The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, January 08, 2012, Image 6

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    PAGE 6
Sunday, January 8, 2012
The Dallas Post
Community Newspaper Group
15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 18711 ® 570-675-521
Dotty Martin
Joe Butkiewicz
Diane McGee
The Lake-Lehman Foundation has established a scholarship in
memory of John Peter Farrell, a member of the Lake-Lehman
School district Board of Education who was killed in an automo-
bile accident in April 201. From left, are James McGovern, super-
intendent, Lake-Lehman School District; Mrs. Lorraine Farrell,
widow of John Peter Farrell; and Bill Holena, treasurer, Lake-
Lehman Foundation.
Scholarship honors late
Lehman school director
The Lake-Lehman Foundation has established a new
scholarship to be presented in memory of John Peter
Farrell, a member of the Lake-Lehman School District
Board of Education who was killed in an automobile
accident in April 2011.
Farrell’s wife, Lorraine, and his family have established
the annual $500 scholarship that will be presented to a
graduating Lake-Lehman High School senior student at
the Lake-Lehman Foundation Tea on April 15.
Farrell was a respected and well-like board member who
served as vice president and on various subcommittees
throughout his tenure on the board.
A resident of Harveys Lake, he was active in his commu-
nity, serving as a member of the Harveys Lake Lions Club
and the Harveys Lake Sons of the American Legion Post
967. He had been employed as head custodian at the
Wilkes-Barre Area School District Administration Building
for many years.
Other scholarships presented by the Lake-Lehman Foun-
dation include the Lake-Lehman Foundation Scholarship,
Knights of the Round Table Scholarship, Constance Pe-
troski Krupinski ’51 Memorial Scholarship and the Nicho-
las Drahus Jr. Memorial Scholarship.
Lake-Lehman students can apply by visiting the Lake-
Lehman Foundation web site at www.lake-leh- and clicking on the “foundation” tab or by
stopping by the high school guidance office for an applica-
Donations for any of the scholarships can be made to the
non-profit Lake-Lehman Foundation Scholarship Fund at
Lake-Lehman Foundation, P.O. Box 277, Lehman, PA
This picture of the United States Air Force Academy was taken by Allan Hobbs of Harveys Lake on a recent trip to Colorado Springs. Allan
says the scene is truly a beautiful setting with the Rocky Mountains providing a background.
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Information must include the submitting
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The editor of The Dallas Post reserves the
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20 YEARS AGO -1992
Nicole Elizabeth Clemson,
daughter of Trudy Clemson,
Dallas, was awarded third place
in the Beautiful Baby Contest
sponsored by the March of
Dimes Birth Defects Foundation
of  North-
nia. The con-
test was held
at the
Valley Mall
and winners
were cho-
sen based on community votes.
Sixth grade students Michael
Casey and Jeff Eyet recently won
the school-level competitions in
the National Geographic Socie-
ty’s fourth annual National Ge-
ography Bee, a contest in which
students answered 10 questions
on world geography. They now
have a chance to compete for a
$25,000 scholarship. Casey is a
student at Lake-Noxen Elemen-
tary School, while Eyet attends
Lehman-Jackson Elementary.
30 YEARS AGO - 1982
Several members of Lake Leh-
man High School’s Theater Pro-
duction Class visited the Pediat-
rics Unit at Nesbitt Memorial
Hospital. Under the direction of
Jean Johnson, English teacher,
the students read Christmas sto-
ries and distributed gifts to each
of the patients. Members who
participated are: Buck Culver,
Donna Ide, Ron Swire, Brock
Bullock, Brian Yanchik, Sally
McGinley and Mark Evans.
Top Salespersons (or lucky
drawers) in the Trucksville P.T.O
Candy Sale Contest were recent-
ly awarded prizes. For every $10
of candy sold, students were eli-
gible for a ticket in the barrel and
a chance at winning a prize. Top
salesman was Edmund Yudiski
who earned himself a ten pound
candy bar. Other prize winners
were: Kelly Janosky, kindergar-
ten (camera); Joseph Kaleta,
second grade (television) and
Sarah Yanchanis (clock radio).
40 YEARS AGO -1972
Debbie Philo, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Philo of Wyoming
RD 3, will be installed later this
month as Worthy Advisor of the
Rainbow Girls of Charles James
Memorial Assembly 144. Debbie
is a senior at Dallas High School.
