PAGE 8 THE DALLAS POST Sunday, August 5, 2012 Many Back Mountain students earn academic honors at LCCC Luzerne County Communi- ty College announces the fol- lowing Back Mountain stu- dents have earned recogni- tion for outstanding academic achievement during the spring 2012 semester. To qualify for the Presi- dent’s List, a student must earn a 4.0 cumulative grade point average. Students who attain a grade point average between 3.5 and 3.99 are in- cluded on the Dean’s List and those with an average be- tween 3.25 and 3.49 are in- cluded on the Honors List. PRESIDENT'S LIST Joseph Bagi, Shavertown; Seth Brakefield, Trucksville; Janelle Evangelista, Hunlock Creek; Mary Geiser, Shaver- town; Michael Hage, Dallas; Amanda Hartman, Dallas; Christopher Jayne, Shaver- town; Jesse Jayne, Hunlock Creek. : Also, Eileen Kerpovich, Trucksville; Daniel Kuligow- ski, Dallas; Alyse Kuprionas, Dallas; David Little, Dallas; Kathleen Moyer, Dallas; Car- lene Musselman, Dallas; De- nee Nichols, Hunlock Creek; Sebastian Nicholson, Dallas; Deborah Price, Hunlock Creek. Also, Mark Swick, Tunk- hannock; Jeffrey Taylor, Sha- vertown; Annie Van Scoy, Sha- vertown; Amy Wagner, Hun- lock Creek; Anthony Walaitis, Harveys Lake; Ryan Warner, Sweet Valley; Lindsey Wil- liams, Sweet Valley; and Me- linda Wright, Sweet Valley. DEAN'S LIST Elizabeth Aciukewicz, Trucksville; Michael Baloga, Dallas; Kaitlin Bartley, Dal- las; Nicole Bencho, Wyoming; Brooke Blase, Dallas; Kurt Broody, Shavertown; Jessica Brown, Wyoming; Janet Brucher, Hunlock Creek; Brit- tany Bubblo, West Wyoming; Holly Cieczko, Shavertown; Callen Clark, Sweet Valley; Robin Cook, Hunlock Creek; Michael Cross, Harveys Lake. Also, Brenda Daniels, Dal- las; Michelle Davies, Sweet Valley; Amber Davis, Wyom- ing; Richard Davis, Wyoming; Amy Dixon, Dallas; Veronica Gavel, Hunlock Creek; Keely Glatz, Dallas; Robert Gro- blewski, Sweet Valley; Jesse Hauze, Sweet Valley; Ann Higgins, Shavertown; Nicole Huntingcut, Shavertown. Also, Justin Kendzor, West Wyoming; Gerard Kiah, Tunk- hannock; David Kinney, Wyoming; Amanda Kocher, Dallas; Erin Koscelansky, Wyoming; Kathleen Laskow- ski, Hunlock Creek; Matthew Lutsey, Hunlock Creek; Meghan Martin, Trucksville; Kimberly Mascioli, Dallas; Milissa McGuirk, Wyoming; Robert McLaughlin, Shaver- town; Brooke Miller, West Wyoming; Tyler Morgan, Dal- las. Also, Amanda O’Brien, Dal- las; Tasha Olszyk, Monroe Township; Stacey Petro, Hun- lock Creek; Amy Rader, Dal- las; Elizabeth Redan, Tunk- hannock; Karen Renard, Dal- las; Robert Savage, Wyoming; Alan Saviano, Harveys Lake; Cody Sharp, Tunkhannock; Brandon Smith, Shavertown; Maggie Sorber, Dallas; Ni- chole Spudis, Tunkhannock; Luke Stearns, Dallas; Ashley Sutton, Dallas. Also, John Thompson, Dal- las; Maggie Tibus, Wyoming; Ivana Tomasino, Dallas; Lau- ra Volch, Dallas; Brandon Warner, Sweet Valley; Ryan Wenrich, Wyoming; Ellen Wil- liams, Dallas; and Randy Yeager, Hunlock Creek. HONORS LIST If you wreck a rental, are you covered? DON'T HOPE SO. KNOW SO. SHARLENE BITTNER It's easy to feel pressured to buy the extra insurance at the rental counter. | can help you see if you have the coverage you need on your current auto policy. | can also find ways to save. In fact, drivers who switched to Allstate saved an ~~ jt average of $375* Allstate : (570) 283-8300 Youre in good hands Luzerne Shopping Center - Luzerne - Auto Home Life Retirement Insurance is subject to qualifications, conditions and availability. Discount is subject to qualifications and availability and amount may be lower. Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company, Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company Ilyas Boyce, Sweet Valley; Dylan Brandt, Wyoming; Kay- la Bucci, West Wyoming; Ma- deleine Bunavage, Tunkhan- nock; Michael Chinikaylo, Wyoming; Andrew Gialanella, Dallas; Robert Gionfriddo, Shavertown; William Haller, Dallas. Also, Breann Kingsbury, Hunlock Creek; Michelle Lle- wellyn, Wyoming; Megan Malkemes, Dallas; Sara McGovern, Wyoming; Angus Mead, Shavertown; Lauren Murgitroyde, Dallas; Brittany Rice, Dallas; Michelle Rinus, Shavertown; Jennie Rushnak, Dallas. Also, Tia Sagliocolo, Wyoming; Dylan Smith, Sha- vertown; Melanie Socash, Wyoming; William Sod, Trucksville; Suzanne Somers, Dallas; Hallie Tripler, Har- veys Lake; Samuel Van Horn, Dallas; Mitchell Wiernusz, Tunkhannock; and Corey Wil- sey, Tunkhannock. RE( DJBAKED Our New Mobile WESTMORELAND HS CLASS OF 1954 §, HOLDS REUNION Do you show silv SE when you smile? ’ The Class of 1954 of Westmoreland High School held its anniversary class reunion at the Lake- side Skillet, Harvey's Lake on July 28. From left, first row, are Jean Monka, secretary; Pauline Spencer Griffiths, Elaine Saunders Swan, Diane Dobinick Hall, Margaret Ferguson Swartz, Jo- sephine Krispin McGuire, Jean Broody Azar. Second row, Ted Jones, Bob Davis, Bill Allabaugh, Charles James, John Baur, Dave Vann, president; Marshall Downes. Third row, Gene Bobeck, Don Hinkle, Andy Duda, Bob Bolton and Jim Dolhon. the gray out, call today 570.763.4364 www. 210 Carverton Road, Trucksville Providing Compassionate Care To You and Your Family Call Today For A Tour At # Mercy Center 675-2131 28 y. CRG CHI ATSS 88 dilley street forty fort pa 18704 Why did we expand our E.R. and Because we want the best for our families, too. Heart & Vascular Institute? NOW OPEN New E.R. and Heart & Vascular Institute Wilkes-Barre General Hospital's new E.R. is more than twice the size of the previous facility, and offers private treatment rooms and streamlined care. Our new Heart & Vascular Institute provides some of the most advanced heart care in the region. These facilities represent the largest capital investment in Wilkes-Barre's history. 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