The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, September 02, 2012, Image 13
Sunday, September 2, 2012 SEE a yn Sys BABYSITTER For 13 year old; driv- ing to appointments. Must have reliable car and safe driving i — record. 570-574-6618 522 Education/ Training EW TOD} FORTIS INSTITUTE FORTY FORT 3 EXCITING TEACHING OPPORTUNITIES ¢ HVACR Instructor. Fulltime position, day and evening classes. Minimum 3 years work experi- ence in related field required. * Electrical Trades instructor. Part time position, day and evening classes. Minimum 3 years work experience in related field required e CDL Program Director. Must have a class A CDL, clean MVR with 3 years experience as a CDL driver. Previous teaching experience a plus but not required. Fax resume to: 570-287-7936 Or send to: Director i of Education g Fortis Institute 166 Slocum Street Forty Fort PA 18704 533 installation/ Maintenance/ Repair Ew only Swimming Pool Service Work 570-760-1689 542 Logistics/ Transportation SCHOOL BUS DRVERS PW TODAY OFFICE FURNITURE DELIVERY DRIVER EARN up to $800 A WEEK DELIVERING OFFICE FURNITURE PLUS: *HOME NIGHTS *NO WEEKENDS *SAFETY BONUSES . SIGN ON BONUS *CDL AND NON CDL POSITIONS AVAILABLE ; *HEALTH INSURANCE AID HOLIDAYS nd resume to EDWARDSL@ or fax: 570-501-0587 545 Marketing/ Product NEW TODR PURCHASING ASSISTANT Local established manufacturer has a full time position available for an administrative/pur- chasing assistant that will also assist with customer serv- ice. The ideal candi- 3 date will have solid computer experi- ence, with accuracy and attention to detail. AS400 expe- rience a plus. Must be able to complete analysis work, administrative duties, and special projects. Must have college degree. 3-5 years experience preferred. A com- prehensive benefit package, which includes 401K. Please send resume to AMERICAN SILK MILLS 75 STARK STREET PLAINS, PA 18705 Es A 548 Medical/Health CAREGIVER Part Time in-home care for female adult in Dallas. Must reside nearby. Bathing required. Call 570-675-2539. NEw rool MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST! CLERK For fast paced surgical prac- tice. Full time with benefits. MEDICAL OFFICE EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. Send resume & salary requirements to: P.O. Box 1615 Kingston, PA 18704 PROGRAM ASSISTANT Part Time and Full time wanted to become part of a dedicated and cre- ative team to assist with personal care and activities. Call Shannon @ 570-823-5161 or fax to 570-820-3930. EOE ; LINE UP A SUCCESSFUL SALE IN CLASSIFIED! Do you need more space? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way to clean out your closets! You're in bussiness with classified! 557 Project/ | 746 Garage Sales/ Program Estate Sales/ Management Flea Markets Hi TOD WEST WYOMING 6th Street i OPEN YEAR ROUND aS. INSIDE & OUT Acres of parking OUTSIDE SPACES - $10 Saturday 10am-2pm Sunday 8am-4pm L 756 Medical Equipment ROLLATOR-WALK- ER with seat and brakes used one time. Paid $119 ask- ing $50. 570-822-3878 630 Money To Loan 758 Miscellaneous “We can erase your bad credit - Trade Commission say they’ve never seen a legitimate credit repair opera- tion. No one can legally remove accurate and timely information from your credit report. It’s a process that starts with you and involves time and a conscious effort to pay your debts. Learn about manag- ing credit and debt at ftc. gov/credit. A message from The Times Leader and the FTC. Conditioners AIR CONDITIONER Frigidaire 10,000 BTU remote, good condition Receipt $135,570-283-0575 or 570-709-5505 708 Antiques & Collectibles EW TODA PITTSBURGH STEELERS MEMORABILIA | am selling my entire collection of Steelers items including helmets, autographs, pho- tos, prints, litho- graphs, starting lineups, many one of a kind items. Too many to list. Prices from $5 to $1500. Serious inquiries only! Call 570-905- 6865 to set up time to review collection. 