The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, June 17, 2012, Image 9

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    Sunday, June 17, 2012
Chris Ehret, left, receives a Presidential Service Award from
Catherine Wega, president of the Dallas School Board, during a
Student Leadership in Civics brunch at the East Mountain Inn.
DHS Civics
students honored
Fourteen students from Dallas High School were recognized June
3 at the Student Leadership in Civics Recognition Brunch held at the
East Mountain Inn.
Members of the club are Blake Alexander Donovan, Christopher
Ehret, Angelina Marie Hoidra, David Miller, Eric Charles Novroski,
Sarah Angela Pomfret, Andrew Michael Santora, Rebecca Lynn
Schnable, Thomas P. Tidey, Skyler David Velazco, Marcus Jonathan
Wagner and Aaron Weir.
Point of Light Awards were created as a way for the students to
acknowledge those students who have gone above and beyond. An
award was created for each point of the star on the insignia the mem-
bers created.
Studetns also agreed that, in order to make these awards more
meaningful to both the students and the organization, they would be
named after members of the Dallas High School Family who best
symbolize and model that behavior in the school community.
Point of Light Awards have been named for Mary Yankowski, Hon-
est Point of Light Award; Laura O'Malley, Service Point of Light
Award; Lois Redmond, Civics Point of Light Award; Nancy Garvey,
ht Award.
Po Point of Light Award; and M. Jay Pope, Leadership Point of
Sarah Pomfret, left, receives a Presidential Service Aawrd from
Catherine Wega, president of the Dallas School Board, during a
Student Leadership in Civics brunch at the East Mountain Inn.
A recognition brunch for 14 students of Dallas Senior High School
who are members of the Student Leadership in Civics organiza-
tion was held at the East Mountain Inn in Plains.
PSU graduates listed
Back Mountain residents who
have received bachelor degrees
from the Pennsylvania State
University are:
Michael P. Barlow, Dallas,
Wilkes-Barre; Ryan E. Besteder,
Harveys Lake, University Park;
Marley K. Bross, Shavertown,
ilkes-Barre; Elizabeth A. Ca-
. Dallas, University Park; Ra-
el T. Chin, Dallas, University
Park, with high distinction; Dy-
lan J. Evans, Dallas, University
Also, Jessica L. Herb, Harveys
Lake, Worthington Scranton;
Aaron M. Hogan, Dallas, Harris-
burg; Mallory A. Kern, Trucks-
ville, University Park; Jillian M.
Kimber, Harveys Lake, Universi-
ty Park; Charles E. Larzelere,
Harveys Lake, Wilkes-Barre;
Erin L. Lindbuchler, Dallas,
Also, Eric M. Lisses, Shaver-
town, University Park; Holly L.
Mitkowski, Hunlock Creek, Uni-
versity Park; Thomas W. Par-
rish, Dallas, University Park;
Matthew R. Thomas, Sweet Val-
ley, Wilkes-Barre; Thomas A.
Weeks, Trucksville, Wilkes-
Barre, with distinction; Shane
H. Wildoner, Hunlock Creek,
Wilkes-Barre, with high distinc-
tion; Michael S. Wills, Dallas,
Wilkes-Barre; Matthew G. Za-
leskas, Shavertown, Wilkes-
Barre, with high distinction;
and Noah J. Zurad, Shavertown,
University Park, with high dis-
Program slated
for BMT Library
Members of the summer
reading program, “Dream Big!
READ!” at the Back Mountain
Memorial Library are invit-
ed to take part in the two spe-
cial programs scheduled for
Susan Gallagher, chief nat-
uralist with the Carbon Coun-
ty Environmental Education
Center, will present, “Bat
Chat” from 1 to 2 p.m. on
Tuesday, June 19 where par-
ticipants will learn the facts
and fiction of bats found in
our area and view one up
All ages are welcome to at-
tend but registration is re-
quired. Call the library at 675-
The second program is the
Luzerne Libraries System
Program at King’s College at
10:30 a.m. on Thursday, June
“Life in Space,” a Franklin
Institute show developed in
conjunction with NASA, be-
gins with a bang as a rocket
launches participants into
pace. Once there, participa-
@: will enter “astronaut
raining” to explore the chal-
lenges of living and working
in space. They will become
“satellites” to communicate
findings back to earth.
