By CHARLOT M. DENMON Staff Correspondent Ed Connor of Dallas learned to cook when his parents would go on vacation and he was home alone. He had two choices — dine out or learn to prepare food at home, so Ed decided to try the latter. He enjoyed trying new ideas, so he seldom tried prepar- ing recipes from a cookbook but used his own creativity. “I found adding a little of this and a little of that was interest- ing and, before long, I became intrigued with creating original i and different foods,” he said. : “3 Day Chili is probably my favorite, probably because it requires so much time,” Connor added. “Time is the important factor in bringing out the flavor in this chili recipe.” Ed, who has lived in Dallas since 1961 and is single, is a self- employed insurance agent in Kingston. A graduate of Dallas High School and the University of Pittsburgh where he received a B.A. degree in English, he is also involved with the recruit- ment of prospective student-ath- letes from this area for the university. In addition to cooking, Ed enjoys bowling and is a member of a league in Wilkes-Barre. He also golfs, hikes and goes camp- ing. When at home, in his leisure time Ed enjoys music, particu- ‘ larly classic, rock, country and t jazz. He is an extensive traveler and has covered about 27 or 28 of the 50 states, and is usually accom- panied by his camera for Ed is an enthusiastic photographer. He is active with the West Side Jaycees, past president of the organization and presently, he is vice president of the Back Moun- tain Ambulance Association and an active memer of that and the Dallas Fire Company and Ambulance. He is a certified Emergency Medical Technician and serves as corresponding sec- retary for the Fire and Ambul- ance. Ed shares three of his favorite recipes with this week’s Dallas 9 8 Post readers, three which are not ? too difficult to prepare but are gourmet in taste. The Macaroni Salad is easy to 2 Checking his recipes Dallas Post/Charlot M. Denmon prepare and has a slightly differ- ent flavor than most. It is an excellent dish for warm weather for dining indoors or from out-of- doors events. The Poached Fish can be served with a tomato salad or as a complete meal when served with potatoes or wild rice, hot green vegetables and a favorite salad. Top it off with a favorite lemon dessert and beverage. The 3-Day Chili is a meal in itself. Serve with Italian Bread and dessert and if desired, cold beer. MACARONI SALAD 8 0z. elbow macaroni 2 med. size carrots, shredded 2 stalks celery, finely chopped % med. to lg. green pepper, finely chopped 2 eggs, shredded 4-6 T. mayonnaise or salad dress- ing (to taste) 3 oz. unsweetened pineapple juice 1 T. hamburger relish Boil macaroni for 12 minutes or to suit taste texture. Let set for approximately 20 minutes to cool. While boiling macaroni, also boil the eggs and let them cool while macaroni is cooling. When eggs and macaroni have cooled, dice eggs, carrots, slice celery and peppers and mix in a large bowl with the macaroni, mixing preferably with your hands. After mixing for about five minutes, add mayonnaise and unsweetened pineapple juice. After these are thoroughly mixed, add relish and stir. For best results, refrigerate for at least six hours before serving. POACHED FISH 1 c. white wine 16 oz. flounder or salmon+ ++ % c. dried mixed vegetables + + +Other fish may be used if preferred. In large teflon skillet, place fish and combine other ingredi- ents. Use a low to medium heat cooking approximately one minute for each ounce. Cover skillet while cooking. 3-DAY CHILI 1 c. diced celery 1 c. diced green & red peppers 1, c. diced onion 1% c. diced tomatoes 3 10-0z. cans kidney beans 2 6-0z. cans tomato sauce Italian seasoning (to taste) Garlic powder (to taste) 1%, Ibs. ground meat 1-2 T. chili powder Salt & pepper to taste Optional: 2 chopped boiled pota- toes 12-0z beer Reason this is referred to as 3- Day Chili is because it literally takes three days to make it. Day one simply slice and dice vegeta- then transferring them to a plas- tic bag. When they are in the plastic bag, add your favorite Italian seasoning, garlic powder, salt and pepper. Shake ingredi- ents until thoroughly mixed. Let refrigerate for 24 hours. Day two, take ingredients from refrigerator, mix in a large pot with ground meat, kidney beans, tomato paste and chili powder. Make certain after browning meat, to drain excess fat, mix ingredients and simmer on medium flame for 45 minutes stirring frequently. Let cook and refrigerate for 24 hours. Day three, reheat mixture, and if desired add hot sauce to taste. Served with fresh Italian bread, makes a really delicious meal. Probably the most talked-about group of nutrients is vitamins. Most people believe that vitamins are important and good for them. Many also have the notion “if a littke is good, more must be better” — a fallacy which can be dangerous when applied to vitamin supplemen- tation, according to Dairy, Food and Nutritional Council. About 14 vitamins are known to be needed for health. Recommended amounts have been established for ten. Vitamins function primarily as catalysts - action regulators - in \ chemical reactions within the body. gs ® Vitamins are essential for the = release of energy within the body, for tissue building and for control- fing the body’s use of food. By themselves, vitamins do not supply energy or build tissues. Each vitamin serves one or more