710 Appliances REFRIGERATOR Whirlpool, white, runs well $230. obo. 570-287-0103 Looking for that special place called home? Classified will address Your needs. Open the door with classified! 726 Clothing JACKET, Navy blue blazer, 46R, Student Holy Redeemer. Excellent worn 6 months, Neil Allen Career. $45 570-474-9866 744 Furniture & Accessories BEDROOM SET Dark cherry queen bed, w36.5x152.5 chest, w34.5x165 dresser with mirror, w32xI28 nightstand Mediterranean. $1,500. OBO. (570) 328-4713 CHAIRS, (2) Genuine leather, cus- tom made recliners. Taupe color, like new. $550 each. SOFA, CHAIR, OTTOMAN, 3 TABLES, great for den. Wood and cloth, all in excellent condi- tion. $450. Call after 12 noon 570-675-5046 Ammo ——————-— Shopping for a new apartment? Classified lets You compare Costs - without hassle or worry! Get moving with classified! 100% GUARAN- TEED.” Attorneys for the Federal: CANES & walking sticks. 30 available. Many different sizes, heights, shapes, made from slippery maple trees $5. each. Christmas & household over 200 items available includes trees, ornaments, lights, vases, knick- knacks, figurines, lamps, baskets, flowers, Samsonite belt massager, all for $60 Electric sewing machine with folding cabinet & drawer, excellent condition $45. Stove, coal, antique working. + 1 ton chestnut coal. $500 570-735-2081 570-301-3602 CALL US! TO JUNK YOUR CAR BEST PRICES IN THE AREA CASH ON THE $POT, Free Anytime Pickup 570-301-3602 POR-A-POTTY $15. Call 570-283-0575 or 570-709-5505 772 Pools & Spas POOL 15° x +52” round with filter plus other accessories. $350 or best offer. 570- 825-3534 776 Sporting Goods ROLLER BLADES: Men’s roller blades size 11, like new $5. Harley Davidson back rest and pad off 1990 Heritage. $50, CLOTHING, Juniors name brand. 10 pieces, $15 for all. 570-822-6258 782 Tickets WANTED TO BUY TICKETS Two tickets to the Sept. 1 Penn State/ Ohio State football game. 574-1559. 796 Wanted to Buy Merchandise BUYING SPORT CARDS Pay Cash for baseball, football, basketball, hockey & non-sports. Sets, singles & wax. Also buying comics. 570-212-0398 NEW TOO OLD COMICS WANTED AAT NYC de] Star Wars/ | =ToTo JT £5 Sy de a rdrd-1-1-] \ViRgekd= & (e]],' [043 VET LCF ALL JUNK CARS & TRUCKS Highest Prices == li FREE PICKUP 288-8995 810 CATS. Special per- son for, mother & daughter. Spayed. Owner died used to quiet home. Free to good home. 570-479-1280 943-2184 for more information. EW TOD WIEMARANER Female, to a good home. Purebred, blue, longhair, 2 years old, spayed. Good with kids. Loveable, needs someone with time & patience. High energy, requires physical activity. References required. $200. 570-654-4690 Highland Hills Development .88 Acres. $70,000 570-947-3375 938 Apartments/ Furnished WILKES-BARRE EFFICIENCY for one person, fully furnished, non- smoking, no pets $550/month. Call (570) 498-6914 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished 906 Homes for Sale Having trouble paying your mort- gage? Falling behind on your payments? You may get mail from people who promise to forestall your foreclosure for a fee in advance. Report them to the Federal Trade Commission, the nation’s ' con- sumer protection agency. Call 1-877- FTC-HELP or click on A mes- sage from The Times Leader and the FTC. New Construction. Lot #2, Fairway Estates. 2,700 square feet, tile & hardwood on 1st floor. Cherry cabi- nets with center island. $399,500. For more details: 570-696-1041 EW TODA NANTICOKE HANDYMAN 2 bedroom house large kitchen & din- ing, new roof & steps, large fenced double lot, off street parking. Close to LCC on very quite street. Asking $29,000 OBO. 201.679.4061 PITTSTON TWP. 23 Ridge Street 4 Bedroom Colonial Home in Fane. Electric Heat & Central Air, 1.5 Baths, Large Eat in Kitchen & Dining Room. Double Deck with Hot Tub. Low Taxes. $219,000 Call 570-212-1404 SWOYERSVILLE OPEN HOUSE SUN., AUG. 26 1PM - 3PM 689 Main Street 2 bedroom home on large lot with bonus efficiency apart- ment. Large living room, eat in kitchen, screened porch. Freshly painted and new flooring. See $69,000. Call 570-696-3368 A 906 Homes for Sale WILKES-BARRE REDUCED Parsons Section 166 Matson Ave. $25,000. 