i Lo A After the hunt By CHARLOT M. DENMON Staff Correspondent Now that deer season is over, there are many freezers in the Back Mountain holding a plentiful supply of venison-roasts, chops, steak and ground meat. While there were a great number of hunters, who were unsuccessful in bringing down a buck or doe, they were fortunate enough to have friends or neighbors willing to share. Those homemakers with husbands or other relatives who have been bagging a deer for the past number of seasons are usually familiar with various ways of preparing the veni- son which, many people insist, tastes just like beef. For those who prefer deer steaks, we suggest Oven-barbecued Steaks taste, try Venison Stroganoff. We were assured that one would not be able to tell whether Marinated Veni- son was venison or beef and another close friend suggested a recipe called Saddle of Venison. Party entree . OVEN-BARBECUED STEAKS 3-4 deer steaks, 34” thick -2'T. oil % c. chopped onions % c. catsup % c. vinegar 3% c. water 1 T. brown sugar 1 T. prepared mustard 1 T. Worcestershire sauce Y t. salt 1s t. pepper Marinate steaks in dry red wine for three or four hours. When ready ‘to prepare remove from wine. Pour oil into skillet. Brown each steak on both sides. Transfer to roasting pan. Add onions to oil in skillet and brown lightly. Add remaining ingre- dients to make a barbecue sauce and simmer for five minutes. Pour sauce and wine over steaks in roas- ter. Cover, bake two hours or until meat is fork tender in 350 degree - oven. VENISON STROGANOFF 2-3 der steaks about 1,” thick = 2 T. butter or margarine % 1b. mushrooms, washed, trimmed 1 med. onion, minced 1-10% oz. can beef bouillon or broth 2 T. catsup 1 sm. clove garlic, minced 1t. salt 1 c. sour cream 3-4 c. cooked noodles (hot) Cut meat across grain into % inch strips. Melt butter in large skillet, add mushrooms and onion; cook and stir until onion is tender, then remove from skillet. In same skillet cook meat until light brown. Reserve one third broth, stir in remaining broth, catsup, garlic and salt. Cover and simmer 15 minutes. Blend reserved broth and flour; stir into meat mixture. Add mushrooms and onion. Heat to boiling stirring constantly. Boil and stir one minute, reduce heat and stir in sour cream, then bring to boil. Let boil 15 minutes. Serve over noodles. MARINATED VENISON 1-4 1b. venison roast 1 T. cracked pepper t. ground allspice “6 whole cloves % c. brandy % c. burgundy wine % c. oil 6 carrots, cut in 2” lengths 12 sm. white onions, peeled and left whole : Ys c. butter V4 c. flour 1-10%2 oz. can condensed beef broth Salt to taste Place venison in earthenware or glass bowl. Add pepper, bay leaves, allspice, cloves, brandy, burgundy and oil. Refrigerate overnight. Drain roast and place in a shallow roasting pan. Pour marinade into bottom of pan. Roast in pre-heated 350 degrees oven for two to two and one-half hours until venison is tender. Spoon marinade over meat every 15 or 20 minutes. Add carrots and onions to roast 40 minutes before roast is ready. When done | New address? WELCOME WAGON* can help you feel at home. Greeting new neighbors is a tradition with WELCOME WAGON -- “America’s Neigh- borhood Tradition,” I'd like to wisit you. To say "Hi" andj present gifts and greetings from community- minded businesses. I'll also present invita- ' tions you can redeem for more gifts. And it's all free. A WELCOME WAGON visit is a special . treat to help you get settled and feeling more ‘at home "A friendly get-together, is - easy to arrange. Just