The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, March 25, 2012, Image 2

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    PAGE 2
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Puzzle answers, =
uper LIOSSWOI GO FIGURE! by Linda Thistle |
| i
ACROSS 51 College 92 Chimney 4 Beer barrel 39 Born 82 Hogan or : ! : :
1 Myron growth part 5 Baseball's 40 You'll get a Hindemith The idea of Go Figure is to arrive
Floren's 52 Before, to 93 Duel tool Derek kick out of it 83 Perfect at the figures given at the bot-
boss Byron 94 Part 4 of 6 Shaft 41 Texas 86 Word with s
5 Malcolm- — 53 Mendicant remark 7 Freshen a landmark baby or tom and right-hand columns o
Warner monk 97 Domino or fuchsia 42 Symbol snake the diagram bv following the
10 Priam’s 54 Utter Waller 8 Cover girl 43 Buttercream, 87 Horner's . g ; y ; 9
kingdom 56 See 90 98 Herriot title Carol e.g. fruit arithmetic signs in the order
14 Daddy duck Across start 9 Kapaa 44 Laramie or 90 Sensed i i
19 Adams or 59 Dispute 99 “Excuse keepsake Sumter 91 New Jersey they are given (that is, from left
Sedgwick ~~ 61 Pigment me” 10 Auto 45 Devour town to right and top to bottom). Use
20 Napoleon's 62 Hibachi 100 Western st. transaction Dostoevsky 92 Adversary
fate residue 101 Mugabe of 11 Actress 50 — carte 95 One who only the numbers below the
21 Something 63 Oaf Zimbabwe Schneider ~~ 53 “Fee, Fi, no's best? diagram to complete its blank
to skip? 65 “Love — 105 Whetstone 12 Fall Fo,—...” 96 “What a
22 De Valera the Ruins” 107 Out of birthstone 55 Leading relief!” squares and use each of the
of Ireland ('75 film) control 13 Craving man? 97 Charlatan nine numbers only once.
23 Start of a 66 Part 3 of 109 She's a 14 Lack 56 Container 100 Uncool fry ii
remark by remark sheep date 15 “— Lama 57 Arm bones 101 Hard to fin . :
Dan Post 69 “| Got a 112 Venerate pie Dong” 58 Annie of 102 Miasma DIFFICULTY: * x i
26 Rectify Name” 113 End of '61 tune) “Designing 103 Portend i
27 Sprinted singer remark 16 Prayer Women” = 104 Rohmer or * Moderate * * Difficult 1.2 3: 5:6 7:80 90 i
28 Part of a 73 Add info 117 “The Kiss” finale 60 Jets and Carmen | I
suit 74 Mil. group sculptor 17 Hong — Sharks 105 Sign of * * x GO FIGURE! © 2012 King Features Syndicate, In. hi
29 Pastoral 76 Genesis 118 One of the 18 “The 63 Opening sanctity
poem vessel Waughs NeverEnding 64 UK honor 106 “Glad All —”
30 Sherbet 79 “Little —” 119 “East of Story” author = 67 Delayed ('64 hit)
flavor ('64 hit) Eden” 24 — Office 68 Worn down 107 Carpenter's
31 Norm 81 “Be my director 25 Regret 69 Cugat tool
32 Rib — guest!” 120 Imminent audibly consort 108 Knight's
34 One of 82 God with a 121 Upright 30 In the know 70 Mississippi quaff ®
“Them!” trident 122 Michael of 31 Nero's or Missouri 109 Kind of Kin Crosswor
35 Dirty 84 Storms “Cabaret” instrument 71 New York pitcher
37 Part 2 of 85 — Dinh 123 Unkempt 32 Duplicate city 110 “Huh?”
remark Diem 124 “Vissi d'—" 33 Savored the 72 Bk. 111 Bronte hero- ACROSS
45 Colleague 87 Paw part ("Tosca” seitan offerings ine :
of Dolly and 88 Jergens or aria) 34 Fall flower 75 It'sinthe 113 Horse 1 Letterman’s
Loretta Astaire 35 David of bag hash network
46 Mature 89 Field of DOWN “Dark 76 Skilled 114 Endorses
47 Peachy- knowledge 1 Sport Shadows” 77 Romeo and 115 Duncan's 4 Agreed
keen 90 With 56 2 O'Brien or 36 Too tubby Juliet denial 9 Make up
48 Plumb crazy Across, Skinner 37 Twist and 78 Banjo locale 116 “Jurassic our mind
49 “Maria —" common 3 Mortgage, turn 79 Grouch Park” y
('41 song) appetizer e.g. 38 Bee flat? 80 Register stuff 12 Luau
2 3 8 11 15; 116. [17...]18 13 oki
14 Actress
15 Prankster’s
17 Bankbook
41 42 [43 [44 18 “Sprechen
i Deutsch?”
