= ea Tt EE a TT TT Sunday, June 10, 2012 THE DALLAS POST PAGE 5 ; hh i 5 Members of the 2012 confirmation class from Trucksville United Methodist Church are, from left, Mikayla Klimas, Kellie Meehan, Courtney Wagner, Ruby Mattson, Lane Zbysheski, Reverend Marian Hartman, Kaley Egan, Michael Montgomery, Rachel Luke, Ra- chel Magnotta, Katelyn Force, Emily Banta and Ivy Chamberlain. OLEY RECEIVES AWARD Matthew Oley, a Cub Scout with Pack 281in Dallas, was recent- ly presented with the God and Me Award by his pastor, Rev. M. Lynn Snyder at the Shavertown United Methodist Church. The God and Me Award is awarded to Scouts in grades 1-3 who com- plete a four-week course of study with their counselor. Oley is shown here with Rev. Snyder. Confirmation class at Trucksville Church The Trucksville United Meth- odist Church recently welcomed 12 confirmands into member- ship on Pentecost Sunday. The confirmands enjoyed a tors where they completed a journal on the Gospel of Luke, experienced other worship ser- vices, interviewed a Saint on their life of faith, volunteered for Audit Bureau of Circulations Newspaper Publisher’s Statement for six months ended March 31, 2012" a { Mang i Usk kX journey of faith with their men- service projects, attended church committee meetings, at- tended a confirmation retreat at Send items Camp Orchard Hill and partici- pated in worship services. pastor of Trucksville United Methodist Church. @por publication Re: Marian Hartman i the in The Dallas Post BACK MOUNTAIN BOWL t Sicilian Pizza » Wings 0 NEWS(Qmy- [EHSVRET rm dallaspost.com EIDE REL CRIT Memorial Hwy Dallas ¢ 675-5026 The look of Corian® or granite for up to 70% less! BBB. i ACCREDITED § BUSINESS www.KeystoneResurfacing.com vier |g E¥Stone (570) 288-9400 RESURFACING PA066033 Don’t Replace...Resurface! NTERSTATE ¥, Building Materials, Inc 322 Laurel Street * Pittston, PA 18640 800-338-9997 www.kitchensbyimnterstate.com | | Custom C : i i WE ARE COMMITTED TO HELPING YOU CREATE THE HOME OF YOUR DREAMS! Now tHru June 30 save 10% on WeLLBORN'S eNTIRE Estate Custom CoLLECTION Visit our Design Center today! Browse more than 25 displays in our Ti -~. beautiful Wellborn showroom! oo — + Interstate’s Kitchen/Bath Showroom Hours: MeT*WeF - 8 am to 4:30 pm Th to 8 pm * Sat - 8 to noon From CABINET, INC, The big cheese stands alone. upside 85 Senn. y i a stun 0 don Sn ne " LE Eid PAID CIRCULATION" EXCEEDS |||] aa a * Paid circulation excludes branded editions. Source: ABC Newspaper's Publisher's Statement for six months ending March 31, 2012 as filed with the Audit Bureau of Circulations, subject to audit. LE ati a Sve 0 ers i. B RIE phat Bee tir . ed Cire ‘THE TIMES LEADER timesioader comm sons An IMPRESSIONS| company Creat deals avery day! THE TIMES LEADER