call me. | 675-2070 A i White sie ee oe iL remove meat and vegetables to a platter and keep warm. Measure one cup of pan drippings in a saucepan, melt butter and stir in flour. Gradually stir in pan drip- pings and beef broth into flour mixture. Cook over low heat stirring constantly until sauce bubbles and thickens. Salt to taste. Spoon sauce over meat to serve. SADDLE OF VENISON Wipe four pound saddle of venison with damp cloth. Tie or skewer into roll. Rub one t. salt and 1 t. pepper into meat. Lay saddle in roaster, pour 1 T. fat over it. Add 2 T. water. Roast in 425 degree oven 45 min- utes. Turn and baste frequently with broth. Remove from oven, place on platter, surround with timbales of wild rice. Skim fat from broth, pour broth over venison. Serve with cur- rant jelly. PARTY CHOPS 8 chops Ys c. flour % t. salt Ya t. paprika V4 t. pepper 4 c. salad oil 1% c. beef broth or consomme % c. dry red wine 2 1g. firm tomatoes % c. buttered crumbs 1/3 c. parmesan cheese, shredded 1/3 c. sliced stuffed olives Dip chops in flour, salt, paprika and pepper. Brown them in hot oil in a large skillet. Transfer to a shallow baking dish. Pour in broth and wine. : Bake uncovered in pre-heated 325 degree oven for 30 minutes, basting and turning occasionally. Cut toma- toes in eight thick slices and place one slice on each chop. Return to oven and bake for seven or eight minutes. Top chops with buttered bread crumbs, cheese and olive slices. Increase heat to 400 degrees, return chops to oven and bake until cheese is melted. - School Following are cafeteria menus for area school districts for the follow- WEST SIDE TECH Dec. 17 - 21 MONDAY - Wafer steak on soft bun, cheese sticks, buttered vegeta- bles, fresh fruit, Christmas cookies, milk. TUESDAY - Hot dog on bun, chopped onions-relish, baked beans, macaroni-cheese, pudding, milk. WEDNESDAY - Hoagie (lettuce- tomato-Italian dressing), tomato soup-crackers, chips, cherry squares, milk. THURSDAY - Baked chicken, mashed potatoes, seasoned peas, angel baked roll-butter, sherbert, milk. FRIDAY - Hamburg on bun, assorted condiments, noodles-cab- bage, chilled fruit juice, holly berry cup cake, milk. LAKE-LEHMAN SCHOOLS Dec. 17-21 Senior High School MONDAY - Cheeseburg on bun, saltines, fruit cocktail, milk. TUESDAY - Hot dog or kielbasi on bun, sauerkraut, French fries, applesauce, oatmeal raisin cookie, milk. WEDNESDAY - Meatball hoagie, milk. THURSDAY - Christmas dinner - Oven baked chicken, stuffing w- gravy, crnaberry sauce, buttered peas-carrots, roll-butter, ice cream, milk. FRIDAY - French bread pizza, potato chips, tossed green salad, pineapple tidbits, milk. Junior High & Elementary Schools MONDAY - Hamburger on bun, chicken noodle soup-saltines, fruit cocktail, oatmeal raisin cookie, milk. TUESDAY - Hot dog on bun, cheese squares, potato puffs, baked beans, peaches, milk. WEDNESDAY - Meatball hoagie, corn chips, green beans, pudding, milk. THURSDAY - Christmas dinner - Oven baked chicken, stuffing w- gravy, cranberry sauce, buttered peas-carrots, roll-butter, ice cream, milk. FRIDAY - French bread pizza, potato chips, tossed green salad, pineapple tidbits, milk. GATE OF HEAVEN SCHOOL Dec. 12-18 - WEDNESDAY - Pork bar-b-que, French fries, celery-carrot sticks, fruit cocktail, milk. THURSDAY - Turkey and rice w- gravy, corn, cranberry sauce, Tas- tykake, milk. FRIDAY - Fish, buttered maca- roni, peas-carrots, peaches, cookies, milk. MONDAY - Baked ziti ‘ground meat in cheese sauce, salad, Italian bread-butter, fruit cocktail, milk. TUESDAY - Flying