Bakery has new owner RCS By CHARLOT M. DENMON Staff Correspondent Bargain Bakery, Harveys Lake Highway, Dallas, has a new-owner - Karen Spudis of Dallas. Karen, although new owner of the bakery outlet store, is not new to most residents of Dallas. She is the former manager of Carol Carroll's No Appointment Hair Salon, located next door to Karen's new business. “I decided I wanted a change after doing hair-styling for 11 years,” said Karen. ‘‘So, I decided to try the bakery business when the opportunity came along.” Prior to managing Carol Car- ‘roll's, Karen was employed at Holi- day Hair Fashions for nine years. This is her first venture in business, but she is enthusiastic about it and has many plans for the future of the baked goods outlet. She has the store stocked with a wide variety of fresh breads includ- ing Arnold, Maier’s and Levy's. | Customers will find white, rye, | granola, oat, wheat, pumpernickel -.and specialty breads such as English Muffin. | Bargain Bakery also offers a line of fresh potato chips, pretzels, pop- corn, and snack crackers. There are also Tastykake pies and snack cakes, cookies, pies, spices, pre- serves and jellies, all at lower than regular prices. These are offered at | savings for the big family or per- sons on fixed incomes. . In the near future, Karen plans to have a weekly “Fresh Pie Day’’ and also run other specials from time to time. 3 The former Karen Strazdus, ~ daughter of the late August and Ann Strazdus, and a Back Mountain native, she purchased the Bargain Bakery Store from Pat and Earl | Rozelle, owners for the past three | years. The Bargain Bakery will be open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Friday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.; and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., for the convenience of shop- pers. Santa arrives at WV mall Santa and his reindeer have been spotted leaving their stomping grounds at Operation Santa Claus and heading for Wyoming Valley Mall. This normally serene herd of almost 100 reindeer tht make their home at Operation Santa Claus near Redmond, Oregon, become extremely restless as Christmas draws near. In groups of five, they head out to country. Each team consits of four sleigh reindeer and one ‘‘Rudolph’’. They will be visiting Wyoming Valley Mall on Sunday, Nov. 17th at noon. These popular reindeer teams are currently traveling to many other cities in Pennsylvania, New York, Virginia, Connecticut, Ohio, | Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Califor- nia, Oregon and Washington. New owner Karen Spudis, new owner of Bargain Bakery Delite on Route 415, Dallas, is shown here inside the store. Are you a viewer who believes that the majority of TV program- ming today is inferior, or perhaps one who has had a favorite series, a quality one, cancelled due to low ratings? Then the Viewers for Qual- ity Television is for you. The Viewers for Quality Televi- sion, co-founded by Dorothy Swan- son and Donna Deen, is an organiza- tion whose purpose is to band together those viewers who recog- nize and appreciate excellence on television, and to insure that no quality program ever again be can- celled due to poor ratings. Speaking on behalf of the VQT, Dorothy and Donna have appeared on such TV shows as ‘‘Entertain- ment Tonight,”’ ‘‘Good Morning America,” ‘‘Morning Break,” and “Town Hall.’ Membership in the organization is continually growing. Members are asked to write the networks applauding them for qual- ity shows, to TV critics, and to the advertisers of quality shows, thank- ing them for their sponsorship. Readers are probably now asking themselves what constitutes a qual- ity television show. According to the co-founders of the VQT, “It is a show that dares to be different. It is innovative and usually requires some time to develop a core audi- ence. A quality show is realistic and intelligently combines drama, humor and pathos. It is well writ- ten, sensitively directed, and superbly acted. Every episode con- tains potential to entertain, inform, and enlighten. A quality television show captures our hearts and our minds, not just our. fancy. It involves us. We feel that we are there. The characters become so real that we feel we know them. When a quality televi- sion show ends, we do not shut off our TVs and forget who and what we have seen. We have assimilated. The characters remain with us. They have moved us and made us think, and we are grateful for that gift. A quality television show is a statement. A quality television show attracts and keeps a fiercely loyal following. We dare to name a few quality shows currently on network television: St. Elsewhere, Cagney & Lacey, Hill Street Blues, Miami Vice, Cheers, The Cosby Show and Kate and Allie. A quality television show is a rare gift to be kept and cherished, even fought for if necessary. We urge viewers to write the networks and ask them to continue their favorite quality television show. The Ameri- satisfied with - is comlacent with. Cagney & Lacy, while a rare excep- tion, proved that the democratic process, even in television, works. Viewers not only have a vote, they have power - and a responsibility. They should exercise it, and not leave it to the anonymous. 1700 Nielsen families. Discerning view- ers want and need intelligent series. But unless they demand it, they may not get it.” Anyone interested can write to either Dorothy Swanson, VQT, 28 Westwood Drive, Hillsdale, MI 49242; or Donna Deen, VQT, 2700 Knollwood Court, Plano, TX 75075. (Debbey Wysocki is the entertain- ment writer for The Dallas Post.) 696-3868 Emergency Care at all hrs. Parking On Premises Day, Evening & Sat. Appointments Mainline Building 121 S. Memorial Highway Shavertown, 18708 (Next to Howard Duke Isaacs) The Bay Window Shops a perfect blend of antiques & original handcrafted gifts by 14 artisans Fri., Nov. 15, 10-8; Sat., Nov. 16, 10-5 Sunday, Nov. 17, 1-5 104 E. Overbrook Rd., Shavertown MC/VISA 675-6400 The Welcome Wagon Hostess with The Most Famous Basket in the World® CALL ewe) fgn. Phone 675-2070 > ” - ’ + Most personal checking accounts are real losers. Because the money you deposit into them just sits there. Doing nothing. But no more! Because now United Penn Bank offers you Hard Working Checking. And it’s a real winner. Here’s how it works: On balances up to $500, it’s a regular checking account. 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