= i A Baby Parade held Wearing the green volunteers. Please call volunteer services at 675-8600 ext. Standing, Velma Davis, auxiliary member; The names of two students were inadvertently omitted from the list of Wyoming Seminary students who were honored for the achievements during an NEDT test. They are Thomas Imperiale, of Kingston; and Robert Eggleston, of Wilkes-Barre. Subscribe To The Post DEAR AUNT PATTY: My fiance and I have begun plan- ning for our wedding which will take place next spring. Several things have really been bothering me and I wanted to know what someone else would think. Donna (not her real name) wants to ask her former boyfriend of four years to be an usher for our wedding. I am totally opposed to the idea. We need five male attendants and I'd like to have my best friend, my brothers and two of Donna’s broth- ers. Donna and I have had two serious arguments so far. She chose her attendants and already asked them without even asking my opinion. She insisted on choosing extravagant engagement and wedding rings, our honeymoon destination, and she has been looking for an apartment for us without consulting me. This busi- ness with her former boyfriend is the last straw. What do you think I should do? THOMAS SWEENEY Sweeney named to position Thomas Sweeney, Administrator of The Meadows Nursing Center, Dallas, was recently elected to the board of directors of the Pennsyl- vania Association of Non-Profit Homes for the Aging (PANPHA). PANPHA is the state association consisting of approximately 240 member homes throughout the state. PANPHA’s annual meeting was held recently in Hershey, and involved educational seminars for Nurshing Home Administrators. Tom Sweeney resides in Scranton with his wife, the former Mary Culkin and three sons, Patrick, Thomas, Jr., Daniel. SUPPORT THOSE THAT ADVERTISE IN : THE DALLAS POST It sounds like you are having second thoughts before marrying an overbearing, demanding, selfish, spoiled girl who plans to run your life as she sees fit. You are lucky to have been given a preview of the way your marriage will be before the main event. Things will get worse after the wedding, so don’t marry her think- ing yowll change her after she becomes your wife. You did not mention your love for each other. Is there love, honor and respect? Decide now, before the wedding, if Donna is truly the person with whom you want to spend your life. It is easier to break an engagement than get a divorce. If you truly love each other it would be worthwhile to postpone your wed- ding for a while and concentrate on your relationship and get some counseling. DEAR AUNT PATTY: I have a feeling that one of my co- workers is a lesbian. It wouldn’t bother me if she wasn’t so inter- ested in me. We work in a factory and she stops by my area several times a day, and she’s constantly touching me. It makes me very uncomfortable. I don’t want to be unkind, but I do want her to get lost. Any suggestions? JANE DOE DEAR JANE DOE: You should be sure you are not jumping to conclusions about her sexuality without more evidence. If this co-worker is indeed a lesbian, you should be able to make your feelings clear without hurting hers. All you have to do is let her know you are happily heterosexual and involved with men. Tell her about a date (or make one up) with a guy you are attracted to. If she doesn’t get the hint or want to accept it you may have to be more direct and say something like, “I’m glad you want to be friends, maybe we can double date sometime. My boyfriend has several unattached buddies.” If all else fails, and she really pesters you, just tell her to get lost. DEAR AUNT PATTY: I am 13 years old and I want to write and thank you for saying it is OK to let a 12 year old shave her legs. My Mom finally gave in and let me shave mine after reading your column last week. Thanks! I will trust you to answer my prob- lems anytime. It is such a relief to finally be able to let my boyfriend rub my legs without being totally embarassed. HAPPY LEGS DEAR HAPPY LEGS: Shaving the legs at 12 or 13 is OK but letting your boyfriend rub your legs is not OK. Tell your boyfriend to keep his hands to himself. DEAR AUNT PATTY: My 11 year old daughter is unwill- ing to take on any responsibility for herself. It is really frustrating to have to make even the smallest decisions for her. She comes to me about what to wear, whether to go to a school function, and whether to go to a party or not. How can I get it across to her that she is old enought to handle these problems on her own? Or is this something she’ll have to grow out of? I know I’ve spoiled her by letting her expect me to do things for her and by taking her wherever she wants to go and picking her up whenever she needs a ride. I’ve enjoyed doing all of these things for her but I now want her to take on more responsibility. How should I start? ] MOM IN ORANGE DEAR MOM: Your daughter may be having a reaction common among adoles- cents going through the transition from childhood to adulthood. She needs help in learning more respon- sibility for herself. Start by limiting the number of options she has. You may start by selecting two or three outfits for her and telling her to choose one. She should become better able to exercise her judgment in less structured circumstances as making simple decisions. "i As for deciding such things as whether or not to go to a school . function or party, you might try to . talk to her about the reasons why , she may feel hesitant and help her - to talk about her concerns. This is much better than taking the position that “it’s up to you to stay home or . go to the party,” which doesn’t help. . an adolescent who is uncertain about making commitments. (“Dear Aunt Patty” is an advice column that appears only, in The : Dallas Post. Letters are answered on a first-come, first-served basis. ‘ Send your letter to “Dear Aunt - Patty” c/o The Dallas Post, P.O. Box 366, Dallas, Pa. 18612. Letters need not be signed.) .r Bakr fons | CCC sigff | | Lisa J. Baker recently joined the staff of Luzerne County Community College as Public Information- Alumni Coordinator, according to Thomas J. Moran, President of the college. Mrs. Baker will be responsible for preparing news releases, feature. stories and special assingment arti- cles about the college, and will coordinate the revitalization of the college alumni association, includ- ing areas of fund-raising, establish-. - ment of regional mini-chapters, and" the central Alumni Executive Coun-- cil. a She is the daughter of Atty. and Mrs. Edward W. Jones, II of Dallas® and resides in Lehman with her: husband, Gary. 2 Senior Portraits At Ron Petro Photography, we offer portrait styles that are individ- ually tailored for today’s teens. cols Call today for an appointment to / view our portrait styes and discuss a style that is best for you. Ron Petro Photography 358 Howell St. Shavertown 696-3428 she becomes more comfortable in Read The Classifieds New York Presents SALVATORE'S designingfiheads Hair Cutting and Design PERM WAVING DIMENSIONAL COLORING MANICURES SCULPTURED NAILS Appointment Not Always Necessary NUMBER © SHOP 9 W. Northampton St. (corner S. 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