The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, August 26, 2012, Image 5
Sunday, August 26, 2012 THE DALLAS POST PAGE 5 | &ouple notes first anniversary Courtney Ann Savage and Ja- son Shatrowskas will celebrate their first wedding anniversary on Aug. 27. The couple was united in marriage on Aug. 27, 2011, at The Highlands at New- berry Estates, Dallas by Judge David Barilla. The bride is the daughter of Robert Savage, of Wyoming and Colette Savage, of Ft. Lauder- dale, FL. She is the grand- daughter of Robert Savage, Phyllis Savage and Gordon Schaefer, of Swoyersville and Edward Biernacki and the late Dorothy Biernacki, of Kingston. The groom is the son of Butch and Barbara Shatrow- skas, of Wyoming. He is the grandson of the late Leo and Mary Lulewicz and Stanley and Caroline Yankowski, all of Wyoming. The bride was escorted down the aisle and given in marriage by her dad. She chose her long- time friends Becky Evansky and Christy Tyson to be her Ma- trons of Honor. Bridesmaids were Julie Haller, cousin of the bride; Jennifer Kuna and Man- dy Fox, friends of the bride. Flower girl was Alexis Savage; cousin of the bride, who walked the couple’s dog and ring bear- er, Dobie, down the aisle. The groom chose his father, Butch Shatrowskas, as his best man. Groomsmen were Butchie Shatrowskas, brother of the groom; Michael Jordan, cousin of the groom; Brian Slavinski and Anthony Santarelli, friends of the groom. An evening cocktail party and reception were held at The Highlands at Newberry Estates, Dallas. The rehearsal dinner was hosted by parents of the m at Perugino’s Restau- @: Luzerne. The bride was onored by a bridal shower giv- en by her bridal party and fam- ily at Apple Tree Terrace, Dal- las. The couple traveled to the Riviera Maya, Mexico and their favorite city, Chicago, for their honeymoon. They reside in Wyoming. BRIEFS Janik receives award King's College reg Janik, of Dallas, clinical ofessor of athletic training, was selected to receive the Max and Tillie Rosenn Award for Faculty Excellence at King’s College. The award is presented an- nually to an outstanding mem- ber of the faculty from among nominations by students and alumni. Rifai named to dean's list Yasmeen Rifai, of Dallas, has attained membership to the Curry College dean’s list for the spring 2012 term. To qualify for the dean’s list, students must earn a 3.30 G.P.A., have no incompletes and no grade lower than a C for the semester. £2 You Wy the BEST sen pictures fake You need to call ¢ 576-696-3580 www. FIREandICEonTobyCreek. com RT 309, Trucksville just North of The perfect accent tOVEIUE Gla: 20 Countertops The look of Corian® or | granite for up to 70% less! Don’t Replace...Resurface! ET visa, Ro &E¥stone (570) 288.9400 RESURFACING PA066033 rh 570.586.8888 WE’VE Got YOUR BACK THIS LABOR DAY Own a Scat Lift for as little as $340.00! * With Most Major Insurances * Offer Valid Through 9/7/12 Follow us on [ ou Haefeles celebrate 50 years Mr. and Mrs. Harold Haefele, of Dallas, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Aug. 18. They were married on Aug. 18, 1962, in Westmoor Church of Christ, Kingston, by the late Rev. William FE. Tucker. Their attend- ants were Nancy Jane (Jones) Morgan, Dorothy (Trax) Jablon- ski, Linda (Seaross) Davis, sister of Mrs. Haefele; the late Frank Tutus, the late Robert Gimber and Daniel Lewis. Mrs. Haefele is the former Jayne Searfoss, daughter of the late George and Eleanor (Jones) Searfoss. She retired from Com- monwealth Telephone Company, Dallas, worked at Hallmark in Dallas and is currently working part time at the office of Dallas Family Practice. Mr. Haefle is the son of the late Raymond and Stella (Titus) Grif- fiths. He worked for Royer Foun- dery in Kingston and retired from Atlantic Design in Corning, New York. The couple is the parents of two children, Daniel, of Hanover Township; and Mrs. James (Deb- orah) Popson, of Mountaintop. They are the grandparents of Ma- randa (Haefele) McElheny, Do- novan, Katelyn and Tristen Hae- fele, Bernard and James Popson, Nikki, Joseph and Anthony Den- Your Entertainment News Source. Read The Guide every Friday in MR. AND MRS. HAROLD HAEFELE nis and Frank Geklinsky. They al- so have two great-grandchildren, Benjamin McElheny and Ayden Craig. A celebration party with family and friends was held at the home of James and Deborah Popson. ove At A Great Price! ~ Mini Coal Furnace = V Fully Automatic v Easy to Use v Simple, Reliable & Sturdy Design v Also Available with Power Vent \/ Standard 1501b. Hopper Midway Between Tunkhannock & Dallas| , 570-298-2150 HOURS: Tues. 12-5 110 IRE od (SCT | 8 [14 B31 1:14: HUH 2 (HTH H 2 Ar “Your Most Complete Fireplace and Chimney Experts” Teach Lshion (( lesson This ye 1g | 674.9001 40 Dallas Shopping € Limit one coupon per customer per visit, Cannot be combi Information from Irem C lubhouse’ s 's wedding vendars Hors d'oeuvres & refredimencs