'm usually so afraid to disappoint people.” Lisa Angeli Dallas “'Hard Lessons Learned’ because | have a tendency not to listen to anyone.” Loretta Galm Dallas “Journals of an Egg Lady’ because I'm a craftsman who makes Russian Pysanky : eggs.” ) Marianne Lurie Orange