Plant donations sought
Donations for the plant
booth at the Back Mountain
Memorial Library Auction are
being sought.
Anyone wishing to donate
plants is asked to call Cheryl
Whitesell at 256-0109.
Rock Solid Academy received a donation from
Leggio's Italian Ristorante to support classroom
technology needs for the upcoming school year.
The Leggios will give two additional gifts for two
individual Student Learning Centers (SLC). One
center will be on behalf of the Leggio family and
the other is donated in memory of Christine Pas-
cucci, Lori Leggio's sister; and Frank Pascucci. Sal-
vatore and Lori Leggio are shown here in a class-
room at Rock Solid Academy.
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DHS class of 1945
will meet June 20
information, call 270-2186.
Concerts slated
The Dallas Borough High The Wyoming Seminary
School Class of 1945 will meet Performing Arts Institute
for lunch at 2 p.m. on Wednes- (PAI) will present music by
day, June 20 at Grotto Pizza,
Harveys Lake.
LL class of 1972
will meet June 23
the Wind Ensemble and the
Jazz Ensemble at 8 p.m. on
June 29, July 6, July 13, July 20
and July 27 in the Buckingham
Performing Arts Center on the
campus of Wyoming Seminary,
North Sprague Avenue, King-
Lake-Lehman High School
Class of 1972 will hold an ston, :
informal gathering at 6 p.m. The recitals are free and
on June 23 at Grotto Pizza, open to the public. For more
Harvey's Lake. This meeting information, call 270-2186.
will mark the 40th graduation .
anniversary of the class. J1USIC programs set
For more information, call The Wyoming Seminary
Helen Earl Sgarlat 32-6457. Performing Arts Institute
(PAI) will present a special
performance by its Master-
works Chorale, Chamber Or-
chestra, Institute Chorus and
DHS class of 1967
plans reunion
Dallas High School Class of Symphony Orchestra at 8 p.m.
1967 will hold its 45th anni- on June 30, July 7, July 14, July
versary class reunion at 4 p.m. 21 and July 28 at the Great
on June 23 at Lakeside Skillet Hall of Wyoming Seminary,
228 Wyoming Ave., Kingston.
The performances are free
and open to the public. For
Restaurant, Harveys Lake.
For information and reserva-
tions, contact robert.kelley.dal- more information, call 270-
Recitals slated |
The Wyoming Seminary azz progr am set
Performing Arts Institute The Wyoming Seminary
(PAI) will present a Counselor Performing Arts Institute
Solo and Chamber Recital at 8 (PAI) will present a special
p.m. on June 25 and July 26 in appearance by The Power Of
the Great Hall of Wyoming Ten Little Big Band at 7 p.m.
on Monday, July 2 at the River
Commons, Wilkes-Barre.
The performance is free and
open to the public. For more
information, call 270-2186.
Recital slated
Seminary, 228 Wyoming Ave.,
Kingston, just north of King-
ston Corners.
The recitals are free and
open to the public. For more
information, call 270-2186.
Student solos set
The Wyoming Seminary
The Wyoming Seminary Performing Arts Institute
Performing Arts Institute (PAI) will present a Faculty
(PAI) will present a Student Solo and Chamber Recital at 8
Solo and Chamber Recital at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, July 3 and
p.m. on June 28, July 5, July Monday, July 23 in the Great
11, July 18, July 25, July 31and Hall of Wyoming Seminary,
Aug. 1 in the Great Hall of 228 Wyoming Avenue, King-
Wyoming Seminary, 228 ston.
The recitals are free and
open to the public. For more
information, call 270-2186.
Wyoming Ave., Kingston.
The recitals are free and
open to the public. For more
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