By CHARLOT M. DENMON Staff Correspondent “I make a lot of casserole meals and soups,” said Sharen Holdredge of Norton Avenue, Dallas. “They are a favorite with our three boys, as well as with my husband, Donald, and they are ideal for the Fall and Winter months which are fast approaching.” Most of Sharen’s recipes are family favorites, handed down from members of her family or from those in her husband’s family. Sharen was one of seven children and, according to her, her father was an excellent cook and taught each of his children how to cook. With three active boys, Sharen finds the many recipes she has for casserole dishes, makes meal prep- aration a much easier task than usual. Sharen, a native of Larksville, graduated from Larksville High School in 1965. Her husband, Donald, a Dallas native, graduated from Dallas High School the same year. The couple met while attend- ing college. They have resided in their Norton Avenue home for the past 14 years. Their oldest son, Daniel, is in 10th grade at Dallas Senior High; David is a fifth grade student at Dallas; and Donald, Jr., is in second grade at Dallas Township. David is a carrier for The Dallas Post, having inherited the route from his older brother, Daniel. All three boys are active in soccer, baseball and scouting, so Sharen is kept busy driving them to and from their various practices and meetings. Daniel recently passed the board for his Eagle Scout Award, David is a Webelo and Donald is waiting for his eighth birthday so he can join Scouts. Daniel is a member of the Teen- ers League, David plays on one of the major league teams and Donald, Jr.; played on a Back Mountain Farm Team this past season. Sharen is treasurer of Cub Scout Pack 281, Dallas and also works in the Dallas School District cafeteria. Donald, Sr. is advancement chair- man of Troop 281 Boy Scouts. The Holdredges enjoy family camping and have camped in New York, Canada and Virginia. Each year, it is a family tradition that they camp in the Adirondacks. Both Don and Sampling the goods evening dinner. Sharen are members of the Dallas Parents Soccer Association and the entire family attends Trucksville U.M. Church. The recipes Sharen shares with Post readers this week are special favorites of her family. They are easy to prepare, economical and make a very tasty meal when served with a salad and dessert. She includes two casserole recipes and two of her sons favorite dessert recipes. Missouri is a family recipe long a favorite with everyone, and the Chicken Rice Casserole is a favorite of her sons. The Pumpkin Cookies are ideal for this time of year and the Jello Dessert is not only a ® Pregnancy Terminati 14 weeks * Confidential Counseling ® One Visit Office of Salomon Epstein, M.D. Binghamton Plaza 607-772-8757 ons to favorite of the family but of the Holdredge family’s friends as well. MISSOURI 8-10 med. potatoes, sliced 2 Ibs. ground meat 3 beef bouillon cubes (dissolved in 2 c. boiling water) 2 T. vegetable flakes (dissolved in % c. cold water) 1 packet onion broth 1 can cream mushroom soup Fry ground beef till brown and separated. Put in pot and add bouil- lon mixture, vegetable flakes mix- ture, soup and onion broth. Simmer five minutes. Place half of meat mixture in bottom of casserole add layer of potatoes. Cover with remaining meat mixture and place remaining potatoes on top. Cook at 350 degrees for 13-2 hours. Turn down temperature the last half hour. : CHICKEN RICE CASSEROLE 2-2% 1b. chicken parts 3/4 c. uncooked rice (not minute) 1 can cream of chicken soup 1.can milk Salt & pepper to taste Garlic salt, if desired Cook chicken parts, reserve broth. Remove skin and debone chicken. Sprinkle half package of Lipton Onion Soup to broth and put in chicken parts. In greased casserole, put in the chicken, broth, rice, soup and milk. Sprinkle with seasonings. Bake at 325 degrees for 1-1% hours. PUMPKIN COOKIES 1 c. granulated sugar 1 ¢. brown sugar 1c. oil 2 eggs 1t. salt 1 t. baking soda 1 t. cinnamon 1 t. nutmeg 1% c. pumpkin 3 c. flour 1 c. chopped nuts 1t. vanilla Raisins, optional Cream margarine and sugar, add remaining ingredients and mix well. Drop from teaspoon onto greased cookie sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for 12-15 minutes. If fresh pumpkin is used, cook, mash and drain off liquid. JELLO SALAD 1 3-0z. pkg. lime or orange jello 1 pt. vanilla ice cream fo The Welcome Wagon Hostess with The Most Famous Basket in the World® CALL Meoneigon. Phone 675-2070 el 1 med. can crushed pineapple 1 can mandarin oranges, cut in small pieces Drain the fruit. Mix jello with one cup boiling water. Add ice cream and mix till dissolved; add fruit and mix well. Put mixture in pan and refrigerate until it sets (few hours). Mixture can also be put in jello mold. + Fruit is optional. Betty McDonald owner NUMBER 9 SHOP 9 W. Northampton St. (corner S. 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