Sunday, June 17, 2012 THE DALLAS POST PAGE 3 | Finding bargains at Harveys Lake community sale Residents have variety of reasons for participating in community-wide sale. By SARAH HITE Kathy Zionkowski just wants to get rid of her stuff. The Harveys Lake resident and her husband are planning to move to Florida in the fall, and after several yard sales, there’s still plenty to chuck before the big trip. : “We're liquidating,” Zionkow- ski said as she arranged a few suitcases during the Harveys Lake Community Yard Sale on June 8. “You don’t realize what you have until you go through it.” The borough sponsored its first community-wide sale this year. In past years, it was spon- sored by the Procter & Gamble Credit Union, but the company decided not to continue the tra- dition residents have grown to love. Zionkowski usually participa- tes every year, but this will be her last — maybe. “I love Pennsylvania,” she said. “I have children and grand- children here and my mother’s down in Allentown, so maybe we can have an apartment or something for three months out of the year.” Zionkowski knows that not everything at her sale will go — for some shoppers, just getting out of the house on a nice day is the goal. “Some people just come for the view,” she said, looking @ the lake. “That's OK, 00 » Around the corner, Patricia Conrad, of Kingston, got to work unloading odds and ends at her Sunset Terrace summer home. “I have a house in Kingston — The borough sponsored its first community-wide sale this year. It was sponsored by the Proc- ter & Gamble Credit Union in past years, but the company decided not to continue the tradition residents have grown to love. it’s an old house — so a lot of this stuff comes from the attic,” said Conrad. “I'm retired, I'm 65 now, and I'm just clearing out all the knick knacks.” Clothing, glasses, toys and dé- cor lined tables in Conrad’s yard, most of which were la- beled to cost about what one might feed a meter to park for 20 minutes on a city street. “I made about $180 so far, and most of the stuff is a quarter or 50 cents,” she said. Conrad said she’s trying to de- clutter her space, hoping to only keep what she needs “to live life.” “I only need 10 glasses, in- stead of, say, five dozen,” she said. Others hunted for bargains during the sale, which went on for three days and included about 20 stops. Michelle Mackenzie, of Har- veys Lake, recently moved to the area but relished in the sales happening during the weekend. “I am a yard sale enthusiast,” she said, clutching a grocery bag filled with unique goodies. Mackenzie is a self-pro- claimed artist and enjoys find- ing old toys and making them into something new. “It’s basically a surprise every time you stop,” she said. “It’s cool to look through other peo- ple’s things and think about the story of what this object’s been through.” Mackenzie picked up stuffed BILL TARUTIS/ FOR THE DALLAS POST Carianne Nelson, left, of Harveys Lake, purchases a pair of sports pants for running from Tara Birt, right, and Gavin Ruger, at a yard sale on Carpenter Road in Harveys Lake. animals, a small wooden house and a few other items at the Schickners’ sale on Second Street. She had enough to choose from - four families gather ev- ery year to unload their clutter into the Schickners’ driveway. And why do the Schickners hold a sale every year? To raise money to shop at other yard sales, of course. “We just like bargains, and we look for gardening things and we like to redecorate, so what better way to find things?” Carol Schickner said about the favor- ite pastime of her and friend, Louise Maisele. David and Dolly Hoffman, of Hunlock Creek, weren't looking to make much money from the sale. “It’s just another excuse to get together with friends,” Dolly said. Trinity Presbyterian Church congregation held a luncheon at the Irem Country Club at the conclusion of the church's 50th anni- versary worship service. The receiving line participants were, from left, Connie Page, Rev. Chase Page, former interim pastor; Rev. Roger Griffith, current pastor; Linda Griffith and The Rev. Dr. Barbara A. Smith, General Presbyter of the Presbytery of Lackawan- Trinity celebrates 50 years Trinity Presbyterian Church, Irem Road, Dallas marked its 50th anniversary on June 10 with more than 170 members and friends attending a special ser- vice of worship, remembrance and celebration. The service was followed by a luncheon recep- tion at the Irem Country Club. In March 1962, Rev. Andrew Pilla- rella, founding pastor of the church, conducted his first ser- vice at a nearby school. On June 10, 1962, more than 125 charter members were taken into the & embership of the church. wy 2ight charter members, who are still members today, attended the worship service and lun- cheon. Rev. Roger Griffith now serves the church as its pastor. Charter members Windsor and Meryl Davis, left, receive certificates from Rev. Roger Griffith, representing their 50 years of membership at Trinity Presbyterian Church. hed from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Wednes- Mark Keller,of Dallas, checks out a tool set at a yard sale on Sec- ond Street. Bids are sought to resurface Gray Road The board of supervisors ap- proved a motion Tuesday to ad- vertise for bids to resurface a portion of Gray Road. The township was awarded a Luzerne County Office of Com- munity Development grant to complete the project. The project was originally tar- geted for Patla Road, but Super- visor Stan Davis said a timber- ing business is supposed to per- form work there this year. “We didn’t want the fresh pavement to be destroyed by big trucks,” he said. Secretary Terry Davis said the township is scheduled to re- ceive about $100,000. The bids will be awarded at the July meeting. About 4,430 feet of Gray Road will be affected. Stan Da- vis hopes the project will be concluded before the 2012-13 school year begins to avoid complications with bus traffic. The board also approved the minimum municipal obligation for pension contribution to the Pennsylvania Municipal Retire- ment System. The township is in the proc- ess of switching its pension sys- tem from the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors program to the mu- nicipal retirement system. Stan Davis said this is be- cause the administration fees were less expensive with the latter system. The next Ross Township Board of Supervisors meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 3 at the municipal build- ing. - Sarah Hite Last tax payment date is June 26 The last day to pay the 2012 county\boro taxes in Dallas Borough without incurring a penalty is Tuesday, June 26. The tax office will be open charged a penalty. day, June 20. Office hours for Saturday, June 23 have been cancelled. Payments postmarked on or before June 26 will not be