The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, August 05, 2012, Image 6

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    PAGE 6
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Joe Butkiewicz
The Dallas Post
Community Newspaper Group
15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 18711 ® 570-675-521
Diane McGee
Dotty Martin
undraiser remembers
woman who loved
ice cream and children
Ice cream social in memory
of Audrey Billings raises
funds for mission project.
A woman who loved sweet
treats and helping others will
be remembered at an ice
cream social fundraiser set
for 2 to 4 p.m. on Saturday,
Aug. 11 in the education
building of the Trucksville
United Methodist Church,
Knob Hill Road.
The fundraiser will be held
in memory of Audrey Billings,
a Trucksville resident who
died at the age of 89 last year.
Patrons can make a free will
offering in exchange for a
bowl of ice cream and several
The event will raise money
for Four Corners Native
American ~~ Ministry, the
church’s mission focus for the
month of August. Any money
donated to the church in Au-
gust will benefit this organi-
zation, a Navajo cooperative
parish of the New Mexico An-
nual Conference.
Ruth Gavenus, of Kingston,
fondly remembers her sister
Audrey as a woman who
“loved two things: ice cream
and children.”
“Ice cream was a very spe-
cial thing to my sister. She ate
a bowl of ice cream every
night at 9:00 - that was the
time for a bowl of ice cream
and a cup of coffee,” said Ga-
venus. “It was a special bond
she had with all of her chil-
dren, grandchildren and
great-grandchildren. = When
you came to visit Audrey, you
had a bowl of ice cream and
“Besides ice cream, my sis-
ter loved children,” said Gave-
nus continued. “This is an or-
ganization that helps youth.”
For more information, con-
tact the church at 696-3897
from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday
through Friday.
By Samantha Weaver
e |t was beloved American comedian and film star Groucho Marx
who made the following sage observation: “There's one way to find
out if a man is honest -- ask him. If he says ‘Yes,’ you know he is a
* The ancient Egyptians were known to use crocodile dung as a
* You may be surprised to learn that when the hit 1950s TV
show “I Love Lucy” had its premiere, Lucille Ball was already 40
years old.
¢ Talk about sneaky: In order to get a photo of Bing Crosby in his
coffin, The National Enquirer tabloid had a reporter dress as a
priest and sneak into the private funeral service. To top it off, on his
way out of the service, the disguised journalist told ABC reporter
Geraldo Rivera not to pester the family at such a sensitive moment.
e Every year, about $500 million is spent on beads for Mardi
* Ever wonder how the statuette taken home by winners of the
Academy Awards got its nickname? Evidently, in 1931 a secretary at
the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences saw the statuette
for the first time and exclaimed, "Why, he reminds me of my Uncle
Oscar!" The comment struck the fancy of a reporter who was pre-
sent, and he put it in a story about the awards, and the name
stuck. :
* Are you acersecomic? If your hair has never been cut, you are.
* Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee was not himself a slave owner.
He reportedly did not believe in the institution of slavery.
e |f this is an average week, three manmade artifacts hurtling
into the atmosphere from space will crash into the Earth.
Thought for the day: “The world is round; it has no point.” -
Adrienne E. Gusoff
With her camera in hand, Sandra Mahle, of Maple Tree Road in Dallas, caught “Reese” as he cooled off on a hot July afternoon.
"YOUR SPACE" is reserved specifically
for Dallas Post readers who have something
they'd like to share with fellow readers.
Submitted items may include photo-
graphs or short stories and should be sent
via e-mail to, by
fax to 675-3650 or by mail to The Dallas
Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 1871.
Information must include the submitting
person's name, address and telephone num-
ber in the event we have questions. Readers
wishing to have their photos returned
should include a self-addressed/stamped
envelope. Items will be published in the of-
der in which they are received. :
The editor of The Dallas Post reserves the
right to reject any items submitted for publ
20 YEARS AGO -1992
Mercy Center Convent Auxil-
iary recently held an officer in-
stallation dinner at Pine Brook
Inn, Dallas. Officers for the 1992-
1993 term are Genevieve Cort-
sen, president; Pauline Rydzef-
ski, vice
icz, assist-
ant treasur-
er; Joan
Geise, corresponding secretary;
and Frances Dress, secretary.
