The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, January 08, 2012, Image 2

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    PAGE 2
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Super Crossword PUNeHeATIONS
Puzzle answers, Ee
ACROSS 53 — -jongg 94 Broadway 3 Crowdburst? 40 Wholesome 76 The Kit — G (@) p- f G U rd - J o)Y; Linda Thistle
1 Move like a 54 Hymns of arrange- 4 Lincoln son biker's Club i
mouse praise ment 5 Pipe part publication? 77 In addition
5 Neighbor of 56 Viper 96 Kennel 6 Turkish tite 41 Carpentry 78 Stocking : !
Java 57 Milne feature 7 Den i o printing 2 ghads The idea of Go Figure is to arrive
9 “— creature 97 Kitten gear? 8 “Newhart” onsieur ntsy y ; ¥
Medicine” 58 Digression 99 Petite pie setting Le Pew 83 Opera at the figures given at the bot
('88 hit) 60 Gouda 100 Sprite 9 Holstein's 44 Patriot feature tom and right-hand columns of
12 Corpulent alternative 102 “— home Samuel 84 Future of : :
15 Early 61 — River, NJ Buttermilk 10 Flagon filler 47 Evil 83 the present the diagram by following the
computer 63 Tenor Sky” 11 Patois character edieva . . : :
17 TV os Peerce ('46 song) 12 Beat 50 — Park, menial arithmetic Signs In the order
Heroes” 64 Like Simon 103 Classy 4 13 Felipe, 1 So, i 5¢ 5 de plume they are given (that is, from left
19 Campbell of 66 Groov 106 Maestro de esus, or ninteresting ne of the .
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20 Poorly 68 Pugilistic ~~ 107 “Electric —” 14 Little one Simba 93 Gobbled up
21 Restaurant poke (83 hit) 16 South 55 Pavarotti's 95 Apparel only the numbers below the
critic’s zine? 69 Stephen 111 Lis and — ; Ariean port 5 ove, 98 Daplore diagram to complete its blank
23 Librarian's King book 114 Sailor's 7 Cholestero ito etters
journal? 70 Mutiny reading? letters parsley 101 Stud site squares and use each of the
25 Explosive 71 Produce a 116 Depression 18 Golfer 62 Northwestern 103 Lhasa — nine numbers only once.
initials parka era Ballesteros st. 104 Cabbage
26 Column 72 — fide magazine? 20 Nigerian city 63 Mouth concoction
27 Max — 73 Byzantine 119 Icelandic 22 “Aida” river piece? 105 Philosopher DIFFICULTY: x x
Sydow " 2 form 420 opi ne 24 Forest 64 Anger or 106 Bronte
29 Bunch of 76 Pants parts apek play ruminan envy eroine Sed
ballplayers ~~ 77 Ram's 121 Bring to 28 Ciceronian 65 Composer 107 Where to * Moderate * x Difficult 1. 2:44 567.89
30 Solidify ma'am light speech Albeniz ind an
31 Weber's “— 78 Directional 122 Goatish 30 “GoodFellas” 67 Slender onager * *x * GO FIGURE! © 2012 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
Freischutz” suffix gamboler gun trace 108 “Veni, vidi,
32 Prepared to 79 Sock style 123 Have 31 Place to 68 Be a wise —"
drive 81 Feign unpaid bills pontificate guy 109 Markey or
33 Let up 82 Tree 124 “Hiver’ 32 Correct 69 French HO Bagnoid
36 Arthur or surgeon’s opposite 33 Forward impression- isherman’s
Pons periodical? 125 “— to 34 Rover's ist snare Crosswor
38 — carrier 87 Middling Order” (87 review? 70 Chingach- 111 Chalky
42 Snapshot mark film) 35 Presidential gook’s son Sheese
43 — Lama 88 Whippet's 126 Highflying monogram 71 Nailed a 112 Skates 2 FO
45 Strained wagger agcy. 36 Sanctify gnat 113 Gumbo ACROSS ] 3 8 8
46 DEA officer 90 Enormous 37 Tombstone 72 Boitano or thickener 1 Gorilla ws +
48 Browning's 91 Terpsichore’s DOWN lawman Blessed 115 Absent 4 Year-end
bedtime? sister 1 Adroit 39 Shake- 74 New York 117 City on the visitor
49 Gardener's 92 104 Down, 2 Evers spearean city Danube
monthly? eg. partner heavy 75 Require 118 Ashen 9 Col.
7 BB BB BE. BF PB 9 [10 [11 12 [13 [14 Sanders’
15 16 17 18 19 20 12 Droop
21 22 23 24 13 Up to the
point that
27 28 29 14 Ultra-
1 22 modernist
15 Tennessee
35 36 [37 38 [39 city
73 144 5 pT 17 Cheerios
48 49 [50 51 52 53 18 Moving
55 56 57 58 [59 i
pe 19 Makes into
60 61 [62 63 64 [65 law
21 Revealin
a 87 5s i ° Sr
[) ;
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76 77 78 25180 0 vaccine 47 Antiquated Stories 34 “May | do
: 0 r
£ plonee 48 Have a bug Sports that for
81 82 83 [84 85 86 87 2 25 Director 49 It's all in your venues you?”
