oh i ER ee la SS ANE Math winners Dallas Post/Ed Campbell Hughes honored Dallas Post/Charlot M. Denmon Completes training Pvt. Glenn J. Godleski, son of Mr. Lower Demunds Road, Dallas, has completed basic training at Fort Knox, Ky. During the training, students received instruction in drill and ceremonies, weapons, map reading, tactics, military courtesy, military justice, first aid, and Army history and traditions. School, Pringle. PVT. GLENN J. GODLESKI The Lake-Lehman E.C.I.A. Chap- ter I reading and math classes held a successful classroom observation day recently. The purpose ‘of the day is for parents to visit their children’s rooms and to observe the materials and activities used throughout the year. e SSI Member: to see the new Apple II computers that were recently purchased for the program. The Parent Advisory Council served as guides and provided refreshments to the attending par- ents. Walter Sowa, professor of general engineering at the Penn State Wilkes-Barre Campus is one of four Penn State College of Engineering faculty members to receive awards for outstanding advising. Each recipient received $500 and a certifi- cate of recognition. A member of the Wilkes-Barre faculty since 1956, Professor Sowa has advised 293 students over the past five years. He also is counselor for pre-engineering students. His Play Day held Dallas Post/Ed Campbell = | Dallas Post/Ed Campbell Award winners teacher. The students of Dallas Senior High School and Dallas Intermedi- ate celebrated the final days of the school year by feasting at an out- door picnic! The menu included: Charcoal heavy advising loads have often been the result of students speci- ficlly requesting him’ as an adviser. A former student said that Mr. Sowa’'s “advising goes far beyond deciding what coursesto take and how many credits to carry.” He also has been cited for being ‘extraordinarily good with older and returning students.” A graduate of Penn State, he earned his master’s degree from Wilkes Col- lege. 10-5 Daily 825-2024 grilled hot dogs and hamburgers, baked beans, macaroni salad, potato chips; watermelon, home- made chocolate cake, lemonade and milk. AND SOME OF THE VALLEY'S LEADING TALENT 287-1730 Narrows Shopping Center Edwardsville 675-0447 Dallas Shopping Center All for 95 cents High School and 85 cents Intermediate, students at the Dallas Intermediate School were treated to their picnic luncy by The Intermediate PTO. Ay CNY Welcome J Baby ~ The recent arrival of the newest member of your household is the perfect time to. arrange for a WELCOME WAGON call. I'm your WELCOME WAGON representative and my basket is full of free gifts for the family. Plus lots of helpful information on the special world of babies. i Call now and let’s celebrate your baby. 675-0350 ~ Fame Mion : Signature Dresses by Catherine Ogust for in sizes at Thurs. 10-8