Water Quality Answers HOW WATER BECOMES POLLUTED If water, as it occurs in nature, were “pure” water, there would be no need [or water testing or water treatment. But, unfortunately, whatever the source, water contains impurities in solution or in suspension. As rainwater descends through the air, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide are dissolved in the falling water. It also encounters dust, smoke, and other impurities which are dissolved or retained in suspension. Bacteria and the spores of microscopic organisms may also be picked up. Rainwater, in descending through the air and in percolating through the upper layers of the soil, absorbs carbon dioxide which combines with water so that it dissolves a certain amount of the mineral matter of the soil or rocks : 3 which it comes in contact. Water obtained from the surface streams may be rendered turbid by the presence of clay or silt. Agricultural land may contribute to the organic matter and may pollute the water with animal wastes. Swamps may discharge their waters during floods and carry decayed vegetable matter, color, and microscopic organisms into the stream. In addition, surface water is exposed to pollution by animals, humans, cily sewage and the wastes of industries. The water obtained from deep wells usually contains relatively high concentrations of dissolved minerals, metals, or salts. These waters are normally clear and colorless, however chemical impurities are present in all natural waters and a water test is 8 essential to find the maximum amounts of these impurities which may be tolerated. : With all the talk these days about water pollution, more and more people have begun to take a hard look at the quality of water coming into their homes, not only lor drinking and cooking but also for bathing and washing. Quality water is no longer a matter of chance; it is a question of choice. The decision ... and control ... is in your hands. Please Cut-Out this Pre-Addressed Post Card and Mail Today Thank You RETURN ADDRESS HERE : | | NO NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES BUSINESS REPLY FIRST CLASS MAIL PERMIT NO. 6 TUNKHANNOCK, PA POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE Endless Mts. Clean Walter HOME WATER TESTING LABORATORY Route 4 Giant Plaza P.O. Box 157 CAUTION: WATER PROBLEMS MAY BE HAVE YOUR WATER TESTED TODAY !!! HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH. | Tunkhannock, PA 18657-9984 beadithodesllundddwdl odin hlvdud uid