special functions in the body that no other nutrient can. Frequently vitamins are classified “by their solubility in fat or water. The fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K are stored by the body. Water-soluble vitamin C, thiamin, niacin, and riboflavin are not stored to any extent. Vitamins are measured in extremely small amounts - in milli- grams (one-thousandth of a gram) and in micrograms (one-millionth of a gram) or in International Units (IU). IU measures the potency; the ability to promote growth or cure a deficiency disease. An inadequacy of a minute amount of a vitamin can have far- reaching effects on body processes and health. Too much of certain vitamins, though seemingly a small amount, can produce harmful toxic conditions. Most vitamins need to be providea daily because the body cannot syn- thesize vitamins in sufficient amounts. Ordinarily, a well-chosen Creative Kitchens and Vaths. *'WE'RE THE PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT YOU AND YOUR HOME" . Featuring A Kraft Maid Kitchen & Bath Cabinetry * Don't forget our complete line of goods and services Toe estimate & layout HOURS: Closed — Mon. Open Tues.-Fri. 9 8; mn -4 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. Rt. 309 neo Dn Cross-Country Restaurant (717) 836-6801 vitamins variety of commonly available foods in daily meals and snacks will provide adequate amounts of essen- tial vitamins. ® Pregnancy Terminations to 14 weeks ® Confidential Counseling ® One Visit Salomon Epstein, M.D. 2548 Vestal Parkway, East Vestal 607-770-9011 Welcome The recent arrival of the newest member of your household is the perfect time to arrange for a WEL- COME WAGON call. I'm your WELCOME WAGON rep- resentative and my basket is full of tree. gifts for the family. Plus lots of helpful information on the special world of babies. Call now and let's celebrate your i baby. 675-2070 Metame gon without Hemel. Our Hostess’ Gifts and In- formation are the Key to Your New Community Call 675-2070 \ The Mest Famous Rasket in the Word © ; weight? Try the Want a diet in whieh you can lose 10 to 15 pounds in 21 days and then take a vacation from the weight-loss regimen? Then, reports the August Reader’s Digest, the Rotation Diet may be for you. On it, you rotate between three- week periods of quick weight-loss and rest-maintenance periods during which you can go off the diet. During Week 1, women con- sume 600 calories a day for three days, followed by 900 calories a day for four days. Week 2 allows for 1,200 calories a day. Week 3 repeats the 600-900 calorie rotation. Men are permitted 1,200-1,500 calories a day during the first and third weeks and 1,800 calories a day the second week. After 21 days you stop dieting for one to three weeks - the length of time is up to you. Then, if you have more weight to lose, you diet for another 21 days. For many people, one rotation is enough. With the Rotation Diet, you have a good chance of keeping the pounds off. When caloric intake is restricted during a typical crash diet, your metabolic rate - the speed with which your body burns calo- ries. Body temperature falls, heart- rate slows, and other body functions are reduced - all in an effort to conserve energy. This metabolic adaptation is called the starvation response. But research indicates that t here is no reduction in meta- bolic rate with the Rotation Diet. Instead, many participants actually showed an increase. This means Betty McDonald OWNER NUMBER 9 i 0) IMR ff fly J : oi 5-08 wn SALE ~~ §%B5 THEE ASUAL SUMMER 2% 28 © MAM CLOTHES is 52 2 2232s Las Facn ris o 858 2 Kingston (717) 283-2125 that they were increasing their abil- ity to eat after the diet without regaining weight. In fact, with a wise choice of foods and a reasonably active life- style, most people can at up to 20 percent more calories a day than they are now eating and not gain weight. How can the Rotation Diet short- circuit the starvation response? First, says Martin Katahn, origina- tor of the diet and director of the Vanderbilt University Weight Man- agement Program, you eat a vari- ety of foods. (High Protein) diets that cut out such carbohydrates as bread, potatoes, fruits and vegeta- bles are more likely to slow the metabolic rate.) Second, you don’t stay on a calorie intake below 1,200 calories for more than a week. And third, if you are sedentary, you are urged to be more active. A 30-minute ‘exercise session - | g 7H, § oh 7 L All Spring & Summer & y | ogg 0 wir 1%. 79 Merchandise | oe Phono (717) 869-1166 5 0 5 OFF Original to 0 OE Fall Merchandise Arriving Daily . All Sales Final Dallas Shopping Center ® Dallas, Pa. 18612 © 675-0447 Narrows Shopping Center ® Edwardsville, Pa. 18704 e 287-1730 Open Mon., Tues., Wed., Sat. 10-6 Thurs. & Fri. 10-9 J SPRING & SUMMER MEN'S .sporTSWEAR TENNISWEAR SWIMWEAR & SPRING & SUMMER DRESS SHIRTS CASH SALES ONLY — ALL SALES FINAL (Does not include layaways, prev. purchases, in-stock items) 50 0% | ie. MEN'S PRN So NR SHOES » SPORTCOATS © DRESS SLACKS for something special Suburban Casuals o 778 Kidder St., Wilkes-Barre OPEN 9-9 DAILY/SUNDAY 12-5 o Laurel Mall, Hazleton OPEN 10-9 DAILY/Sunday 12-5 New York Presents SALVATORE'S Hair Cutting and Design i PRECISION HAIRCUTTING FOR MEN & WOMEN i | PERM WAVING DIMENSIONAL COLORING MANICURES SCULPTURED NAILS Appointment Not Always Necessary Roxanne Opalicki—Owner/Manager i Rt. 309—415 Plaza, Dallas 675-8878 ED