Gate of Heaven's Altar and
Rosary Society celebrated a
Mass installing their new offi-
cers. Newly-installed officers
are: Mrs. Vince Correale, presi-
dent; Mrs. John Hawk, first vice
president; Mrs. John Thompson,
second vice president; Mrs. Tho-
mas Newman, treasurer; Linda
Scholl, financial secretary; and
Mrs. Richard Malak, secretary.
50 YEARS AGO -1962
Marguerite Hackling, Noxen,
student in the Homemaking de-
partment of = Lake-Noxen
schools, won first place with her
evening gown at the State Farm
Show in Harrisburg this week.
Marguerite was one of four Lake-
Noxen homemaking students to
have exhibits at the show. The
others were: Caroline Ide, wool
dress; Bonnie Gennetts, cotton
dress; and Eileen Crane, cotton
Homer B. Moyer, Dallas, vice
president and comptroller since
January 1960, was elected direc-
tor of Miner’s National Bank at
the annual meeting.
60 YEARS AGO -1952
Elevation of Rev. Francis
Kane, administrator of Gate of
Heaven School, to pastorate of
Our Lady of Victory, Harvey’s
Lake, and Gate of Heaven Par-
ish, Dallas, was announced at
services at St. Therese’s on Sun-
day. Father Kane, in the year of
his connection with St. There-
se’s parish, has made his place in
the community as well as in the
church. He has proved himself
not only an able administrator,
but immensely popular with old
and young.
Co-chairmen for the annual
Woman’s Club dance to be held
at Irem Temple Country Club
February 9 are Mrs. Howard
Weiner Jr. and Mrs. Thomas
Shelbourne. Other committee
members: Mrs. Harold Smith,
decorations; Mrs. J. Franklin
Robinson and Mrs. Robert Van
Horn, reservations; Mrs. Nor-
man Patton, hostess; Mrs. Mar-
ian Harter and Mrs. William Cle-
well, door; and Mrs. Mitchell
Jenkins, publicity.
70 YEARS AGO -1942
Miss Florence Hausch, leader,
entertained members of the Al-
derson Girl Scouts at a Christ-
mas Party at the home of Mrs.
Raymond Garinger Saturday af-
ternoon. Games were played and
gifts exchanged. Present were:
Lillian Lerch, Wilma Zischek,
Nellie Kitchen, Dorothy Jones,
Audrey Traver, Ruth Traver, E
ma Hunsinger, Naomi un)
ger, Eleanor Humphrey, Elain
Avery, Esther Taylor, Elizabeth
Sorber, Lois Avery, Mary Dela-
ney, Joyce Hoover, Doris Ross-
man, Barbara Biery, Bethia Al-
len, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ross-
man, Mrs. George Armitage,
Mrs. Alda Garinger and Arnold
Piano pupils of Mrs. Wesley
Oliver and Mrs. Harold Rood
presented two Christmas musi-
cals of solos, duets and Christ-
mas carols at the home of Mrs.
Oliver in Shavertown
Wednesday and Friday a
of last week. Taking part in t
Wednesday recital were: Nan
Ness, Dorothy Mitchell, Barbara
Clark, Louise Hazletine, Louise
Dodson, Doris McCarthy, Doris
Kirkendall, Harris Cooke, Rob-
ert Jewell and Ralph Templin.
Friday evening selections were
played by: Barbara Major, Ann
Peterson, Harriet Jean Williams,
Rose Mary Bonn, Nancy Swartz,
Patricia Manning, Helen Leaco-
cas, Marilyn Ohlman, Mildred
Ide, Claire West, Ruth Scott, Ja-
net Post, Phyllis Williamee, Ann
Emery, George Swartz, Harrison
Cooke, Peter Manning, Williams
Leacocas and John Davies.
Information for “Only Yester-
day” is taken from past issues of
The Dallas Post which is 122
vears old. The wmformation is
printed here exactly as i ap-
peared in the newspaper vears
“| would share the
wealth so nobody feels
left out and take care
of my family and then
other people.”
Jonah Rosengrant
“I would give some to
charity like the Par-
kinson's Association,
put some toward col-
lege and buy a beach
Taylor Davies
“Take a nice vacation
around the world and
then live in Puerto
Rico for a long time.”
Chris Tamanini
Kingston Twp.
“Travel across the
United States on a
motorcycle, invest,
start a business and
pay off my student
Mary Henry
“Pay off the mort-
gage, save for the
kids, give to charity
and have less stress."
Beth Reddington
“Pay off my school
bills, take care of my
kids, live off the in-
terest, vacation and
play golf.”
Frank No {