< Howard head Cheaper 37 Eat like a
8 89 90 91 92 [93 ; . ! f
: g 26 Explosive 54 Hockey copies bird
94 [95 96. fooboall97 198 Libor metus g letters surface 10 Accomplish- 39 Scarlett
53 oto rt — 5 28lLeafpore "# 55 “what's in ment O’Hara and
| i g 31 Teensybit 11 Barracks her ilk
103 |104 [105 | 106 107 [108 1109 [110 11112113 | 3 33 A Seber 56 Rowing need beds 42 Karan of
$ Sister 57 — Angeles 16 Louis — fashion
118 Lb ' ;
iy js iid ad 2 35 Getan 58 Acquires 20 Can. prov. 44 Citrus
119 120 121 122 x — effort 59 Resort 21 Scottish beverage
i up) 5 36 Consume hillside 45 Jump (out)
fas 124 fully DOWN 22 Greek vowel 46 Puerto-
® 38 Priestly 1R 23 Flaws i foll
equest aws in ollower
vesiment 2 Skillet lumber 50 Erstwhile
40 Workweek Id 27 Dam org. of . acorn .
end (Abbr) counterpart 1933 51 Two, in
41 Weeded, ina 4 Learned one 29 Additional Ti uana
way 5 Foolish 30 Sahara-lke 52 Space
43 Rented 6 Super Bowl 32 Unstable 53 Historic time
Toys collected
at Meadows
During the holiday season, the
United States Marine Corp. spon-
sors a “Toys for Tots” campaign
that makes the season brighter
for more than 50,000 children.
Staff and friends of the Meadows
Nursing and Rehabilitation Cen-
ter, Dallas, joined in this project
and collected an array of toys for
children of all ages. From left,
seated, are Derrick Ellard and
Larry Hallock III.
Standing, Cor-
poral Velez, Joan Doran, Cristina
Tarbox, Meadows administrator;
Theresa Ozovek,
Joan Krispin,
Kristy Lindbuchler, Phyllis Sor-
ber, Alison Neely, Gary Kirk and
Coverage Area: The Dallas Post covers the
Corporal West.
Back Mountain community which includes the
Dallas and Lake-Lehman School Districts. We
try to get to as many events as possible, but
staff and space limitations make it impossible
to cover everything. If you have news about
your family, town or organization please send
it to us and we'll try to get it in. Photographs
are welcome. Send them two ways, by mail to
15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 or by
e-mail to E-mail is
the best and most timely method for submis-
sion. E-mailed photos should be in JPEG
format with a resolution of at least 200 dpi. The
deadline for all copy is Tuesday at noon. prior
to publication. Corrections, clarifications? The
Dallas Post will correct errors of fact or clarify
any misunderstandings, call 675-5211. Have
a story idea? Please call, we'd like to hear
about it. Letters: The Dallas Post prints letters
of local interest. Send letters to: Editor, The
Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA
18711. All letters must be signed and include a
daytime phone number for verification.
Fn sms prey #5
The Dallas Post
570-675-5211 *« FAX 570-675-3650
The Dallas Post satisfies most co-op ad programs and offers creative services at no charge. Combination rates with
Display Advertising Deadline: Tuesdays at 12 noon
Contact Diane McGee at 970-7153
The Dallas Post has a variety of advertising rates and programs.
The Abington Journal, Clarks Summit and the Sunday Dispatch, Pittston are available.
THE TIMES LE ADJER Community Newspaper Group
Dallas School Board
2000 Conyngham Ave., Dallas Township
The school board will hold a regular meeting at 7 p.m. in the
administration building next to Wycallis Elementary School.
Dallas Township Zoning Hearing Board
601 Tunkhannock Hwy. (Route 309), Dallas Township
The board will hold a hearing at 6 p.m. in the municipal building
for Chief Gathering LLC’s appeal to the zoning hearing board’s
decision made on Dec. 7, 2011 concerning a metering station to be
located off Hildebrandt Road.
Kingston Township
180 E. Center St., Shavertown
The board of supervisors will hold a regular meeting at 7:30
p.m. in the municipal building. The board will hold a public hear-
ing during the meeting about the 2012 fee schedule.
Dallas Township Zoning Hearing Board
601 Tunkhannock Hwy. (Route 309), Dallas Township
The board will hold a hearing at 6 p.m. in the municipal building
to make a decision on Williams Field Services LLC's request to
construct a metering facility off Lower Demunds Road.
You can now purchase any photo
that appears in The Dallas Post
Simply log onto www.timesleader.
for The Dallas Post.
Orders for subscriptions received by
Friday at noon will begin the follow-
ing week. Please inform us of dam-
age or delay, call 829-5000. The
Dallas Post is published weekly by
Impressions Media, $20 per year
in Luzerne & Wyoming Counties
(PA), $24 in NJ, NY and all other
PA counties, $27 all other states.
Periodicals postage paid at Wilkes-
Barre, PA 18701-9996 POSTMAS-
TER: Send address change to The
Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-
Barre, PA 18711
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