5 bedroom, 1 bath. Garage. Corner lot. Nice location. Out of flood zone. Call 570-814-7453 Land for sale? Place an ad EDWARDSVILLE 1 bedroom, first floor. W/w carpet- ing, w/d hookup, stove and fridge included. Large porch. Utilities by tenants. 1 year lease. $350/mo + security. No pets. Credit and back- ground check. Not section 8 approved. 570-779-5218 EW TO04 EDWARDSVILLE 1 bedroom, first floor. W/w carpet- ing, w/d hookup, stove and fridge included. Large porch. Utilities by tenants. 1 year lease. $350/mo + security. No pets. Credit and back- ground check. Not section 8 approved. 570-779-5218 FORTY FORT Newly renovated, great neighbor- hood. 2nd floor. Non smoking. Oak composite floors, new wall-to-wall carpeting in bed- rooms. 4 paddle fans, large bath with shower. Stove, new fridge & dishwasher. Off street parking, coin-op laundry. $600 + gas, elec- tric & water. References required, no pets. 570-779-4609 or 570-407-3991 [Eh at dL 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished FORTY FORT 1693 Wyoming Ave. Beautiful spacious 1500 sq. ft. 1st floor apt. Hardwood floors, extra large living room with real fireplace, large for- mal dining room, 3 bedrooms with closets. 1 full bath with wall to wall tiler, washer/dryer hookup in base- ment. Deck off back. Off street parking with garage. $900 month plus utilities. No pets. Application and employment verification. Call 570-239-1010 GET THE WORD OUT with a Classified Ad. 570-829-7130 KINGSTON 1 BEDROOM fridge, stove, dryer, garage $450 + utilities. 2 BEDROOM, 2nd floor, fridge stove. $500 + utilities. Security/References 570-204-0152 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished KINGSTON - 2 APTS, 902 MARKET ST. One very large 2 bedroom apartment washer/ dryer hookup, all appli- ances, recently ren- ovated, quiet neigh- borhood, landlord pays water. $650/ month per unit. 3-5 ROSS ST. 1 & 2 bedrooms available. Private parking. Quiet neighborhood. $600 and $650. 1 month rent & secu- rity. Available now! Near college. 570-656-7125 Need to rent that Vacation property? income Property & Duplex Home. Out of flood area On same lot. 7 apartments, 5 in excellent condition. Hardwood floors. $119,000 570-822-9697 and SELL Place an ad and 570-829-7130 get started! 570-829-7130 909 income & Commercial KINGSTON Pro es 2221 2% «29% HANOVER av %4 Repossessed Bring Rover or Kitty & move right in. 2 bedroom apt. Off street parking, coin laundry on premis- es. $600/month + gas, heat & elec- tric. Call 570-262-1577 RENTAL UNITS: KINGSTON: ist floor 2 bed- rooms. $500. 2nd floor 1 bedroom $465. 3 bedroom, living room/dining room, washer/dryer hook- up, yard, off street parking, convenient location, new kitchen. $800. PLAINS: 3 level with 3 bedrooms, yard, off street parking, washer/ dryer hook-up, bonus room. $525. 1 bedroom 1st floor- coming. Available Sept. $420. WILKES-BARRE: 4 bedroom, living room, dining room, laundry room, yard, off street parking. $725. INCLUDES: main- tenance, sewer fees, appliances., carpeting. Not included: utilities. NO dogs/cats. Credit check/lease, references, employ- ment history. Discount rates may apply to qualified. Call: Property Mgmnt 899-3407 for info & appt. Say it HERE in the Classifieds! 570-829-7130 NANTICOKE 2 BEDROOM $550 MONTH. 1 BEDROOM $450/MONTH Section 8 Welcome 516-216-3539 OR 570-497-9966 AVAILABILITY! 941 Avartments! www.mayflower Unfurnished FW TODA West Pittston THE HITCHNER 530 Exeter Ave Now Accepting Applications! 1,2 &3 bedroom units available. Elevator, park- ing lot, central air, appliances, wi-fi access & more. Income Qualifications required. 