JACQUE HOLDREDGE is the daughter of John and Bina Hold- redge of Dallas. Jacque takes art lesscr's from Sue Hand in Dallas and is the art editor of the newspa- per. she is also a member of the yearbook staff. Jacque is also invol ed in the Rainbow Association for girls as the Grand Representa- tive of the Dallas chapter. In her spare time Jacque likes to write and paint. Jacque enjoys spending her summer leisure time camping in the Adirondacks. After high school Jacque would like to go to art schogl to major in interior design. -0- JENNIE JOLLEY is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Jolley of Truc! sville. Jennie is on the volley- ball eam at school and in her free time works at Franklin’s. Jennie plan: to attend college majoring in busir: ass. -0- KIM PARULIS is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parulis of Shavertown. Kim is a member of the chorus. In her spare time Kim DAWN ROTHROCK likes to read, dance and go to football games. Kim works part- time at the Mercy Center Convent. Kim plans on going to Keystone Junior College and majoring in For- estry-Conservation. -0- TIM KERN is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Kern of Dallas. Tim is a linebacker for the football team and wares jersey No. 14. Tim enjoys hunting in his spare time. He also works part time at Barrels, Whis- key and Rhyme. Tim plans on going to college to major in business. -0- COURTNEY DICK is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Dick of Trucksville. Courtney is a member of the field hockey team. Courtney was recently honored by being elected homecoming queen at Dallas. Courtney had previously been a member of the prom court. Courtney likes to jog and go out with her friends in her leisure time. Courtney plans on going to Miseri- cordia College to major in Social Work. KRISTYN POST -0- JULIE YAKOWSKI is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Yakowski of Carverton. Julie is a member of yearbook staff and the make-up crew for the fall play. In previous years Julie has been active on the field hockey team, the track team, and the steering committee. Julie likes to play practical jokes on Mr. Pope, the Sociology teacher at Dallas. After high school Julie plans on going to college possibly to the University of Scranton, her major is undecided. -0- UPCOMING ACTIVITIES: On Friday, Nov. 22, and Saturday, Nov. 23 the fall play, “A Curious Savage” will be put on at the high school auditorium. Marilyn Ward has the starring role in the drama, which is a comedy. Come out and see the play! With football season ending, basketball begins. Girls and boys basketball start practice soon and it won’t be long before basketball season begins in earnest. MICHAEL FARRIS FIST GRADE: The first grade class is getting ready for Thanks- giving and ‘Turkey Art.”’ Sr. Cath- erin: 's class is going to tell her, on Tues:lay, how to roast a turkey. This should be interesting. They also now a cute song about tur- keys Sr. Alice’s class is getting reac to “create” their own turkey. The ‘irst grade is already practicing their music for the Christmas play. This year it’s about robots and Sant: Claus. -0- GRADE TWO (2-201) is anxiously awaiting the return of thier teacher from her honeymoon. She will be Mrs. Ruch from now on. They alre dy are reminding everyone abou’ the name change. Mrs. Nancy Gary y has been ‘holding down the fort” and doing a very nice job; We’r: sure the children will miss her. -0- ! GHADES 2-202 AND 2-201 are leart ‘ng to count money; next week they are ‘going to the store.” They are : iso learning about spiders from the “cience teacher, Mrs. Wolver- ton. ‘hen, for art, they are trying their “hand at ‘scribble art.” We hope Van Gogh hasn'’t gone too far! -0- THE THIRD GRADES are cur- rently completing a plant growing project for Mrs. Wolverton, and also on their agenda is the Thanksgiving mural that will be hanging up for the holidays. Mrs. Umphred’s class is in the middle of a creative project involv- ing pine cones the children gathered from around their homes. I am told they will end up lookjgg like tur- keys. There will be a%éw awards for the largest and the cleverest, 0 FIFTH GRADERS are involved in crafts for the PTG Holiday Fair. Mrs. Hiller and students are making lapel pins from felt that will resem- APRIL YATSKO wreaths. Mrs. Albert’s students are doing ceram- ics to be used as tree ornaments. They are being directed by mem- bers of the PTG. The students seem to be really enjoying it. (Anywhere Any purchase in the U.S.A.) paid in full from UPS anywhere in for no charge. the continental USA OPEN 9-9 DAILY = L / SUNDAYS 11-5 WEEKDAYS 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M. Trip planned Fifty Lake-Lehman High School students are busy making plans to tour Britain during their Easter recess. Shown in the photo is Mr. Robert Roese, British literature instructor and tour leader, conducting a recent meeting for students and parents held in the high school library. The purpose of the meeting was to answer any questions students and or parents might have had concerning the trip as well as to discuss a proposed itinerary. The group will stay in London with day trips to various places of interest including: Windsor, Oxford, Warwick, Salisburg- Stonehenge, Bath, Wells and, since Chaucer is a favorite of Mr. Roese and students, a pilgrimage to Canterbury. The trip will also include an overnight train ride (with sleeping berths) to Edinburgh where everyone will experience a Scottish banquet at the North British Hotel as well as be afforded the opportunity to explore this ‘‘Athens of the North’’ on foot. The trip to a nation which gave birth and independence to the United States has become a popular event at the high school and in the community. Several parents will be accompanying their children on the trip and it is difficult to determine who is more excited. English pastries were provided by Conferences are conducted Parent Teacher Conferences were held Monday in the Dallas School District. This was the first conference of the school year where the teachers and parents shared their concerns for each individual student. By having such sessions, parents can and also what areas need develop- are held during the entire day on a one-to-one parent-to-teacher confer- ence. In observance of National Educa- tion Week, the Dallas Intermediate PTO will sponsor a Parent Teacher Tea on Wednesday, November 20, at 2:30 p.m. in the school cafeteria. This tea is being held as part of an parents become more acquainted with their teachers and their school activities. WILKES COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING AND THE 2 BEN FRANKLIN TECHNOLOGY CENTER OF LEHIGH UNIVERSITY, ANNOUNCE THE ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY SEMINAR SERIES DATE: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1985 TIME: 2:00-4:00 P.M. LOCATION: STARK LEARNING CENTER ROOM 101 TITLE: STRATEGIC PLANNING SPEAKER: CAPT. JOSEPH HANZEL, U.S. NAVY | BRANCH HEAD, LAUNCHER BRANCH STRATEGIC SYSTEMS PROGRAMS OFFICE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY SP-22 WASHINGTON D.C. THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SEMINAR. REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED. 5 | NS : 7 ALI J Co LY The DALLAS POST é