The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, August 26, 2012, Image 6

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    PAGE 6
Sunday, August 26, 2012
The Dallas Post
Community Newspaper Group
15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 18711 ® 570-675-521
Joe Butkiewicz Dotty Martin
829-7249 970-7440
Diane McGee
Friedman Committee
oreateful for publicity
Dear Editor:
On behalf of Family Service Association of Wyoming Valley’s Pauly
Friedman 5K Family Walk/ Run Committee, I would like to thank The
Dallas Post so very much for its wonderful support of this year’s walk /
This was another very successful event with 200 people attending,
thanks in part to your help in publicizing the event.
Diminished funding for Help Line was the reason this event was
established four years ago and we look forward to ensuring that Help
Line will continue for years to come. We are committed to keeping
this vital program available to the community as a 24/7 operation.
Again, thank you for your fantastic support of this year’s walk /run.
Your attention to getting the word out on the particulars of the event
was very much appreciated. We look forward to working with you in
the future.
Pauline Carmody
Pauly Friedman 5K Family Walk/Run Committee
Families appreciate help
with ‘Cruise for the Cure
Dear Editor:
We wish to express our sincere appreciation to The Dallas Post for
helping to publicize the Cruise for the Cure Benefit For Joe “Butch”
Long of Falls that was held at the Lake Winola Firehouse.
The publicity you gave to the event went a long way in encourag-
ing many to come out and participate.
Also, words cannot express the gratitude and thanks that are felt
by the kindness and support shown to our family by friends, commu-
nity and all involved, including those who donated and attended the
We are very humbled by this experience and wish to express our
most wholehearted thanks to all. May God continue to keep you and
bless you all.
Joe and Barb Long and Family
Carmen and Jack Karp and Family
Tammy and Mike Patton and Family
Michelle and Scott Kinney and Family
John and Diane Sneed and Family
The History Channel
* On Aug. 29,1942, the Red Cross reveals that Japan has refused
free passage of ships carrying food, medicine and other necessities
for American POWs held by Japan. Japan allowed just one-tenth of
what POWs elsewhere received to reach prisoners in their territories.
* On Aug. 31,1959, Brooklyn Dodgers left-hander Sandy Koufax
strikes out 18 batters, setting a new National League record for most
strikeouts in a single game. Koufax retired after the 1966 season at
just 30 years old because of arthritis in his elbow. He was elected to
the Hall of Fame in 1972.
* On Aug. 30,1967, Thurgood Marshall becomes the first black
American to be confirmed as a Supreme Court justice. He would
remain on the Supreme Court for 24 years before retiring for health
reasons, leaving a legacy of upholding the rights of the individual.
® On Sept. 2,1987, the trial of Mathias Rust, the 19-year-old Ger-
man pilot who flew his Cessna plane into Red Square in May 1987,
begins in Moscow. Rust had become an international celebrity after
he flew completely undetected through Soviet airspace. At his trial,
Rust claimed he was merely trying to promote world peace.
Jane Brennan, of Dallas, took this photo of her daughter, Anna,
jumping off a sand mound into the water in Ocean City, Maryland.
"YOUR SPACE" is reserved specifically for Dallas Post readers
who have something they'd like to share with fellow readers.
Submitted items may include photographs or short stories and
should be sent via e-mail to, by fax to
675-3650 or by mail to The Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre,
PA 18711.
Information must include the submitting person's name, address
and telephone number in the event we have questions. Readers
wishing to have their photos returned should include a self-ad-
dressed/stamped envelope. Items will be published in the order in
which they are received.
The editor of The Dallas Post reserves the right to reject any
items submitted for publication.
1992 - 20 YEARS AGO
Dallas Middle School physi-
cal education classes, under
the direction of Mrs. Ann
Steltz, P.E. instructor, partici-
pated in the Run For The Gold
Program which is run by Spe-
cial Olym-
pics. The
were re-
. quired to
and run
thirty 80-
yard laps in 20 minutes. All
proceeds raised will benefit fu-
ture Special Olympics activ-
ities. Participants included Ta-
ra Oatridge, Rebecca Bush, Ni-
cole Hooper, Robyn Weber, Su-
san Smith, Krystyne
Krasavage, Annie Bishop, Kel-
ly Seman, Sara Kuzma, Amy
Samuels, Jeannette Hum-
phrey, Tracy Patton and Bon-
nie Biggs.
Several Dallas boys recently
attended the ProShot Basket-
ball Mini-Camp in Thornhurst
which specializes in basketball
shooting and offensive skills.
Local boys who participated in-
cluded Dan Laurenzi, Jason
race, Dan Fetko, Jared Karalu-
nas, Chris Wilt, Mike Bayer,
Mike Domzalski, Tripp Gra-
ham, Chris Habrack and Jo-
nathan Habrack.
1982 - 30 YEARS AGO
Debbie Atherholt won the
Blue Ribbon for first place in
the walking, trotting event dur-
ing last weekend’s Jonathan R.
Davis Fire Company’s horse
show at Lehman Horse Show
Lisa Loke, Trucksville, was
awarded a red merit ribbon for
her consumer education pre-
sentation in the 1982 4-H State
Achievement Days held recent-
1972- 40 YEARS AGO
Mame Dymond, a long time
resident of Trucksville, now re-
siding at Valley Crest Nursing
Home, was the guest of honor
at a party held Sunday in ob-
servance of her 95th birthday
anniversary. Attending the par-
ty were: Jane and Rusty Cool-
baugh, Rachael Dymond, Ha-
zle Lohman, Elmer Loubach
and Elda Coolbaugh.
