The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, June 17, 2012, Image 11
> Sunday, June 17, 2012 y Tue DALLAS POST PAGE 11 Megan Krakoski waits for the ball to find her mitt. Young lady ballplayers field at the Back Mountain Little League to play 3 Y sd ladies from the Back Mountain take to the in softball games. Team members from the BMT Tides, including Tiffany Lasinski, left, and Sammy Dixon, with pink helmet, chant their favorite cheers. SPOrts dir Alison Francis from the BMT Monsoon hits one into the field. Catcher Emma Ripken struggles with the ball. CHARLOTTE BARTIZEK PHOTOS/ FOR THE DALLAS POST Even with her eyes closed, Dani Reiser hits one into the field for the BMT Monsoon. et at Back Mountain lacrosse players who recently received All Conference honors are, from left, John Butchko, Morgan Cohen, Zack Taylor and George Pfeiffer. Stickmen named to All-Conference A recent coaches poll of the Central Susquehanna Lacrosse League selected three Dallas players and one Lake-Lehman player to first team All Confer- ence honors. John Butchko, a senior at Lake-Lehman, was selected first team defense and first team long stick midfielder for the second year in a row. He led the league in ground balls with a season total of 102. as a defenseman. George Pfeiffer, sophomore goalie from Dallas, led the league in goals against by only allowing 54 goals this season. He average 10 saves per game and helped Dallas to a second- place finish in the District 2 playoffs. Additional players receiving “All Conference honors were J.T. Carey and Bret Wanek from Dallas, second team midfiel- ders. Wanek and Brandon Kel- ley, of Lake-Lehman, were sec- ond team face-off midfielders. Casey McAndrew from Dal- las was honorable mention at long stick midfielder and Bud- dy Connell from Tunkhannock was honorable mention face-off midfielder. BMT Rays team wins season opener, 101 The Back Mountain Rays won their season opener on Mother’s Day, defeating Swoyersville, 16-1, in four innings. Back Mountain starting pitch- er Jordan McCrum and reliever Matt Ross combined for seven Back Mountain Rays catcher Omar Nijmeh helped lead his team to a 16-1 season-opener over Swoyersville. strikeouts and gave up just four hits in the win. Back Mountain strung togeth- er 22 hits on 29 at bats while Jus- tin Brojakowski and Ben Nar- cum both went 4-for4 at the plate for the Rays. McCrum and Ross both helped their cause by going 3- for-3 and Domenic Oliveri was 2 for 4 with two doubles. Morgan Patla Morgan Patla takes part in Open Horse Show Morgan Christine Patla, 9, of Harveys Lake, participated in the Borrowdale Acres Inc. Open Horse Show on Mother’s Day. She won overall reserve champion in the Mini Stirrup Walk and Trot Division (ages 10 and under). In addition, she placed first in the Mini Strirrup Equitation Class, second in the Mini Stirrup Pleasure Class and third in the Mini stirrup Hunter Class. Although this was Morgan’s first horse show, she has been riding since she was 6 years old. The daughter of Ed and Krista Patla, of Harveys Lake, Morgan is a student of Heidi Osbourne of Grand Strides, LLC in Dallas. First team attackman Mor SPORTS BRIE F SPlayers, Coaches’ Awards and George and Harry Parkhurst, of accepting registrations for its be . : trati gan Cohen, a senior at Dallas Gold Award winners for spring ~~ Trucksville, received Coaches’ summer camps which include gins regis on was second in the league i Thr ed sports. Athletes who earned four Awards and Gold Awards. basketball, soccer, tennis and Shooting Starz Gymnas- ) @&- with 31 goals and 24 as €€ Nam varsity letters or three varsity Super Sport Camp. tics, 250 Johnston St., Wilkes- ts. 1 and one junior varsity letters in For more information, call Barre, will accept enrollment Senior defenseman Zack Tay MVPs at Seminary their sport receive Gold Awards. Rock Rec Center 696-2769. for 2012 on June \25, August lor from Dallas was the ancho Wyoming Seminary Upper In boys lacrosse, Alexander 18 and 27, October 15 and of the Dallas defense and le School Director of Athletics Barilla, a sophomore from Dal- p dlls summer camps G astics r October 29 and December 22. his team in takeaways an Karen Klassner recently an- las, received the Coaches’ The Rock Rec Center, 340 Ini p 0gram Contact Joelle Rose at nounced Sem’s Most Valuable 822-1212. scored three goals this seasor : Inbo tennis seniors Carverton Road, Trucksville, 1)