The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, July 08, 2012, Image 4
PAGE 4 THE DALLAS POST Sunday, July 8, 2012 Vo 2 Sarah Zablotney, left, Kaylin Russell and Dana Jolley look over all the chance items at the Dallas School Lock-In. Dallas grads are LOCKED-IN he 13th Annual Dallas High School Lock-In of- fered members of the Class of 2012 a safe place to celebrate their graduation together. This year’s event included a variety of food, games, prizes, henna tattoos, sno-cones, cotton candy and a live performance by a local band. Well-known hypnotist Astonishing Neal entertained the students with his audience participation show. Locals named to Wilkes af = Brett Wanek, right, has a henna tattoo put on his arm tattoo was popular among the boys. at the Dallas Senior High Schoo | Lock=In. The LEFT PHOTO: Anthony Pizzo found his graduation cap and a new t-shirt at the Dallas Senior High School Lock-In. RIGHT PHOTO: Emily Prater helps with the chance items at the Dallas Senior High School Lock-In. CHARLOTTE BARTIZEK PHOTOS/ FOR THE DALLAS POST Kaleb Taylor and Gabriella Oliveri play on the bike race course set up in the gym for the Dallas Senior High School Lock-In. dean's list Wilkes University Provost Rey- nold Verret announces the dean’s list for the spring 2012 semester. To be named to the dean’s list, students must obtain a minimum 3.4 GPA and carry at least 12 credits. The following Back Mountain residents have been named to the list: Devin Albrecht, Shavertown; Miranda Baur, Dallas; Kathryn Blakeslee, Dallas; Aleona Chini- kaylo, Dallas; Lindsey Daven- port, Dallas; Laura Eckman, Sha- vertown; Chelsea Fufaro, Dallas; Kyla Halsor, Dallas; Garrett Hann, Dallas; Marissa Harrison, Shavertown. Also, Michael Jayne, Shaver- town; Alexandra Madaya, Sha- vertown; Thomas Mike, Shaver- town; Noelle Miller, Trucksville; Jason Neare, Dallas; Stephen Ol- shemski, Shavertown; Gino Rain- eri, Shavertown; Matthew Ruch, Dallas; Stephen Ruch, Dallas. Also, Scott Skammer, Dallas; 322 Laurel Street . Piusion, PA 18640 800-338-9997 WE ARE COMMITTED TO HELPING YOU CREATE THE HOME OF YOUR DREAMS! Now thru August 3ro save 10% on WeLisorn's Eiecant Baru Coriecion Visit our Design Center today! Browse more than 25 displays in our beautiful Wellborn showroom! Exten Marina Skevofilax, Dallas; Au- brielle Smith, Dallas; Nicholas Sobeck, Trucksville; John Swee- Interstates Kitchen/Bath Showroom Hours: M*T*W*F - 8 am to 4:30 pm Th to 8 pm * Sat - 8 to noon ney, Shavertown; Suzanne Szewczyk, Dallas; Morgan Tho- a mas, Dallas; Aaron Wolman, Sha- i = "IF YF Ea) vertown; Anne Yoskoski, Dallas; — ) BoB Au REAL EQUAL OPPORTUNITY and Ashley Zerfoss, Shavertown. ——— + CABINET. INC, LENDER Car Loan Sale ded! Through July 31 1-800-750-9030 | 570-836-3227 WWW.pgm P&G Mehoopany Employees Federal Credit Union