Sunday, July 8, 2012 THE DALLAS POST PAGE 3 Bob Kelley, right, of Stroudsburg, chats with Sharon Savage Tem- plin, of Tunkhannock, at the Dallas High School Class of 1967 reunion at Lakeside Skillet in Harveys Lake. Catching up with Dallas High School Class of 1967 relives memories of high school years. By SARAH HITE The sounds of the 60s danced around the Lakeside Skillet ban- quet room during the Dallas High School Class of 1967 anniversary class reunion on June 23. About 40 former classmates from as far away as Colorado and as near as Harveys Lake gathered to reminisce as a playlist of songs from the decade jammed ughout the night. ory Jordan Ryan, of Rich- mond, Va. said her husband Jack came up with the list and helped create the nametags, even though he didn’t graduate from Dallas. “Were keeping it low-key,” Ryan said of the event. She said the class usually holds areunion every five years, but she visits with a few girlfriends every year or so to catch up. “I think we were a close class, the fact that we attract so many people,” she said. Though finding former friends can be difficult, Ryan said Face- DHS classmates book has made reunion planning much easier over the years. Though there are still a few people she can’t find on the social networking site, Ryan said she’s glad many of the former Moun- taineers gather every so often. “High school is such a special time in your life that you don’t want to ever forget,” she said. Ryan was an a cheerleader who also was on the track, basketball and drill teams while in high school. She retired from the IT department at a utility company in Virginia three years ago. “It’s fun to remember and it’s fun to see what careers people have, whether they've changed,” she said. “And now a lot of us are retired so we're traveling a lot. It’s nice to see what people have done.” Bob Kelley, who splits his time between Stroudsburg and Geor- gia, is also recently retired, though he’s been working since a young age. “My dad died when I was in ninth grade so I had to work,” he said. “I worked at the merry-go- round (in Harveys Lake), at the Forty Fort Dairy Bar and at Col- lege Misericordia as a dishwash- er. I hd to save money for 50 cents a gallon of gas for my car.” June Tippett Curran, left, of Danville, and Patti Larson Walsh, of Hershey, pose for a photo at the Dallas High School Class of 1967 reunion. 1 i i ¥ Eo wr FE ] (67 4 a SENN Rosellen Klaboe Steinhauer, left, of Halifax, Dauphin County, and Sharon Savage Templin, of Tunkhannock, exchange a hug at the Dallas High School Class of 1967 reunion. BILL TARUTIS PHOTOS/ FOR THE DALLAS POST Pat Gula, right, of Shavertown, and Barbara Honeywell Wynn, of Trucksville, look for their name tags at the Dallas High School Class of 1967 reunion. The former director of alumni at East Stroudsburg University doesn’t have a favorite high school memory — or at least he couldn’t say what it was. “There was a group of guys I did a lot of wild and crazy things with,” he said. “Let’s leave it at that.” Sharon Savage Templin, of Tunkhannock, remembers her fa- vorite part of high school, but not the specifics. “I loved the plays,” she said. “I was in ‘Cheaper by the Dozen’ and another one. I'm not sure who I played.” Some former classmates re- membered even less, but enjoyed catching up. “I don’t remember what we did, but we were always busy,” said Myra Berti Gosart, of Harris- burg. V i Denise Stefanowicz, left, of Harveys Lake, Cindy Mohen and Gene Mohen, of St. Cloud, Fla., and elf] Diane Pilosi, of Dallas, reminisce during the Lake-Lehman High School Class of 1972 reunion. Remembering LLHS days Lake-Lehman High School Class of 1972 holds 40th anniversary reunion. By SARAH HITE The Lake-Lehman Junior/Se- nior High School Class of 1972 may have faced plenty of hard- ships during its high school years but one wouldnt be able ell from the demeanor of its 'hbers. A 40th anniversary class re- union held June 23 at Grotto Pizza on Harveys Lake was abuzz with gabbing, jokes and plenty of laughter. “We're the flood class,” said Helen Sgarlat, of Forty Fort. The group just happened to meet on the 40th anniversary of the date when thousands of Wyoming Valley residents were evacuated due to flooding caused by Hurricane Agnes. “And the annual football game between Lake-Lehman and Dallas was cancelled that year due to the weather,” added Cindy Osborne Mohen, of St. Cloud, Fla. “And the band didn’t go to Sherburne (Pageant of Bands) because the New York school system had a case of meningitis. We were the kiss- of-death class.” The event was actually the second of two reunions Sgarlat planned for the class. She said she wasn’t sure how many class- mates would show — she just started making phone calls and posting about the event on the social networking website Face- book to try to reach as many people as possible. “We haven't all met in 15 years,” said Sgarlat. “Our last reunion was our 25th.” As members of the class slow- ly began to arrive, memories flooded the former students’ minds. Doris Parrish McGee, of Harveys Lake, said the class was a tight group as there were only 133 graduates that year. “I was the class nerd,” she See LLHS, Page 11 Gene Mohen, left, of St. Cloud, Fla., Vito Pilosi, of Harveys Lake, and Doug Johnstone, of Dallas, chat during the Lake-Lehman High School Class of 1972 reunion. | BILL TARUTIS PHOTOS/ FOR THE DALLAS POST Doris Parrish McGee, left, of Harveys Lake, Helen Earl Sgarlat, center, of Forty Fort, and Marie John- stone, of Dallas, pose for a photo during the Lake-Lehman High Scho ny ol CI
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