MY APOLOGIES to the three firemen who “Dpeared in a photograph on the front page of last week’s Dallas ost. The three were incorrectly identified as being from the Kingston Fire Department when actually two of the firefighters were from the Kunkle Fire Department and the other is from the Dallas Fire Department. e three were using ads: foot ground ladder belonging to the Dallas Fire Department during a drill to commemorate Fire Prevention Week. Thanks to Dallas Fire Chief Bob Besecker for bringing this error to my attention. of abortion on demand. We cannot reach that lie saving goal by voting for a write-in pro-life candidate who cannot be elected. Nor can we achieve our goal by not voting. Four thousand babies a day are dying from abortion. The election of Arlen Specter can bring us one step closer to ending this national scan- dal. The choice for pro-life voters on November 4 is, then, clearcut, necessary and vital. GRETCHEN O’BOYLE SCRANTON DEAR EDITOR: As a pediatrician dedicated to the health and safety of children, I am concerned about the increasing amount of violence shown on televi- sion. Next to the family, television is one of the major influences in a child’s devel- opment, and it can serve a very positive, educational role. Unfortunately, televi- sion also can serve a nega- tive role, such as exposing children to excessive amounts of violence. In the past six years, the amount of violence shown on American television has dou- bled; children are bearing the brunt of this increase. Research shows that chil- drens’ television programs are six times as violent as adults’ shows. During one hour of Satioopwalehing, children are exposed fo about 20 acts of violence. In the course of a year, the average American child watches approvimately 12,- 000 violent episodes. Dozens of studies have shown that children and adolescents can imitate the violence they see on television. E Senator Paul Simon (D-IL) has introduced legislation that would provide an exemption from the antitrust laws to allow the television networks, independent sta- tions, and the cable industry to work together to reduce television violence. The leg- islation also would order the Federal Communications Commission to conduct a definitive study of television violence. These bills, S.2322 and 5.2323, supported by the American Academy of Pediatrics, should be coming up soon for a vote on the Senate floor. I urge Senators Heinz and Spector to vote in favor of the bills. Concerned parents should contact their own senators to urge action on behalf of this important legislation. USAN S. ARONSON, M.D. PA CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS VN