The Dallas Post Dallas, PA Wednesday, December 9, 1992 5 AD TO SOMALIA 5 Fo oy TI Wu No quick fix for the health care system By J.W. JOHNSON + The old doctor raised his finger and stabbed the air with it for : .emphasis. +. “Itwould be the worst thing ever .. to happen to medicine here.” he “it” referred to is socialized 24 icine. 5; And the doctor who is so _~adamantly opposed to it knows _. whereof he speaks. He worked as a ~ doctor in socialized medicine for more than 17 years. + The entire question of health care, its delivery and how we are ~ going to pay for it, was a chief __elementin the presidential election, ~,as it was in State elections . throughout the United States. That .rincluded Pennsylvania, where Sen. », Harris Wolfford used the issue last year to defeat the then thought to unbeatable former Governor #nard Thornburgh. Each time the health care football is tossed around, someone favs come in with the big third 17d%vn play that the United States beought to adopt the health care rosystem used by our neighbor 1 Canada. 51. My doctor frierid throws up his ‘~hands; “If that is done, then it will cost much, much more, and «patients will suffer.” (I saw some of »what he was talking about when I ~ lived on the Canadian border many “iyears ago.). 1 Andifyou think that adoption of i0oCanada's plan is so much campaign rhetoric, then please < =ow that a bill doing just that has gi e than 70 sponsors in the “+House of Representatives, and Sen. + Paul Wellstone from Minnesota has introduced a similar measure in Tithe Senate. : “+ But to be fair, let's outline how the Canadian system works: When a Canadian visits his or Dallas Twp. ‘'ok's new road of