Sunday, July 1, 2012 THE: DALLAS: POST PAGE 3 ® PennDOT study will guide locals to increase traffic safety By Eileen Godin Dallas Post Correspondent A PennDOT study on busy Route 309 through the Back Mountain is meant to act as a guide for the municipalities to in- crease efficient traffic flow and safety, said Sandy Koza, a project manager from PennDOT. During a recent meeting of the Back Mountain Community Partnership, comprised of repre- sentatives of six Back Mountain municipalities, Koza and Peter O’Halloran, also a Penn DOT pro- ject manager, gave a brief over- view of the findings of their study. The area of focus is Route 309 North starting at the intersection of Hillside Road and extending to the intersection with Route 118. This corridor through the Back Mountain is heavily traveled and contains about 12 traffic light in- tersections. Koza gave the committee short term and long-term recommen- dations to improve traffic flow and promote safety. Short-term recommendations are changes that could be made within five to seven years and would not include any major structural changes. “There could be better organi- zation of the signal equipment, there are areas where ‘no turn on red’ signs are not warranted and areas where extended left turn “There could be better organization of the signal equipment, there are areas where ‘no turn on red’ signs are not warranted and areas where extended left turn signals are needed. We also identified ar- eas of pedestrian congestion out there.” Sandy Koza PennDOT project manager signals are needed,” she said. “We also identified areas of pe- destrian congestion out there.” Long-term recommendations include relocation of some roads, some re-alignments which will affect some bridge structures, Koza said. For example, the recommenda- tion to widen the bridge at the in- tersection of Carverton Road, Church Street and Route 309 would carry a larger price tag be- cause a bridge would be involved. This would be a long-term pro- ject to allow time to gain funding for the project, she said. Kingston Township supervisor Jeff Box asked if local municipal- ities will have an opportunity to add their input on the recommen- dations suggested for areas with- in their communities. Koza said the Back Mountain committees will receive a courte- sy copy of the 100-page study on a CD. The study needs revisions in areas, which are scheduled to be completed by the end of July and the study will be completely wrapped up by year’s end. “A major project, such as wid- ening the bridge at the intersec- tion of Carverton Road and Church Street, usually means major dollars to the community,” said James Reino, BMCP com- mittee member and chairman of Kingston Township. “What is it going to cost us and potentially when?” Koza said project estimates are one of many things that will be added to the report before it is completed. “We are actually revising some of the layout, including the inter- section with Route 415 because of issues of how we had it aligned,” Koza said. She advised the municipalities to use the study as a planning tool to prioritize projects, obtain grants and funding from the state. Koza added municipalities should try and get the larger pro- jects on the state’s Metropolitan See STUDY, Page 11 Snakes on a oyeekend nakes — all kinds of them — made their way to the Noxen Fire Company grounds for the annual Noxen Rattlesnake Roundup. A pa- rade and fireworks, along with music all weekend, were just part of the celebration. Snakes were displayed all day Satur- day and Sunday and a craft Ainsley Webby, 6, of Mountain Top, is 'introduced’ to a Texas rat show was held all four days of snake at the Noxen Rattlesnake Roundup. the event. A few of the rattlesnakes on display at the Noxen Rattle- snake Roundup. BILL TARUTIS PHOTOS/ FOR THE DALLAS POST Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission volunteer biologist Stan Boder of Wellsboro, left, shows a timber rattlesnake to Christine Geist, of Dallas, and Melanie Aberant, of Wilkes-Barre. Eleven-year-old Jacob Henninger, of Larksville, describes the Texas rat snake at the Noxen Rattlesnake Roundup. PSU-WB ) Penn State Wilkes-Barre is cur- rently accepting registrations for its third Women in the Sciences and Engineering (WISE) pro- Underwritten by Procter and accepts registration for Women in Sciences program Gamble’s Live, Learn and Thrive