The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, January 01, 2012, Image 12
§ | PAGE 12 THE DALLAS POST Sunday, January 1, 2012 | 941 Apartments/ | 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished Unfurnished EXETER WILKES-BARRE Senior Apartments HEIGHTS 222 SCHOOLEY AVE. 57 Carbon Lane EXETER, PA 1 bedroom, 2nd Accepting appli- cations for 1 bed- room apartments. Quality apart- ments for ages 62 and older. Income limits apply. Rent only $450 month. *Utilities Included *Laundry Facilities *On Site Management *Private parking Call for appointment 570-654-5733 Monday - Friday 8am-12pm. Equal FW TOD} HAPPY NEW YEAR! Apartments Available KINGSTON, 1 & 2 bedroom units PLAINS, large 2 bedroom with bonus room PLAINS, efficien- cy 1 bedroom WILKES-BARRE, 1/2 double with 4 bedrooms WILKES-BARRE, 2 bedroom duplex building All Include: li S, Maintenance. Lease, Credit Check & Refer- ences Required. 570-899-3407 Tina Randazzo Property Mgr GET THE WORD OUT with a Classified Ad. 570-829-7130 KINGSTON ist floor, newly remodeled 1 bed- room, central heat & air, off-street parking, wall to wall, washer/dryer hook- up, No pets. $475. Call 570-288-9507 Bs A i Lies 941 Apartments/ utilities, & 2 months floor. Wall to wall carpet, eat in kitchen with appli- ances, off street parking, rear porch. $395 + utili- ties & security. 570-814-1356 WILKES-BARRE NORTH 815 N Washington Street, Rear 1 bedroom, wall to wall carpet, new paint & flooring, eat in kitchen with appli- ances, enclosed front & back porch, laundry facilities. heat, hot water and cable included. $520 + electric & security. No pets. Call 570-814-1356 WILKES-BARRE SOUTH SECURE BUILDINGS 1&2 bedroom apartments. Starting at $440 and up. References 315 PLAZA 750 & 1750 square feet and NEW SPACE 3,500 square feet OFFICE/RETAIL 570-829-1206 KINGSTON 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, new wall to wall carpeting, freshly painted, par- tial A/C, gas heat, large fenced in yard, walking dis- tance to Kingston Corners. All appli- ances, off-street parking, no pets. $700/month, plus security. Application & references. Unfurnished | Call 570-639-4907 INCE TEN KINGSTON MODERN! Sprague Ave. PARKSIDE APARTHENTS | 6 room, 2 bedroom on the park between Market & Pierce Bridges. 1 Bedroom Available Now $555/mo + electric 2 Bedroom Available March $600 Mo + electric Washer/dryer Air, Dishwasher, Park- ing, Storage. We allow pets! Call Jeff at 570-822-8577 NANTICOKE 603 Hanover St 2nd floor, 1 bed- room. No pets. $500 + security, util- ities & lease. Photos available. Call 570-542-5330 PITTSTON 2nd floor, 2 bed- rooms, 1 bathroom, refrigerator & stove provided, washer/ dryer hookup, pets negotiable. $525/ month, water and sewer paid, security and lease required. Call 570-237-6277 Do you need more space? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way to clean out your closets! You're in bussiness with classified! WILKES-BARRE 151 W. River St. NEAR WILKES 1st floor. 2 bed- rooms, carpet. Appliances includ- ed. Sewer & trash paid. Tenant pays gas, water & elec- tric. Pet friendly. Security deposit & 1st months rent required. $600. 570-969-9268 WILKES-BARRE 155 W. River St. 1 bedroom, some utilities & appliances included, hardwood floors, Pet friendly. $600/month. Call 570-969-9268 WILKES-BARRE 264 Academy St 1.5 bedrooms, newly renovated building. Washer & dryer available. $600/per month includes heat, hot water and parking. 646-712-1286 570-328-9896 570-855-4744 hk WILKES-BARRE “GENERAL HOSPITAL” VICINITY Super Clean, remodeled compact 3 rooms, laundry, appliances, off street parking 1 car. $470 + utilities. EMPLOYMENT, CREDIT, LEASE REQUIRED. NO PETS/SMOKING. Managed Building! AMERICA REALTY 288-1422 duplex, includes 2nd and 3rd floor. Con- venient to Wyoming Ave. Washer/dryer hook-up, basement storage, $550 / month + utilities, security & lease. NO PETS.570-793-6294 NEW ToD PLAINS 3 bedroom, fresh paint, new hard- wood/tile/carpet, gas heat, new bath. Includes stove and fridge. $695/month plus utilities, secu- rity deposit and references Call Scott 570-714-2431 Ext. 137 PLAINS 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, large eat in kitchen includes stove, w/w carpet, off street parking central air/ heat, washer/dryer hook-up $660 +utili- ties. Security deposit & lease. 570-829-4357 LINE UP A GREAT DEAL... IN CLASSIFIED! Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It's a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! WEST PITTSTON MAINTENANCE FREE! 2 bedroom. Off street parking. No smoking. $550 + utilities, security & last month. 