RTT. Planning show Mary Taylor, Bulfords hold 64th reunion The 64th Annual Reunion of the descendants of John and Rachel Bulford was held on Sunday, August 19, at the Bloomingdale Grange Hall. A covered dish buffet-dinner was enjoyed by all at 1 p.m. The business meeting was called to order by the President, Gary Miers, who led ‘the family in the Lord’s Prayer. The minutes were read by acting secretary Jo Ann (Norrie) Sarley. i; (reasurer’s report was given by Hazel Crockett and the historian’s report was given by Thelma (Bul- yd) Norrie. All reports were accepted as read. Cards and prayers were sent to family members who are ill. Election of officers was held, resulting in the retention ofthe fol- lowing: President, Gary Miers; vice presi- dent, Bill Crockett; treasurer, Hazel Crockett; secretary, Helen Franklin and historian Thelma Norrie. The following were acknowledged and will receive Silver Dollars: Oldest woman, Nettie Myers, oldest man, Ernest Norrie; young- est girl, Becky Miers; youngest boy, Scott Sarley; longest married, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Crockett; newest married, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coon; traveled farthest, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dwyer, from Florida; larg- est family present, there was a tie between the family of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miers and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Norrie, each with seven attending. It was unanimously agreed to retsxn to the same place for next y&®’s reunion, which will be held the third Sunday in August, 1985. Please bring a covered dish and your own meat for a buffet dinner at 1 p.m. The meeting was adjourned and the group then enjoyed looking at family pictures. Those attending were: Jane and Larry Moss of Lancaster; Hazel and Paul Crockett; Donna Crockett; Bill Crockett and sons, Bill and Bob; Hazel and John Fielding; Thelma and Ernest Norrie; Jo-Ann and Bill Sarley and sons, William, Robert and Scott; Patricia and Gary Miers and daughter, Becky; Louise and Foster Bulford; Dorothy Bulford; Nettie and Ralph Miers; Thelma and Lydia Glatz; Myrtle and Charles Dwyer, Nettie E. Myers; Florence and Frank Coon and Leland A. Cooke. Let WELCOME WAGON® be your first new home visitor. Helping folks get settled in faster and feel at home is what WELCOME WAGON has been doing for over 50 years I'd hike to greet you with useful gifts, helpful information and invitations you can redeem for more gifts. All free and made possible by civic minded businesses individuals who'd like to meet you too. And, of course, there's no obligation I’d like to visit you at your convenience. All it takes is a phone call, and we can set the time. A WELCOME WAGON visit is a special treat 675-2070 To defend title Melba Boudreaux, Beth Finn, the 15-year-old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Finn of Dallas, will be defending her state 4-H title in Harrisburg on October 4, 5 and 6. She holds first. place in the Pony Hunter Over Fences. She will also be competing in the Pony Hunter Under Saddle while in Har- risburg. To qualify for the privilege of competing in our state capital, Beth had to win a series of competitions. She took first place in both Pony We Want You / Hunter Over Fences and Pony Hunter Under Saddle in the county and district levels held in Lehman and Dalton respectively. Beth has been riding since child- hood and is presently a member of the Riding Ho 4-H Club. This sum- mershe competed in and won many championships and reserves in Pony Hunter classes. Beth is a sophomore at Lake- Lehman High School where she is a pitcher for the softball team. With Us The Dallas Post Will Print Your Engagement or Wedding Photo With All The Details Of Your Special Occasion FREE OF CHARGE CALL DOTTY AT 675-5211 ) The Ninth Annual Wyoming Valley West Cavalcade of Bands will be held at Spartan Stadium, Kingston, Wednesday, Sept. 19, at 7:30 p.m. Rain date is Thursday, Sept. 20. Featured will be field shows by high school marching bands from Meyers, Dallas, Lackawanna Trail, Western Wayne, Abington Heights, Hackettstown (New Jersey) and Wyoming Valley West. Jim Ward of Radio WARD will serve as master of ceremonies for the ninth consecutive year. Senior members of the Spartan Marching Band and their parents will be honored prior to the pro- gram. For a finale all seven bands will perform a special massed band arrangement of ‘“‘America.” The Cavalcade is annually spon- sored by the Spartan Marching Band and the Wyoming Valley West Band Parents Association. Officers of the association are William Turcan, president; Anthony Amato, vice-president; Deanna Turcan, sec- retary and Pat Ravert, treasurer. For the first time the Cavalcade will feature an out-of-state perform- ing band. The Hackettstown “Tiger” Marching Band is directed by John Pesta, an alumni of Wyo- ‘ming Valley West and Mansfield University. Tickets will be available at the gate. ‘Handling Emergencies In the Home’' Senior Center seeking friends The Luzerne-Wyoming Counties Bureau for the Aging, Dallas Senior Center is an old kid on the block, looking for new friends. We will be celebrating 10 years of service to the Back Mountain and we are striving to increase our Many new things are happening and we invite all persons, 60 years of age and older to join us. We offer a wide variety of activi- ties, programs and services. Among these are bowling, shuffleboard, choral group, classes in ceramics, macrame and needlework, day out- ings and trips and much more, something for everyone! friends and meet new ones, relax and enjoy a congregate noon meal. Limited transportation is availa- ble for those in need. Contact the center at 675-2179 for information. We’ll be looking for you! Subscribe To The Post WY FOR THE FINEST IN C olo C onditioning and erming FOR HIM AND HER cutting, ring hair & ing, facials, skin needs including: make-up applications, man- CALL or COME IN TODAY FOR YOUR FREE CONSULTATION \ ([ I | 28 Lake Street, Dallas 675-4222 \ ; | 1630 Wyoming Ave., Kingston 283-0060 N Hickory Corners Shoppes, Carverton Rd., VS Trucksville ( 696-2818 | vea ed CER