The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, July 24, 1985, Image 9

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* SHERKSNAS, Point Breeze, are
absolutely delighted with their first
great-grandchild Elizabeth Ann
Ambrose. Elizabeth Ann weighted
in at 8 Ib. 13 oz. She is 19 inches long
and has loads of beautiful dark
brown hair. | FT :
Elizabeth is the
daughter of Bar-
bara and Bob }
Ambrose, Wilkes-
Barre. She is the
first grandchild
for paternal
Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Ambrose, * :
Lake Nuangola. KINGSBURY
She is also the first grandchild for
maternal grandparents Mr. and
Mrs. Anthony Sosnowski, Orange
and the first great grandchild for
Mrs. Sophie Sudnick, Orange.
held for those wishing to keep
Bishop O’Reilly opened last week.
Although enrollment numbers are
down, I, like many others, am
thrilled to see the board of pastors
has reached a decision to keep the
school operating. A lot can be said
for a small school, where students
and faculty really know each other;
where students are able to receive
the individual attention they need.
Of course, financial considerations
enter into the picture, but I'm glad
the pastors have listened to the
concerns of the parents of Bishop
O'Reilly students and have agreed
to keep the school opened.
WITZ, who are living in Dallas,
Texas following a wedding trip to
Hawaii, were recently married in
Hightstown, N.J.
Rev. David G. Burke, father of
the bride, and Rev. James Egan
performed the ceremony in St.
Paul’s Lutheran Church, Hights-
Mrs. Bonawitz, the former Penny
Joann Burke, is the daughter of
Rev. and Mrs. David G. Burke,
Hightstown, N.J. She is a graduate
of Rider College with a Bachelor’s
Mr. Bonawitz is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Evan Bonawitz, is a grad-
' uate of Lycoming College. -He
earned his Masters Degree from
Princeton University. ‘He is
employed as sales engineer at North
American Philips Lighting Corp.,
Dallas, Texas.
WHITE, 340 NW 19th St., Boca
Raton, Fla. announce the birth of
their son Jared Oliver on June 28.
They also have a son, Michael.
Mrs. White is the former Lori
Hoffecker, daughter of Mrs. Mary
Hoffecker, Dallas and Mr. Charles
Hoffecker, Deerfield Beach, Fla.
Jared is the fourth grandchild for
the maternal grandparents.
MISS LINDA RUCK, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ruck, Shaver-
town was recently married to Mat-
thew Krebs, son of Mr. and Mrs.
William Krebs, Wilkes-Barre.
Rev. James Baker performed the
double ring ceremony in Forty Fort
United Methodist Church.
Following a wedding trip to Kil-
lington, Vt. the Krebs are residing
in Wilkes-Barre.
son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen David
Crispell, 19 Gail Drive, Plains was
baptized in Messiah Evangelical
Lutheran Church, Wilkes-Barre. His
grandparents served as Sponsors.
Dr. Herman W. Schleifer Jr. per-
formed the ceremony.
Keith was baptized in an heirloom
gown and bonnet designed and
made by his maternal grandmother
and first worn by his sister, Tiffany.
Mrs. Crispell is the former Mari-
lyn Goodsir, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Goodsir, 134 Virginia
Drive, Wilkes-Barre. Mr. Crispell is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A.
Crispell, 35 Park St., Dallas.
A celebration was held at home
following the baptism.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Haas of Rose-
mount, Minnesota announce the
engagement and approaching mar-
riage of their daughter, Bonnie
Haas and Brett Jones.
Brett is the son of former area
residents, Kirby and Gladys Jones,
now of Hamlet, North Carolina. He
is also the grandson of Mr. and Mrs.
Donald F. Jones of RD 1, Dallas.
The bride-elect is a 1980 graduate
of Rosemount Baptist High School
in Rosemount, Minnesota and a 1985
graduate of Tennesee Temple Uni-
Tech has shop
openings now
Thomas F. Feeney, Principal,
West Side Area Vocational/Techni-
cal School announces there are still
shop openings available for students
who have completed eighth, ninth,
tenth or eleventh grade in the send-
ing districts of Northwest, Lake-
Lehman, Dallas, Wyoming Area,
and Wyoming Valley West.
Any student interested in enroll-
ing in one of these courses at West
Side Techn should come to West
Side Tech with a copy of their most
recent report card, and one of their
parents and or guardians in order to
enroll. Students are advised that
they will be enrolled on a first come
first served basis.
The courses in which there are
openings are as follows: Distribu-
tive Education, Machine Shop,
Sheetmetal, Upholstery and Plumb-
Interested parents and students
may obtain further information by
either reporting to the school, or
calling the school between the hours
of 7:45 a.m. and 2:45 p.m.
versity in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
She is employed as a speech thera-
pist in the Minneapolis schools.
