To offer you better service, MIMMO'S Pizza now delivers straight to your door . . . Give us a call . . . You'll LOVE our Pizza and Service. FREE DELIVERY MINIMUM DELIVERY ORDER IS $6.00 Mimmo’s Pizza 1) Shrimp in the Basket w/French Fries ............ $3.18 2) Fish Sticks wikrench Fries... 0. iii $1.75 2) Hot Degeiisr 5 alam ooo ii ens 2/99¢ 4) 6-oz. Hamburger w/French Fries ........ .... ... $1.99 5) 6-0z. Hamburger w/Lettuce, Tomato, Cheese and French Fries 6) French Fries 7) 4-oz. Breaded Veal Parmigiana Sub ........ .. .. $1.59 8) Breaded Chicken Fillet w/Lettuce, Tomato and French Fries