Officials of schools in the
Back Mountain area an-
nounced early this week that
the previously scheduled date
for reopening has postponed.
The Dallas School District,
Lake-Lehman School District
and Gate of Heaven School,
Dallas, will start on Sept. 16,
two weeks later than the Sept.
6 date which had been
planned. The changes have
been made to provide school
officials throughout Luzerne
County to accomplish more of
the planning necessary to over-
come those difficulties created
by the effect of Hurricane
1962 — 50 YEARS AGO
On the strong right arms of
pitchers Don Martin and Mike
Bell, coupled with a flock of
stolen bases, the East Dallas
Teener’s team surged to victo-
ry in the long, 15-games season
to win their first pennant in
many years. Members of the ti-
tle-winning team are: Robert
Scholl, Tom Harris, Robert
Stanton, David Caffrey, Mike
Bell, Jim Steinhauer, Bill Rob-
ert, Roy Supulski, Al Harris,
Sumner Bachman, Don Mar-
tin, Fred Gosart and Gene Shel-
Last week, one of Back
Mountain’s biggest industries
— green tomatoes — rumbled
quietly into action. It happens
the middle of every August.
The big semi-trailer trucks
lined up beside Orchard Farm
Restaurant on Route 309,
mostly bearing Florida licens-
es, are waiting to carry the
Back Mountain tomatoes to
buyers’ houses and supermar-
ket packing plants all over the
1952 —- 60 YEARS AGO
For the second successive
year, Jackson Township Little
League walked off with the
honors, this year with a
straight score of winning both
halves, and a phenomenal re-
cord of nineteen games won
out of twenty played. Team
members are: Victor Salanski,
Ronald Davis, Samuel Wagner,
Rickard Malak, Richard Cum-
mings, Thomas Williams, Lar-
ry Stash, Charles Cigarski,
Robert Radonovitch, Paul Ma-
lak, Ronald Stark, Bertram Bal-
liet and Allen Lamoreaux.
Albert Creamer, Goss Ma-
nor, won the 1952 Plymouth on
the last night of the three-night
Lake Festival held at Twin
1942 —- 70 YEARS AGO
Members of the Ladies’ Aux-
iliary of the Lutheran Church,
Shavertown, were entertained
at a party at the home of Mrs.
Byron Kitchen, Main Street, on
Friday afternoon. Games were
played and prizes awarded to
Mrs. Herbert Frankfort, Mrs.
John Eck, Mrs. R.JW. Templin
and Mrs. Chester Hartman. A
special prize was given to Mrs.
John Garrahan.
A number of young people
held a wiener roast at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. William Freder-
ick in Shavertown Saturday
evening. Present were Flo-
rence Smith, Robert Ashbur-
ner, Robert Hess, Helen El-
ston, Eleanor Elston, Lena El-
ston, Ruth Hackling, Donald
Smith, Mildred Kitchen and.
host, Charles Kunkle. )
Information for “Only Yes-
terday” 1s taken from past is-
sues of The Dallas Post which
1s 122 years old. The informa-
tion is printed here exactly as i
appeared in the newspaper
vears ago.
By Samantha Weaver
country is vegetarian.
known as an octothorpe.
e |t was British-American poet T.S. Eliot who made the following
sage observation: “Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal.”
e Fach fingernail on the Statue of Liberty is nearly a foot long.
* Filmmaker George Lucas is arguably best known for his fs ]
Wars" franchise, but he also directed "American Graffiti.” During Gg
the making of that earlier film, he designated each reel of film
with an R before the reel’s number, and each instance of dialog
was prefixed with a D. At one point during the sound mixing, the
sound designer needed to use Reel 2, Dialog 2, and so asked for
"R2D2.” Lucas liked the sound of it so much that he used it for the
name of a robot character in his later work.
® You can tell a cranberry is ripe when it can be dribbled like a
® Those who study such things (and seemingly have too much
time on their hands) say that a quarter has 19 grooves around the
outside edge, while dimes have 18.
® Have you ever heard of a woman named Thelma Pickles?
Unless you're a somewhat obsessive fan of the Beatles, probably
not. She was John Lennon's first girlfriend.
e Among those who play basketball professionally, the men
average 6 feet, 7 inches tall, while the women average an even 6
e |f you're a vegetarian, you're part of the 3 percent of Amer-
ican adults who shun meat. In India, though, you'd be part of a
much larger minority; nearly a third of the population of that
e You may be surprised to learn that the pound sign is officially
Thought for the day: “A pessimist is a person who has listened
to too many optimists.” - Don Marquis
Read whatever. | al-
ways have a book go-
ing and you need a
back-up one in case
you finish the first
“Bike ride through
Dallas on my cross-
trainer up and down
Lower and Upper De-
munds Road.
Bill Grant
Ann Davies
“Play sports or play
with my cat and dog.”
Brielle Brace
“Take the time to re-
lax, chill out and
watch TV.”
Bobby Saba
“Play baseball with
friends or now I'm in a
softball league.”
Josh Dymond
“Take my kids to their
games. They play
Charles Ukattabs,
a Cl LS, ,;