Mr. Jones is a 1980 graduate of
Temple Christian School in Rock-
ingham, North Carolina, and a 1984
graduate of Tennessee Temple Uni-
versity. He plans to continue his
preparation for the Christian Minis-
try at Bible Baptist Seminary in
Clarks Summit, in the fall.
The wedding is planned for
August 10 at 1 p.m. at Hope Baptist
Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Rev. Farber
is director
The Rev. Paul J. Farber, C.S.C.,
currently special assistant to the
academic dean and coordinator of
the education program at King’s
College, has been named to the
position of Director of the Annual
Fund in the Development Office of
the College effective July 1.
As Director of the Annual Fund,
Rev. Farber’s responsibilities will
be in the areas of the Community
Phase of the annual Campaign for
King’s parents’ programs, the Cen-
tury Club and off-campus meetings
of alumni groups. ;
My husband has been steadily
getting fatter since we were mar-
ried seven years ago. He used to be
a trim size 34 but now he bulges out
of his size 40’s. He gets angry and
really pigs out when I tease him
about his love handles and bulges
and no matter how much I beg him
to slow down, he continues his
binges. What can I do besides hiding
all the chips, cookies, and ice
I normally double the portions of
our meals so I’ll have leftovers to
reheat easily but now I’m beginning
to realize we seldom have leftovers
Just his appearance doesn’t
bother me too much but I’m worried
about what all that extra flab is
doing to his health. Can you suggest
where I can start to help this
handsome but hefty man of mine?
First you should begin by not
tive way. It will only cause him to
feel worse and then he’ll eat more.
More praise equals less pounds.
Make some basic changes in his
diet. Prepare more fruits, vegeta-
bles, and whole grains. Use low-fat
dairy products - often you won’t
know the difference. Serve more
chicken and fish and less red meats.
Avoid processed foods because often
you don’t know what is in them.
Don’t bring junk foods into the
house regularly. Prepare foods
using less fats and oils. Read some
low calorie recipe books that will
teach you how to prepare tasty but
less fattening foods. Prepare only
enough food for each particiualr
meal to avoid overeating.
Encourage ‘your hubby to get
involved in some sport or exercise
program he may enjoy or just begin
by taking walks together. Read al
the information you see concerning
the Ok Heart project. They are
offering many excellent tips on how
to improve our health and diet.
My daughter’s piano teacher is
something else! Three out of four
lessons she calls at the last moment
to say she is too busy, her car is
broken down, or she has ‘a terrible
headache. She also cancels lessons
when it is raining, on days that fall
on the thirteenth of the month, and
when she thinks her lottery number
will be drawn that day. In the past
three months my daughter has had
four lessons.
Also my daughter seldom prac-
tices and doesn’t seem to take her
music seriously. Do you think I
should discontinue her lessons?
We’re having a big argument about
it and I don’t know what to do.
Give your daughter a second
chance and get a different piano
teacher. The one you have now is
teaching your daughter a lot more
than how to play the piano. She is
teaching her disrespect, irresponsi-
bility, and laziness.
My boyfriend and I recently broke
up. I was very much in love with
him and he loved me, too. Every-
thing seemed perfect between us.
We even talked about getting mar-
ried, how many children we’d like
to have, what our life would be like,
Things started falling apart when
other people started interfering in
our lives. They would tell me if my
boyfriend went somewhere without
me, or they’d make sure to tell him
if I went out somehwere. I wasn’t
dating anyone else, but sometimes
I'd go to a party by myself or with
friends when he had to work.
After several months of interfer-
ence from others, we broke up. He
told me he still loves me, but he
couldn’t take the pressure of my
nagging him whenever anyone told
me they’d ssen him out without me.
1 want to give it another try, but he
says he won’t because there just
isn’t any point.
Should I keep on trying to get him
to come back to me or should I just
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Treat Yourself
To A
settle with being friends?
I think you should let go of the
idea of trying to get him back and
accept being just his friend. It’s
difficult enough to make a relation-
ship work when two people are
working on it together. But when
only one person is interested and
willing to put forth the necessary
effort, it’s really a no-win situation.
My seven year old son had a
myringotomy (tubes inserted in his
ears) several months ago. He must
avoid getting water in his ears.
Therefore, when he goes swimming
he must wear special ear plugs and
a bathing cap. He is embarrassed to
be the only guy with a bathing cap.
What can I do to help him cope with
Award made
this situation?
The easiest thing to do would be
to avoid water activities this
summer. By next summer, his ears
will probably be healed and he can
get back in the water. Or take him
swimming in the presence of his
family and close friends who under-
stand his ear problem and will
accept him.
(“Dear Aunt Patty” is a local
advice column published every
week in The Dallas Post. Letters to
Aunt Patty should be addressed to
“Dear Aunt Patty,” c/o The Dallas
Post, P.O. Box 366, Dallas, Pa.;
18612. Letters need not include a
signature. Letters will be answered
on a first come-first served basis.)
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