Richard Alley, M.D. will be
presented the Boy Scouts of
America Distinguished Eagle
Scout Award at the 1992 North-
eastern Pennsylvania Council's
Eagle Scout Recognition Lun-
cheon next Tuesday at Montage
Manor in Moosic. Dr. Alley has
served as the guiding force be-
hind the Drugs: A Deadly Game
program, among many scouting
endeavors, and is renowned in
the medical community for his
30 YEARS AGO - 1982
Robert Kelley, general chair-
man of the 1982 Luzerne County
Fair, recently announced that
Craig Tupper, Dallas, will be this
year’s vice chairman. Tupper,
former president of the Back
Mountain Jaycees, is a graduate
of Dallas High School, class of
Carey Falcone of Trucksville
captured the world title at 66. 4 oo years, it has won 42 and
pounds in the World Schoolboy
Championships last Friday at
the University of California, Ful-
lerton. The 14-year old member
of the back Mountain Wrestling
Club pinned Anial Kumar of In-
dia in 52 seconds to take the ti-
tle. Falcone went undefeated in
his weight class.
40 YEARS AGO -1972
The drama began Tuesday
morning at 7:30 when approxi-
mately 600 inmates at State Cor-
rectional Institution, Dallas, re-
mained in their cells and refused
to go to their assigned work for
the day. It continued into the
sleepy early hours of Wednesday
morning, when the entire resi-
dent population voted to contin-
ue the strike despite 10 conces-
sions arranged by Supt. Leonard
J. Mack. The prisoners present-
ed 90 grievances.
Robert Vanderhook and John
Griffith of Boy Scout Troop 132
were presented Eagle Scout
Awards by the Rev. Andrew Pilla-
rella and Phil Nieman during
regular church services at Trin-
ity United Presbyterian Church
of Dallas last Sunday. The two
young men are the first scouts to
receive the much coveted Eagle
Award since the troop’s founding
in October 1970.
50 YEARS AGO -1962
Noxen team of Bob Horlacher
League won the pennant for the
third successive year. In the past
lost 11 of its 53 games. Members
of the team are Leroy Scott, Ri-
chard Sevenski, Donald Spencer;
Ricky Case, Terry Smith, Billy
Spencer, Barry Smith, Charles
Smith, Carl Shook, Ronnie Sor-
ber, Terry Shook, Earl Boston,
Marshall Schenck, Robert Tim-
ko, Loren Case and Dave Weav-
Marie Kritchen entertained
the Palsy Walsy Club at her
home on Shaver Avenue, Shaver-
town, Thursday evening. Games
were played and prizes won by
Florence Alles and Ann Heffer-
60 YEARS AGO -1952
Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Devens and
daughter, Mildred, were hosts to
the directors, officers and em-
ployees of the First National
Bank of Dallas and their families
at the third annual outing of the
bank staff at Devens’ summer
residence, Perin’s Marsh, Tues-
day afternoon. Among those
who attended were: Dolores
Adamshick, Carrie Foote, Lo-
raine Keller, Nancy Reese, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Davies, Francis
Barry, Mir. and Mrs. H.L. Titman,
Attorney and Mrs. B.B. Lewis
and Jennie Hill
Movies playing locally includ-
ed “Skirts Ahoy” starring Esther!
Williams and “The San Francis-
co Story” starring Joel McCrea’
and Yvonne DeCarlo at the
Himmler Theater, Dallas; and
“Another Man’s Poison” starring
Bette Davis and “Only the Vald
jant” starring Gregory Peck and
Barbara Payton at: the Sandy]
beach Drive-in, Harveys Lake. °
70 YEARS AGO -1942
A rationing board for the
whole Back Mountain area H
be established in Dallas be{Sgy
the end of August it was learned’
on reliable authority this week.”
Establishment of a board here’
will remove the necessity for fre-
quent inconvenient trips to,
Wyoming and Shickshinny on
the part of local residents and,
will greatly speed up the allot,
ment of tires, sugar and gasoline.
for those who are entitled to;
them. )
At local Acme Markets, a 24»
pound bag of flour sold for 79
cents; two large loaves of bread
sold for 17 cents; roasting chick-
ens sold for 35 cents a pound;
and homegrown sweet corn was’
25 cents a dozen. )
Information for “Only Yester-
day” is taken from past issues of
The Dallas Post which is 122
vears old. The information is:
printed here exactly as i ap-
peared in the newspaper vears,
ago. '
‘My mom because we
have similar person-
alities. She goes out
of her way to help
people and knows how
to have fun.”
Vanessa Rich
Harveys Lake
“John Lennon because
his songs are inspira-
tional. | play the
drums and like his
message of peace.”
Patrick Rich
Harveys Lake
“Bill Gates because he
was so successful
starting up Microsoft
and because he was
smart and did things
Rich Harrison
“Martin Luther King
was very inspirational.
He didn't change his
opinion to suit anyone
and stood up for what
was right.”
Nicholas Hammon
“Michael Jackson. He
became famous. He
followed his dream and
lived life like he want-
ed to.”
Allyssa Hammon
“My mom. It's either
her or God. She's the
one | turn to.
Nicole O'Co