570-344-5999 WILKES-BARRE Mayflower Crossing Apartments 570.822.3968 2,3&4 Bedrooms - Light & bright open floor plans - All major appliances included - Pets welcome™* - Close to everything - 24 hour emergency maintenance - Short term leases available Call TODAY For KINGSTON E. Walnut St. Available Oct. 1 2nd floor. Located in quiet neighborhood. Kitchen, living room, dining room. Sun- room. Bath. 3 bed- rooms; 2 large & 1 small. Lots of clos- ets. Built in linen closet & hutch. Hardwood and car- peted floors. Fire- place. Storage room. Yard. Washer / dryer, stove / fridge. Heat and hot water included. One year I|lease+ security. $950 570-283-4370 LINE UP A SUCCESSFUL SALE IN CLASSIFIED! Do you need more space? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way to clean out your closets! You're in bussiness with classified! * hk Kk Kk KINGSTON MUST SEE!! Elegant 3rd floor of historic home in charming neigh- borhood with 2 bedrooms & full bath. kitchen with stainless steel fridge, oven, microwave, dishwasher, washer/dryer, garbage disposal. newly renovated throughout, with all hardwood floors, private deck, 2 car garage with remote, central air, security sys- tem, wifi, intercom & keyless entry. pets negotiable/ no smoking. Utilities included. Rent $1,300 + security/refer- ences. Call 570-288-6686. NANTICOKE 2 bedroom, 2nd floor, washer/dryer hook up. Includes heat, water & trash. Absolutely no pets. Security deposit required. $550/mos Call (570) 592-1393 NANTICOKE/SHEATOWN 21 Thomas Street 1 bedroom, 2nd floor, eat-in kitchen with appliances, shared yard and porch, wash- er/dryer hook-up $375 + security, no pets, no smoking Tenant pays elec- tric, water, and oil heat & garbage. Call (570) 814-1356 PITTSTON 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. Fenced yard & covered patio. Refrigerator & stove, washer/ dryer hookup, no pets. $525 & $625/month, plus utilities & 1st month’s security. 570-234-4748 FW TODA WEST WYOMING 429 West 8th Street New 2 bedroom with off street park- ing, private patio, washer/dryer, stove included. No pets. $575/mo + security Sewer & garbage included other utili- ties by tenant. 570-760-0458 Certain Restrictions Apply* EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY WILKES-BARRE APARTMENTS FOR RENT! 425 S. FRANKLIN ST. For lease. Available immediately, wash- er/dryer on premis- es, no pets. We have studio, 1 & 2 bedroom apart- ments. On site parking. Fridge & stove provided. 24/7 security cam- era presence & all doors electronically locked. Studio - $450. 1 bedroom - $550. 2 bedroom - $650. Water & sewer paid. One month security deposit. Call 570-793-6377 after 9:00 a.m. to sched- ule an appointment. Or email shlomo voola FW TODA WILKES-BARRE CLEAN, NEWLY RENOVATED two bedroom apt with off street parking for one vehicle, utilities not included, one month deposit, within walking distance to downtown and Wilkes college, minimum one year lease, located at 412 S. Franklin St. $575. contact Bill 570-371-7762 FW TODA WYOMING 2nd floor, 1 bed- room. New central air, kitchen cabinets & counter tops. Bathroom com- pletely remodeled. New carpeting, porch, washer/ dryer. $600/month + 1 year lease at signing, 1 & last. Call 570-430-7077 944 Commercial Properties DALLAS Office/Retail Space (2 spaces) 961 sq. ft each. All utilities included, ample parking. Memorial Highway Dallas. $1400/month or combined $2600 570-586-6633 It's that time again! Rent out your apartment with the Classifieds 570-829-7130 WILKES-BARRE BEST $1 SQ. FT. LEASES YOU'LL EVER SEE! Warehouse, light manufacturing. Gas heat, sprinklers, overhead doors, parking for 30 cars. Yes, that $1 sq.ft. lease! We have 9,000 sq.ft., 27,000 sq.ft. and 14,000 sq. ft. Can combine. There is nothing this good! Sale or Lease Call Larry @ 570-696-4000 or 570-430-1565 security| THE DALLAS POST PAGE 13 815 Dogs | 912 Lots & Acreage | 941 Apastmentss 941 Avastments/ 950 Half Doubles | 953 Houses for Rent BICHON FRISE ns io THORNHURST pups." cute ana | JENKINS TOWNSHIP | =e uo HOME FoR EW TODA DURYEA 3 bedroom, 1 bath & 1 powder room, separate laundry area. Appliances included. Off street parking. $650/ month + security & utilities. 