570-885-4206 WILKES-BARRE 176 Charles St TOWNHOUSE STYLE, 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath, Not Section 8 $550/ approved. month + utilities. Ref- erences & security required. Available now! 570-301-2785 953 Houses for Rent FW TODA LAFLIN 2 bedrooms, 1.5 car garage. Appliances. ist month rent, security & refer- ences. $625 + utili- ties. 570-332-9355 953 Houses for Rent FW TODA LILY LAKE Like new 2 bed- room, 1 bath Ranch with appliances, washer/dryer, oil heat, large yard. No pets, no smoking. References. Crimi- nal/credit check. $850/mo plus utili- ties and security. 570-379-3232 leave message EW TO04 MOUNTAIN TOP AREA NEAR LILY LAKE AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bath, Farm house. Modern kitchen, hardwood floors. $950/month + security & 1 year lease Call 570-379-2258 NANTICOKE Desirable Lexington Village Nanticoke, PA Many ranch style homes. 2 bedrooms 2 Free Months With A 2 Year Lease $795 + electric SQUARE FOOT RE MANAGEMENT 866-873-0478 SALEM TWP. 3 bedroom home on 24 acres with 1000 ft of creek. Private, secluded, next to state game land. Kitchen with appli- ances. Laundry room. 2 bedrooms, full bath on 1st floor. Master bedroom, bath on 2nd floor. Enclosed hot tub, opens to deck. 2 car garage. Electric fence for dogs. Water, sewer included. Berwick School District.: 10 minutes from Berwick Power Plant. $1500 month. 570-542-7564 974 Wanted to Rent Real Estate BACK MOUNTAIN Responsible woman needs apartment or home living quarters in Back Mountain. References avail- able. Call 570-760-1213 1057Construction & Building EW TO04 GARAGE DOOR Sales, service, installation & repair. FULLY INSURED HIC# 065008 CALL JOE 570-606-7489 570-735-8551 Shopping for a new apartment? Classified lets you compare costs - without hassle or worry! Get moving with classified! EW TODA PRO FORCE PAINTING & CONSTRUCTION Interior & exterior [o-1lg1ulaTe FAI I 4 oT=t] of remodeling, & fol(lnglollale Mu Sigolgls E=lglo ll oX-Tol elo god a Io1S [g=ToL-11g=To IH (g=TelF=Tol=To! (0-11 Sy do Erc oy BV ¥4 Yh rg 1156 JEW T000 NEPA LONG TERM CARE AGENCY Long Term Care Insurance products Reputable Companies. 570-580-0797 Free Consult 468 Auto Parts RVING ION fi VEHICLES LEZ S125 EX) | ’ » HA JH \ » all DRA | | Monday thru Saturday 6am-9pm e Happy Trails! OR PUSHED ays More 154) PLACE YOUR OWN CLASSIFIED AD ONLINE? IT’S FAST AND EASY! PLUS, YOUR AD WILL RUN FREE FOR ITEMS PRICED UNDER $1000. JUST GO TO TIMESLEADER.COM, ROLL OVER “CLASSIFIED ADS” AND CLICK “PLACE YOUR AD.” Our online system will let you place ia: ‘885! snes: $6.00 Announcements, Automotive ie Merchandise, Pets & Animals, Rea Estate and Garage Sales. Customize the way your ad looks | and then find it in the next day's | edition of The Times Leader, in our | weekly newspapers and online ot | Your od will appear in the next day's paper if placed online before 4 p.m. Mon. through Thurs. Place on Friday before 1 p.m. for Saturday's paper and before 4 p.m. . i . ne for Sunday's paper. i ONLY ONE LEADER. 3 8 Aes vi as & 4 J : Es 4g 5 & i bs Eu i ho: ad WASHER / DRYER / RANGE REFRIGERATOR Bring in old part with model # and serial # APPLIANCE PARTS & SUPPLY 936 Market Street, Kingston Open 9-4:30-Sat ‘til Noon - 288-5526 AUTO BODY HONE: (570) 823-2211 FAX: (570) 824-0553 Penden Benders INSURANCE ESTIMATES e COLLISION REPAIRS FOREIGN & DOMESTIC © QUALITY CRAFTSMANSHIP 105 WEST SAYLOR AVE. PLAINS, PA 18702 CALL RICK OR NICK Repairs ¥ Maintenance # Construction 179 Lewis Ave. Telephone __ Trucksville, PA 18708 570.696.1307 _—r davermonkelectric@ephonet We Do It All! Auto * Commercial Residential 596 Carey Ave,. W-B se 822-8133 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Exterior Home Improvements By NORTHEAST WINDOW, INC. Locally Owned & Operated Since 1987 + Windows * Storm Doors * Siding * Vinyl Railings * Enclosures * Roofing * Fiberglass Doors ¢ And More FREE ESTIMATES 210:654.4220 teen KITCHEN & BATH CONTRACTOR COUNTER TOPSD(«* BE 1'ULL SERVICE RKrrcHEN AND BATHROOM CONTRACTOR * Tile/Hardwood Floors * Kitchen Cabinets * Interior Woodwork ¢ Storage Unit * Closet Systems e Custom Built In For HU Youn Tutenion Home Tmpravement Meeds 570.693.4350 PA CONTRACTOR 570.371.9917 055641 e Countertop Replacements TSMITH & MILLER _ PREFERRED CONTRACTOR vip ©. SINCE1976 ROOFING, INC. * Flat Roofs ¢ Shingles ¢ Siding * Replacement Windows Free Estimates - Licensed & Insured WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED ROBERT SMITH, WEST PITTSTON 655-6710 HIC# PA-005521 WOOD-COAL STOVES/FIREPLAGES _Gas and 0il Prices...THRU THE ROOF:! _ “Back To Basics” FREE al A Fireplace & Stove Shoppe ILAYAWAYS == “The Best Kept Secret in the Back Mountain” : Visit Our Beautiful 20,000 Sq. Ft. Country Showroom! Dallas, PA 675-2266 Hours: Tues. 9-7 » Wed., Thurs., Fri. 9-5:30 « Sat. 9-4 « Closed Sun. & Mon.