b e 13 Stock market studied Ninth grade students of the Dallas Junior High School are participating and competing in a ten- week ‘Stock Market Game’’. The game is sponsored by the national stock brokerage firm of Bucher & Singer. The Center of Economic Education, Widener University, Chester, PA supervises the program. Mrs. Dorothy L. Davis and Mr. John Baur of the Dallas Junior High faculty sponsor seven 3-4 member teams of students who invest and trade in theoretical amounts of $100,000 per team. Pictured above are student participants. From left, first row, Harry Campbell, Mark Fies, Kurt Leipinsky, Laura Lehman, John Ashton, Jared Samuels, John Gregg. Second row, Jennifer Sprear, Walter Fader, Allison Dombek, Allan Landis, Melissa Margis, Phil Navola, Myron Suchodolski, Jim O'Donnell. Third row, Hugh Mundy, Michael Dzanko, Scott Brady, Jim Evans, Scott Adams. Absent at the time of the photo were Paul Moore and James Newell. The Dallas Jr. High School Home School Association is sponsoring several Career Exploration Days for the ninth grade. the first was held on March 17. The speaker was Steven C. Fried- man, president of S. Friedman Associates, a Management Consult- ing Firm in Dallas. He gave the students an overview of various career fields that are expected to be good in the future and encouraged them to start now to think and to explore what they want to do. now available Shirley Smith, President of the Dallas Federated Woman’s Club, has announced that applications are currently being accepted for the local club’s 1986 Book Scholarship. High school seniors who reside in the Dallas Area School District are eligible for the award. The Scholarship, which will be worth a minimum of $100.00, will be based on scholastic ability, financial need, school activities and commu- nity involvement. Additional information and appli- cation forms are available at the Guidance Office of the Dallas Senior High School. Marks are late Because of the snow days, the third marking period for the Dallas Secondary Schools will not end until April 9, 1986. Report cards will be issued Thurs- day, April 18, 1986. SUSIE REDMOND CHRISTOPHER KUKOSKY is the son of Thomas and Mary Ann Kukosky. Chris was a member of the varsity football team and is presently on the varsity volleyball team. In his spare time he enjoys painting, listening to music, and hunting. Chris is undecided of what his future plans will include. -0- PATRICK HOZEMPA is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ignatius Hozempa of Lehman. In school Pat was a member of the varsity football team and is currently a volleyball player for the Knights. In his spare time he enjoys photography, going out with friends, and snowmobiling. Pat’s future plans include going to college for a medical degree. -0- KIMM STEFANOWICZ is the THOMAS STEPANSKI daughter of Henry Stefanowicz Jr. and Sharon Clark of Loyalville and Yuma, Arizona. Kimm is interested in horseback riding, swimming and sunbathing. She also prides herself on being a Dear Abby to her friends. Kimm plans on attending college to major in social work. i -0- MICHAEL SCHALL is the son of Ronald and Barbara Schall of Chase. Mike is a member of the track and cross-country teams. He enjoys skiing, surfing and cycling. Mike’s future plans include college (Penn State) to major in business. -0- CONGRATUALTIONS! The vol- leyball team recently competed in a tournament in Bethlehem and took first place after making it to finals. GET UNDER OUR GREAT SAVINGS Now only AND A S$ TWO YEAR SERVICE 5 aa % CONTRACT Ne | + Optional automatic ice maker (at extra cost) « Textured steel doors « 3 adjustable split wire cantilever refrigerator shelves « 2 deep freezer door shelves « Ice storage drawer 30 HEAVY DUTY WASHERS Number 1 in: Long life. Fewest repairs. Lowest service costs. | Brand i preference. * MODEL A412 ‘30 OFF BIG LOAD DRYERS The Number 1 Preferred Dryer. * Commercially proven. MODEL D312 SAT.-5 Application deadline scheduled Students interested in participat- Trustee Achievement Scholarship competition for the 1986-87 aca- demic year are reminded that the deadline for application is Wednes- day, April 2. John R. Eidam, Dean of Admissions, reports that there have been numerous inquiries made regarding the competition and now is the time to file the test applica- tion in order to be eligible. Two scholarships, one full and one half years tuition, will be awarded for one year each, regardless of economic need, to two students who demonstrate high citizenship quali- ties and perform well on a competi- tive examination scheduled for Sat- urday, April 5, at the west side prep school. Any student entering the ninth or tenth grade and not presently enrolled in Wyoming Seminary Upper School and are interested in competing for the scholarship should contact the Admissions Office at 288-7541. The Post MAN'S BEST FIEND the CLASSIFIEDS Even your best friend knows that the classifieds give you the answers you need! For anything you might want to SELL or BUY! CALLTODAY CLASSIFIEDS 675-5211 MICHAEL FARRIS IT’S BEGINNING to look like Easter around the school. The first graders have been working on rab- bits and Easter baskets for decora- tions in their homerooms, and the corridors are beginning to blossom with signs of Spring. THE BOX OF EASTER CANDY doanted by Mrs. Jack Jones and won by Melissa Posolka of 1-212, earned $30.00 for the Missions. The fifth graders who sponsored the raffle wish to thank the donor and those who participated. -0- TOM FINARELLI of 7-215 won the ‘Principal’s Award” for his display in the “Hall of Fame”, and was appointed monitor of the Mis- sions for the season of Lent. -0- MRS. GRAY’S THIRD GRADERS have been busy lately. Having com- pleted their posters of famous places in Washington, D.C. they are now involved in doing some creative writing about riding in a shoeshine chair. -0- DIANE MRS. WOJOCIE- - APRIL YATSKO CHOWSKI and her instrumental pupils, together with the children in grades 1, 2 and 3 and their teachers, enjoyed the Northeastern Philhar- monic’s presentation of the Family Pops Concert at the Irem Temple on Friday afternoon. Particularly enjoyable was Maurice Ravel’s fan- tasy, “The Mischievous Child” with Bob Brown’s puppets. -0- BEST EASTER JOY to all our readers. Contest slated The 1986 Luzerne County Teen Talent has been scheduled for April 27, by the Luzerne County Sunday School Association in cooperation with the Penna. State Sunday School Association. Teens interested in competing should obtain complete rules and entry blanks by calling the Associa- tion at 779-1772 or 825-7000 or write the Luzerne County Sunday School Association, 119 Girard Avenue, Plymouth, PA 18651. protected: Pg in