570-466-0401 570-655-6475 EXETER/WYOMING 2 bedrooms, new tile kitchen & bath. Stove, washer/dry- er hookup, off- street parking. No pets. $650/month + utilities & security. Call (570)237-2076 LINE UP A GREAT DEAL... IN CLASSIFIED! Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It's a showroom in print! Classifieds got the directions! EW TODA FORTY FORT 2 bedroom, newly renovated, custom oak kitchen cabi- nets, tile floors, paddle fans, 1.5 baths. Off street parking, deck and patio, $800 + utili- ties; gas, electric and water, washer dryier hookup. Ref- erences required, no pets or smoking. 570-779-4609 570-407-3991 1043 Thornhurst CC Estates. Cor- ner lot, 3 bed- rooms, 2 full baths, loft, 1 car garage, $1,050. per mo. ist last and security. 570-259-0868 e-mail for photos Find that new job, The Times Leader 1024 Building & ‘pe Remodeling | | (|assified 1st, Quality section. Construction Co, Roofing, siding, gutters, insulation, decks, additions, windows, doors, masonry & concrete. Insured & Bonded. Senior Citizens Discount! State Lic. # PAOST320 570-606-3438 1054 Concrete & Masonry Williams & Franks Inc Masonry - Concrete Brick-Stonework. Chimneys-Stucco” “NO JOB TOO SMALL” “Damage repair specialist” 570-466-2916 KINGSTON 2 bedroom, clean, remodeled, no pets. $500 plus utilities, security and references Call 570-287-5491 LARKSVILLE 3 bedroom, 1 bath half double, Freshly cleaned & painted. Tenant pays all utili- ties including sewer. $585 plus security. Call (570) 357-0712 PLYMOUTH oa ole 3 bedroom, 1 bath. Located on Academy St. $650 + utilities & security. Small pets OK with extra security. Call 570-262-1577 953 Houses for Rent EW TODA GLEN LYON 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths. Clean, roomy family home. No pets., $650/month, Call (570)864-8595 EN TODA KINGSTON 3 bedroom single house 1 & 3/4 bath, garage, washer/ dryer, new flooring, porch, $850 + utili- ties. (570)991-5190 * Kk hk Kk KINGSTON Executive Home Well maintained. Newly remodeled. Front porch, foyer entrance, hardwood floors, living room, dining room, 4 bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, 2.5 baths, granite kitchen, sun room, basement with plenty of storage, no smoking. $1,600/month 570-472-1110 Nice Area KINGTSTON 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths in quiet resi- dential neighbor- hood. Central air, all appliances including washer/dryer on 1st floor. Off street parking. Deck. Basement & attic storage. No pets. Non smoking. Ref- erences & security. $1,150. month + utili- ties. Call after 6 pm 570-814-6714 EW TOOK NANTICOKE 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, stove, clean, freshly painted throughout. Some new wall to wall carpeting. Walk-up attic & full base- ment. Gas heat, washer dryer hook- up. $675/month + utilities & security. References & proof of income required. No pets or smok- ing. 570-735-3076 RICKETT’S GLEN AREA Beautiful secluded farmhouse, 4 bed- room, 2 baths, all appliances, wash- er/dryer hookup, 2 car attached garage. $1,100/ month + utilities & security. Call 570-864-1014 Shopping for a new apartment? Classified lets you compare costs - without hassle | ar Call 829-7130 with classified! to place an 7189 Miscellaneous | | employment ad. Service PSYCHIC MASTER D || ONLY ONE LEADER. Psyahio THE TIMES LEADER Advisor/Consultant Tarot-Crystal Revelations 570-301-7776 91" of Times Leader readers read the Classified section. *2008 Pulse Research What Do You Have To Sell Today? Call 829-7130 to place your ad. ONLY ONE LEADER. THE TIMES LEADER I 971 Vacation & 971 Vacation & Resort Properties Resort Properties BLACK LAKE, NY Come relax & enjoy reat fishing & tran- quility at it's finest. Housekeeping cottages on the water with all the amenities of home. NEED & VACATION? Call Now! (315) 375-8962 A TA TRA aka SS