grant, Penn State Wilkes-Barre is accepting 20 women into the pro- gram at no cost. Applicants are asked to get a teacher’s recom- middle school girls will gain an understanding of robotics. ister, contact Teri Pace at 675- 9219. During this three-day program For more information or to reg- Me B Andrew Duda took this photo of a pond located at the proposed wildlife sanctuary Woodland Springs lon Pineview Road in Dallas Borough. Lots acquired for sanctuary; zoning requirements an issue Maryland man hopes to create wildlife sanctuary on late brother's property. By SARAH HITE Volunteers hoping to create a wildlife sanctuary in Dallas Bor- ough held a meeting to discuss zoning and other issues at the Back Mountain Memorial Li- brary on June 23. Andrew Duda, of Maryland, be- gan his efforts to create a wildlife sanctuary from his late brother’s property on Pineview Road in March. Duda told the group of about five volunteers that all 17 lots have been acquired for the pro- posed site, which hasbeen named Woodland Springs, but Zoning re- quirements may be an issue. A letter written by borough manager and zoning officer Tra- cey Carr said the property is lo- cated within residential zoning districts, where bird sanctuaries are not permitted. She wrote Duda may need to apply for a special exception or variance, which would be deter- For more information or to volunteer with the sanctuary group, contact Andrew Duda by phone at 757-350-1245 or by e-mail at mdipboye@veri- mined through a hearing of the zoning hearing board once more information is provided to the borough. Duda plans to consult an attor- ney and proceed with zoning hearings, but feels the group should still move forward with plans despite needing the bor- ough’s approval. “We could make it a private sanctuary if they don’t approve it,” said Duda. “But I want it to be a community place.” The land is a wooded area with a pond and wetlands. Duda said the group hopes to keep much of the property the same but create a walking path and add a gazebo for patrons. Volunteer Margaret Bakker, an architect who has experience with the Anthracite Scenic Trails Association and the North Branch Land Trust, created a con- ceptual drawing of the site for the group. She said a borough official told her zoning concerns include parking, access and security. Bakker included parking on the map, but the group determined that minimal parking will be needed because it is a place de- signed with the environment in mind, meaning patrons should bike or walk to the site. Duda said a property on Maple- wood Avenue would be the best spot to act as the entrance and ex- it of the sanctuary. He said the land is mostly wetlands, and the best use of the property is what the group is proposing. Duda also announced the group plans to hold an open house at the site in August to in- troduce the community to the project. Members of the group al- so said the project could be adver- tised during the Dallas Harvest Festival in September. He said the group is looking for more volunteers with varied skills, from accounting to website design. New books make their way to shelves at the Back Mountain Memorial Library The following new books have been added to the shelves of the Back Mountain Memorial Library, 96 Hunts- ville Road, Dallas for the month of June 2012: EXPRESS “The Third Gate” by Lincoln Child, “XO” by Jeffery Deaver, “Mission to Paris” by Alan Furst “Let Love Find You” by Jo- hanna Lindsey, “Wicked Busi- ness” by Janet Evanovich, “A Conspiracy of Friends” by Alexander McCall Smith FICTION “The Third Gate” by Lincoln Child, “XO” by Jeffery Deaver, “Mission to Paris” by Alan Furst, “The Winter Palace” by Eva Stachniak, “Wicked Busi- ness” by Janet Evanovich, “A Conspiracy of Friends” by Alexander McCall Smith, “The Long Earth” by Terry Pratchett, “The Risk Agent” by Ridley Pearson, “The Lost Ones” by Ace Atkins, “Strindb- erg’s Star” by Jan Wallebtin NONFICTION “The Underground Church” by Robin R. Meyers, “Food Grown Right in Your Back- yard” by Colin McCrate and Brad Halm, “Mrs. Kennedy and Me” by Clint Hill LARGE PRINT FICTION “Summer Days” by Susan Mallery, “The Storm” by Clive Cussler, “Spring Fever” by Ma- ry Kay Andrews REFERENCE “World Book 2012 Year- book” YOUNG ADULT “Stunning: A Pretty Little Liar’s Novel” by Sara Shepard, “Alice on Board” by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor