om ‘Trophy awarded ‘Head Coach, Mike Annetta, Football - Club presents’ the of the Lehman Lions Mini Suburban Football League Although the Lehman chool field published in the Nov. 21 issue of the Dallas Post, a phrase in the next to last paragraph was incorrect due to a computer error. The sentence should have read “The sodding was not done recently but in 1976 or 1977 by Dallas Nur- sery and Landscaping. Former Dallas Coach Jack Jones verified this dating, stating that he was coaching at the time the field tion. L177 The following physical fitness tips, provided by the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, are invited to help guide the average, healthy adult in starting or maintaining a fitness program. They cover some of the basic princi- ples required for a minimum fitness level. THE FIRST STEP Most authorities recommend that individuals over age 35 who have previously been inactive, or persons suspecting a medical problem, obtain a physician’s clearance before beginning a vigorous exer- cise program. THE SHAPE YOU'RE IN Taking a fitness test is a good way to get an idea of what shape cise program, and how to gauge your progress. Standard tests exist which measure cardiorespiratory flexibility, muscle strength and endurance and body fat. GIVE YOURSELF GOALS Studies show that you are more likely to stick with your exercise program if you establish ‘specific and realistic goals and schedules. Set aside a regular time for your workouts and set goals for distance covered, games completed or exer- cises performed. THE RIGHT BALANCE _ A balanced workout consists of three types of exercise: Strength (calinsthenics and weight training); endurance (aerobic, running, swim- ming, cycling, walking briskly); and flexibility (stretching, bending, twisting). You should include all three in your program. USE IT OR LOSE IT You can’t hoard physical fitness. At least three balanced workouts a week are necessary to maintain a desirable level of fitness. THE TRIGGER EFFECT One of the most important bene- fits of exercise is its positive influ- ence on personal habits. Persons who exercise become more health conscious and are more likely to modify or eliminate practices such as smoking or over-eating. THE RIGHT BEAT Exercise intensity for aerobic con- ditioning is measured by heart rate. A good activity level is 70 percent of your maximum heart rate, which is determined by subtracting your age from 220. Thus, the recommended exercise heart rate for a 40-year old person is 126 (220 minus 40 times 70 percent). THE LOWER THE BETTER People who are physically fit" gen- erally have lower resting heart rates than those who are not which means that their hearts don’t have to work as hard to pump blood. A Luzerne County's O-N-L-Y FRANCHISED [21310] E5)"11 [0d 4 DEALER! . i J T i TABLE TENNIS TABLES BRI VMWICK WED. & FRI. 'TIL 9 P.M. BILLIARD & BOWLING CL Bowie TROPHIES AND AWARDS Ay phen 159 THE CLASSIC © BRUNSWICK oy BRISTOL 5 ntique yesteryear 06,7, 8 Si Large Selection Of % TOUR design, hand rubbed POKER ® 3%" Slate ed DART BOARDS o Id’nR NAMENT finish, leather, pock- ® Qur Best Seller old 'n Roll TABLE ets, 1 inch thick slate. TABLES * Includes Deluxe F U.S T.T.A. F Playing Equipment rom... Approved rom... From From $13°° | s158%° | $1795 *109 $695 OPEN EVERY ’ OPEN DAILY SOLD 10.5 P.M. oH EXCLUSIVELY LAYAWAY YOUR FRANCHISED md BILLIARD DEALERS "Terms Arranged “The Sport Shop" 113 N. WYOMING ST.. HAZLETON Or Use Your: . . TABLE NOW~ AN IMPORTANT NOTICE The Pintos shut out Aries in the Idetown Compact League despite D. Doty rolling 523 for the losing team. Corvettes took three from the Camaros while the Firebirds were picking up three from the Citations. J. Thomas knocked down pins for 513 to lead the Capris to three points from the LaBarons. In the Back Mt. Church League Carverton A took all from Carver- ton B with C. Remley’s 510 high series for both teams. Dallas A blanked the Orange men while Shavertown A copped three from Shavertown B whose B. Walko hit the pins for 529 and C. Kazokas rolled 514. Maple Grove lost three to Trucksville B whose E. Higgins set the pace with 537. Trucksville C divided evenly with East Dallas. Trucksville’s C. Cobleigh scattered pins for 202-200 (543) and East Dallas had R. Witkoski’s 534. L. Isaacs scattered pins for 534 to lead Stymioe to four points from Spanky in the Our Gang League. Spanky’s M. Grossman toppled pins for 185. Waldo shut out Darla and L. Cooper’s 520 “led Alfalfa to three points from Wheezer. D. Jenkins 543 reduction of 10 beats per minute in a person’s resting heart rate can save over 3 weeks of work for the heart over the course of a year. WARMING UP, COOLING DOWN To avoid excess strain on the heart, and injury to your muscles, before working out, and cool down after exercies. Never abruptly stop exercising. The sudden stop in motion may cause lightheadedness or muscle cramping. BUILD UP YOUR MUSCLES As a general rule, gains in muscle strength are made by lifting heavy weights a limited number of repeti- tions. Gains in muscular. endurance involve lifting lighter weights numerous repetitions. STRONG YET FLEXIBLE The idea that heavy muscular development inhibits movement is false. Studies show that strength training speeds up reaction time, and with stretching exercises, does not lessen flexibility. FAT OR MUSCLE? Exercise does not convert fat to muscle. The right combination of building muscle tissue. Since muscle is heavier than fat, you may reduce body measurements without reducing body weight. OVERWEIGHT MEANS LESS EXERCISE Recent studies show that approxi- mately half of all overweight people don’t eat any more than their leaner neighbors. However, they do get much less exercise. GET THE FACT OUT Excess fat is dead weight that must be moved around by the mus- cles fed by the heart. Extra fat makes all activity more difficult and reduces the body’s working efficiency. SPOT REDUCING WON'T WORK There is no such thing as ‘‘spot- reducing’ exercises that, eliminte fat from selected parts of the body. intensity and duration will reduce fat deposits throughout the body, and you’ll lose the most from areas where you’ve gained the most. REPLACE THE WATER YOU LOSE During strenuous activity in hot weather, the body may not be able to replace water as fast as it is lost. Therefore, to prevent dehydration, you should drink water before, during and after your workout. UNFIT FASHIONS Never wear rubberized suits when exercising. They keep perspiration from evaporating properly and can cause body temperature to reach dangerously high levels. SWEATING ISN'T WEIGHT LOSS was high for the losing five. B. Grieves 222 aided Porky in taking three from Buckwheat whose E. Dingle rolled 518. In the Bowlerette League Brent Long lost three to the Hoagie Bar and C. Badman’s 189-185-188 (562) sparked Tom Reese girls three point win over Franklins. Jean Shop set back Mahaffey Oil in the Imperiale League by taking four points led by D. Garnett’s 170- 174 (494) and M. Neifert’s 188 (473). J. Mekeel rolled 183 (492) to lead Hoof 'N Paw to three points from Humphrey’s Apparel, whose I. Katyl hit 171 (481). Lombardo Bakery picked up three from Sca- vone Motors aided by J. Clark’s 183 (475). In the Bonomo Major League Sweet Valley Outfitters blanked Brown’s Oil paced by Glen Mazer’s 579 and R. Bonomo, Jr.’s 552. B. Varner added 520. J. Roan knocked down pins for 560 for the oil men. Charlies All Stars picked up three from the Hambos sparked by K. Spencer’s 548. F. Cornell rolled 536, K. Orkwis hit 527 and C. Williams gave 519. R. Bennett walloped pins Sauna, steam and mineral baths and other forms of ‘‘perspiration therapy’ are ‘often advertised as means of achieving fitness. While they may have some tranquilizing and relaxing effects, and can produce temporary weight loss, they have no true fitness value. PREVENT THE COMMON INJU- RIES Most exercise injuries are to the muscles and joints. They are usually caused by insufficient warm-up, exercising too hard or too long, or by trying to do too much too soon. If such injuries do occur, try switching to swimming, which is a non-weight bearing activity. STARTING OVER If you have to skip exercise tem- porarily because of minor illness or injury, wait until you have recov- ered before resuming workouts. Start at no more than two-thirds of your pre-injury exercise level and work yourself back into shape. If possible, continue exercising those parts of your body during recovery that are not injured. R.I.CEE. The basic formula for treating an injury to the muscles or joints is Rest, Ice, Compression and Eleva- tion, applied immediately after injury. In severe cases, and if pain and swelling persist, seek help from a physician. USE EXERCISE TO REDUCE TENSION Exercises, such as neck move- ments are a good way to reduce Country OPEN DAILY 9-5 ¢ NS CW WH SS I HH WI ‘ fro 264 (613) for the Hambos. Beach Combers divided evenly with Back ers were A. Wendell 216-216 (611), 3 F. Tregan 530 and A. Smith 218. Shalata posted 215 (550), C. Glasser=3 paced by K. Orkwis’ 531. Gino's’ Kad for Steeles. In the Ladies Country League ~., Bonomo’s Sports Center, Fashion Harris Associates and Castlettes: copped three from Grotto Pizza. leski 171, and C. Smith 177 477). upright position after each move- damage the upper spine. DRESS APPROPRIATELY .. ipa When exercising in cold weather, ! . wear several layers of light clothing: instead of one or two heavy layers..- color garments made of absorbent sun’s rays and allow heat to escape. »« PROTECT YOUR LOWER BACK Sagging abdominal muscles and lower back inflexibility often caus cises and abdominal strengthening. exercises such as bent-knee sit-ups: should be performed on a regula basis. DON’T BOUNCE STRETCHING : When doing flexibility exercise don’t bounce. Stretch gently and slowly, for a count of ten, without warmed up stretch easier and. are less likely to be injured. DON’T EXERCISE AFTER EATING Avoid strenuous exercise for two hours after eating. Both digestion and exercise place heavy demands on the circulatory system, and the double-load can tax your system. DEC. 14-15-16 IN THE BARNYARD Yr SUNDAY NOON-5 1 Ch J A Aone I MA ME i Ss wd | fo a ti Hem nisi mr