saucer, soup, pretzel sticks, pears, milk. DALLAS SCHOOLS Dec. 12 - 18 WEDNESDAY - Soup-n-sandwich ‘special, turkey noodle soup w-veg- gies, sliced ham-cheese sandwich or McDallas hot chicken sandwich w- lettuce and mayo, choice of milk or juice. Bonus: Brownies. THURSDAY - Stuffed Italian shells w-tomato sauce or ballpark hot dog on soft bun, buttered peas- carrots, raspberry gelatine w- whipped toping, milk or juice. FRIDAY - Tuna bagels (tuna fish hearty chicken noodle soup w-vege- tables, choice of milk or juice. Bonus: Iced cupcake. MONDAY - Pierogies side dish of onions (sauteed), or whimpie on bun, corny buttered corn, pineapple tidbits, choice of milk or juice. TUESDAY - Spaghetti w-all beef meat sauce, Italian bread-butter, garlic bread in Jr. and Sr., or juicy hot dog on bun w-fresh carrot stick, tossed green salad w-dressing, choice of milk or juice. Bonus: Congo Bar. SPECIAL FACTORY PURCHASE BAUSCH 2 LOMB RAY-BAN SUNGLASSES BAUSBTH & LOM "50% orr Original Bausch & Lomb List Prices Were $30 to $92 ony *15:.°46 ONLY DEPENDING ON STYLE rown’s Eye-Care Specialists. Dr. Brown OPTOMETRISTS, PC. *Not to be combined with any other discount offer. Phone:825-3491 Adjacent Free Parking Tea held Here are some tasty recipes that can help slow down the absorption of alcohol into the body. CHERRY APPETIZER TRAY Northwest fresh sweet cherries Variety of sliced cheeses (caraway, gouda, cheddar, Monterey Jack) Appetizer Kabobs Salami Cornucopias Wash cherries and pile in bowl, Place in center of tray. Surround with sliced cheeses. Appetizer Kabobs and Slami Cornucopias. APPETIZER KABOBS For each Kabob, place a cube of Monterey Jack, a piece of sweet pickle and a cube of cheddar cheese on a toothpick. SALAMI CORNUCOPIAS Spread sliced salami with sof- tened chream cheese flavored with dill or tarragon. Shape into cornuco- pia and secure with toothpics. Gar- nish with parsley. aa By Bs S 4 QUICHE LORRAINE (Cheese Pie) 1% c. grated Swiss cheese 8 slices fried bacon, crumbled 9-inch unbaked pie shell 3 eggs 1 c. heavy cream % c. milk Vy t. pepper % t. powdered mustard Dash Cayenne pepper Sprinkle grated cheese and bacon into pie shell. Beat remaining ingre- dients together and pour over cheese. Bake in oven pre-heated to 375 degrees or until firm and browned. Let cool, slice like pie and serve. STUFFED MUSHROOMS 1 1b. med. mushrooms (about 20) 2 T. butter Ys Ib. bacon, cooked and crumbled 1 egg yolk Ys t. sa;t Yc. soft fine fresh, buttered bread crumbs 2 T. butter, melted Remove stems, wash and chop them, and saute in butter for 5 minutes with mushroom caps. Mix PERE 2 esy PREC) Sas FIERY < Fd chopped stems with crumbled bacon, egg yolk and salt. Fill’ each mushroom cap with this mixture and sprinkle with buttered crumbs. Pour melted butter into a heatproof baking dish, arrange mushrooms, and bake at 350 degrees for about:10 to 15 minutes. Baste frequently. 4 WINNING TEA PUNCH % c. 100 percent instant tea 2 quarts watere of 1-6 oz. can frozen limeade i 1-6 oz. can frozen pineapple juice concentrate 3 1 pint cranberry juice cocktail tea, water, concentrates and cran- berry juice. Just before serving, add ice. Makes more than 1 gallon or 25 five-ounce servings. © SOUR CREAM DIP * 1 c¢. sour cream 7" % c. blue cheese i 1 T. minced onion (dry) £ 15 t. salt 1 t. lemon juice xt 1 t. horseradish 8 Dash Worcestershire sauce SH Dry parsley, to taste Paprika to garnish c Combine all ingredients. Makes 1% cups. i THE DALLAS POST P.O. Box 366 Dallas, Pa. 18612 CITY eeccceesssssessscsenssnne eevosssee S aa