19 Isn’t honest
21 Zero 0)
61 62 63 64 65 24 Apple ;
55 oy - : computer decree (Var) 5 Raging fire 32 Winter fore
§ 20 Fuss 47 Swiss 6 Life story cast
69 [70 [71 [72 73 74 75 76 [77 [78 5 26 Explosive canton 7 Food- 34 Shows to be
. ° letters 48 Past poisoning false
£ 28 Setofmoral 49 Foul play bacteria 37 Veteran
84 85 86 87 88 2 rules 54 Twosome 8 Remove sailor
55 . 7 . 4 < 31 Kittenish 55 Bay window calcium from 39 Emeralds,
g calls 56 Genetic stuff 9 Traditional e.g.
94 95 9 53 Rowing need 57 Moray, for ~~ 10 Versifier 42 Laverne’s
55 55 a 35 Slugger one 11 Glitch in pal, familiarly
3 Sammy 58 Lipstick rint 44 Back talk
8 pstick P
101 1102 [103 1104 105 106 107 108 2 36 Hammer- alternative = 16 Somewhat 45 Lose color
13 13 rue 2 head parts 59 Morning (Suff.) 46 Chills and
2 38 Society moisture 20 Dines fever
117 118 119 — newcomer 21 Bivouac 50 City of &
oN “ 1 . . .
155 YES ri 5.1.40 the fields pownN 22 Notion, in Brazil, for
® i iy go 1 Tax pro, for Nantes short
ome short 23 Nail gun, e.g. 51 Peculiar
reddish deer 2 Jazz style 27 Young fellow 52 Individual
43 Chopped 3 Knight's 29 “Got it” 53 Legislation
down address 30 Hallmark
45 Islamic 4 Ilinois city item
Denney is Friends’ featured speaker  Misericordia student group asks
The Friends of the Back Moun-
tain Memorial Library will host
their 24th annual Luncheon with
a Special Author at 11 a.m. on
April 26 at the Appletree Terrace,
Newberry Estate, Dallas. The
guest speaker will be local author
Susan Denney.
Denney is the author of “Snar-
ky and Sweet,” a romantic come- of choices, assorted salads, Misericordia University’s envi- globe are suitably dark. Massapequa, student knowledge
dy about twins, Texas and a big breads and muffins and topped ronmentally-focused student Earth Hour started in Sydney, about their own actions and ef-
red diamond. She is a former off with a dessert bar featuring a group Cougars for Change is ask- Australia in 2007 as a singular fects on our environment."
French teacher who moved to variety of cookies and assorted ing everyone in the community event with 2.2 million participa- The Cougars group is working
Northeastern Pennsylvania from mini pastries. to turn off their lights for just one nts. The 2011 event involved an with the campus facilities to have
Texas four years ago. Her father Cost is $26 with all proceeds Denney hour beginning at 8:30 p.m. on estimated 1.8 billion people in all non-essential lights turned off
and grandparents were born and
raised in the Wyoming Valley ar- bles of eight are encouraged and brary at 96 Huntsville Rd., Dallas world-wide initiative to draw at- thatwentdarkincludedthe Gold- down, New Year’s Eve style, to
ea and lived in Dallas. may be reserved. by April 20. Invitations have been tention to responsible energy use en Gate Bridge, Buckingham Pal- when the Mary Kintz Bevevino
Denney’s book is available at Checks should be made paya- mailed to previous attendees. Ad- and global warming. ace and the Sydney OperaHouse. Library, seen through its glass
several outlets and as a Kindle e- ble to the Back Mountain Memo- ditional reservation forms are The event Earth Hour 2012 is The Misericordia event is be- walls, goes entirely dark at 8:30 /
book. At the luncheon, she will
give attendees insight into the fu-
ture of books and the book pub-
lishing business.
The event begins with a time
for hospitality at 11 a.m. with
lunched scheduled for 11:45 a.m.
This year’s menu is a buffet lun-
cheon, including an appetizer ta-
ble, an entrée table with a variety
going to benefit the library. Ta-
rial Library and received at the li-
Coverage Area: The Dallas Post covers the
Back Mountain community which includes the
Dallas and Lake-Lehman School Districts. We
try to get to as many events as possible, but
staff and space limitations make it impossible
to cover everything. If you have news about
your family, town or organization please send
it to us and we'll try to get it in. Photographs
are welcome. Send them two ways, by mail to
available at the library.
area residents to turn off lights
Cougars for Change
will participate in
Earth Hour 2012 event.
Saturday, March 31 as part of a
expected to have more than a bil-
The Dallas Post
THE TIMES LE ADDER Community Newspaper Group
lion participants world wide turn
off all non-essential lights for the
hour, at a time chosen to coincide
with the Spring Equinox and
when the most places on the
135 countries worldwide. Places
ing co-chaired by Cougars for
You can now purchase any photo
that appears in The Dallas Post
from The Times Leader photo store.
Simply log onto www.timesleader.
com/photostore and click on the link
Change members Auraleah Gre-
ga, a secondary education/En-
glish major from Wapwallopen,
and Jenny Perucca, a speech-lan-
guage pathology major from
onthe campus, including a count-
for The Dallas Post.
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about it. Letters: The Dallas Post prints letters
of local interest. Send letters to: Editor, The
Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA
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